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A/N: I Really Hope Your Enjoying The Book So Far.

May's POV


"Tony I mis-". I was just cut off by a vocie yelling. I was just too close for now telling my feelings to Tony. As now Tony told me he had to go. As he hung up I threw my phone across the room and threw my self on the bed. Not caring if my phone cracked. And stared to pour my feelings out in tears. I just couldn't bear I love Tony. But I guess he doesn't love me back.

Is he playing with my feeling. I just know I'm his break up toy. I wish I could call him mine. And in this moment he could be my shoulder to cry on. As I cryed even more I heard my phone ring on the carpet floor. As I slowly got up from my bed. And made my way across the room and picked up my phone. I saw a text from the person that been in my mind all day. Tony.

Meet me at the nearby record shop at 6:30pm.
I felt my heart beat really fast. As I smiled as how bad I really wanted to see him. I quickly rushed to my dressed put on my black skinny jean and jump on my bed. i leaped to my closet and grabbed my All Time Low sweater. I stopped once I put my sweater on. I was more the excited hell I just wanted to kiss his lips. I finally rush to the mirror. And put my brown hair into a ponytail. And did a bit of my make up. And put my black van high tops. I sprayed my perfume. And grab my keys and slipped $20 in my pocket. I walked out the my apartment since my friend left to summer vacation I'm all alone. So I took the elevator from my second floor apartment and waited till I heard the loud annoying door open.

I fastly made my way outside. And speed walked all the way down the street. I was so fucking egar to see Tony. As I reach the the shop I saw Tony looking at drum sticks does he play drums i quietly walked up to him making sure he didn't see me. I quickly jumped on his back. And quickly jumped off when he jumped
"Holy Shit May ! ,you scared me". He said I saw him shaking
"So you play drums.?". I asked when I noticed the drum sticks were on the floor.
"No i was checking them out for friend Mike." He answered.
"Oh okay". I said.
" want to head out a get something to eat?". He asked really quickly.
"Sure". I said with a huge smile on my face.
"By the way I like you sweater". He said with a warm smile
I looked down hoping he would see my red face. " Thanks". I said quietly.

My face lit up when we got to my favorite fast food place Taco bell.
"How did you know I like Taco bell.?" I asked with the biggest smile on my face. I might of looked like a child but right now I didn't care.
"Well I don't know but I'm Mexican and Taco bell is my favorite place." He said now I know he his Mexican.
"Hello, how may I help you". The cashier asked.
"May I get a 12 Box of grilled Tacos. And two coke large drinks." As Tony talked the cashier placed his order.
" would that be all sir?". The cashier asked.
"Yes that would be all ". Tony answered.
"Okay that would be $17.57". As I went to dig in my pocket to take out the $20 I had in my pocket. A hand stopped me.
" I got it ". He said And I gave him a warm smile as he hand the cashier the money and got his change back.
"Want to head to my place". He said as we walked out the store.
"Sur-". When I heard my phone ring. As I got a call from Alex. And I slowly picked it up.
"Hello?". I said quietly. I really did miss Alex but right now I'm so pissed at her.
" Hey I'm on my way over ." She said loudly.
"Okay bye". I hung up quickly.
" I have to go Tony ". I said as I pulled him into a tight hig.
"Okay I'll text you later." He said sadly. I nodded and quickly walked away to my apartment. I was so close to that damn kiss.

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