Phone call.

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May's POV

As I woke up the thought of Tony creeped in my mind. His smile , laugh, eyes. I could keep on going about everything I loved about him. I remember we gave each other our number as I quickly jumped about my bed. I picked up my phone off my night stand and looked in my contact list for his name. And I clicked call after a few ring he picked up.
"Hello". I heard tony morning voice. It  was very deep and raspy.
"Hey". I said and smile even though he couldn't see it.
"How are you". he said.
"Tony you know you don't have to be awakard with me". I said laughing.
"Okay" I heard him say " how old are you?" He said.
"26 , you?" I said quickly.
"29 , full name "?
" May west , you?" I replied .
"Tony Perry. Favorite color?" He said I laughed at how childish his question was.
"Black, you?" I said.
" That's my favorite color too." He said rather excited.
"Now it's my turn to ask question". I said seriously.
"Okay, Okay". He said giving in. I really wanted to know why he was so upset at the train station yesterday.
" Why were you so upset at the train station yesterday?" I said questionly really wanting to know what happened.
" I just broke up with my  ex girl friend Erin." He said quitely. As I heard his voice go down once he said her name. I really wanted to know more of what happened but he seemed upset. And I didn't want to make him cry. So I'm going to try to change the subject. So the first thing that popped up in my mind is this.
"So Tony would you like to meet up somewhere today?". I said wondering why did I just say that. No May that's so stupid. What if he says no. Ugh. Before I got more deep in my thoughts I heard Tony's voice say.
"Sure when and where?". I was relief that he didn't say no as I quickly told him the address and what time to meet me there. hung up , I have a long day ahead. But best to come.

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