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"Ali! Hurry up!" I hear my dad yell. I groan as I sit up and check my phone.

Mikey: morning beautiful

I smile to myself and set my phone back down as someone barges into my room. "Damnit Ali, you aren't even dressed." Ashton complains.

"Sorry, I was sleeping and my alarm is on hibernation during the summer." I say sarcastically to my older-by-four-month-brother.

"Emily is here and Lauren will meet us there, so we'll take Emily and I'll just have the guys stop by here and pick you up." Ashton decides.

I perk up completely excited now. "Lauren?"

"Shit." Ashton says mainly to himself then smiles at me. "Surprise!"

"I thought she was coming home next week?" I question grabbing a brush and running it through y hair.

"That was a lie. She has been resting for a few days and now not as tired today so you get to see her." Ashton explains. "Now hurry up, the guys will be over in ten." He leaves the room as I search for some leggings, that I quickly find before throwing on a sweatshirt. I put on some deodorant then brush my teeth as I grab my phone and run downstairs.

I slip on some converse and make myself a smoothie, pouring it into a water bottle and checking out the window. A car, which I assume is the guy's pulls up into the driveway. I hurry out of the house and into the car.

"Hello to you too." Michael says before I look over at him. I laugh realizing I did just barge into their car without a word.

"Morning." I tell him pecking his cheek.

"Save the PDA for a different time." Calum complains from the passenger seat.

"Hey, on Thursday I'm taking you out." Michael whispers to me.

"What if I were to say no?" I smirk.

"I wasn't asking, babe." He smiles successfully as he leans back in is seat. I just sit in shock for a few moments processing what just happened before we arrive at the place for the dress/tux fittings.

Once we get in, we see Ashton and Emily talking, clearly they have already checked us in so we approach them sitting on the couches my them. It was just us 'kids' getting fitted since mum and dad have got there stuff and we are bridesmaids/best men. Mum and Dad's friends, that are bridesmaids/best men, got fitted already since we, Emily, Michael, Ashton, Calum, and Luke, all wanted to go together.

"Hi guys." Emily smiles at us giving us a small wave.

The door then swings open causing all of our heads to turn towards the door. My eyes widen and I jump up from my spot on the couch. "Sorry I'm late guys." The familiar voice says entering the building.

"Holy shit, Lauren!" I run over to her my arms flying around her, hugging her tight.

She hugs me just as tight. "Damnit, Irwin. I missed you so much!"

"Me too." I smile as we disconnect. "Oh do I have a lot to catch you up on." I mumble to her as we head to the others.

I sit next to Luke and Lauren as the lady in charge of the place walks over. "So we have set up the dresses and tuxes for you guys. There is a rack in the back that say Irwin and it has estimated sizes of what you will be trying on." The lady explains to us. "My name is Sarah and if you have any issues I'll be at my desk." She then walks back to her desk leaving us to find the stuff in the back.

Surprisingly, we find our clothes pretty quickly each of us taking one and heading to a dressing room. I slip on my light blue dress that went to about my ankles, a little longer. I put on the heels as well and head out of the dressing room to find a mirror. The dress felt nice and comfortable, but I still cringe at the site of myself in the dress. The dress showed off too much of my figure and just made me feel very self-conscious. I run my hands over the dress before someone comes up behind me, placing there hands on my shoulders.

"You look beautiful." Michael mumbles into my ear.

I look up at him and smile. "And you look-" I look back in the mirror to see him. "-like that tux does not fit you." I burst out into a fit of laughter making him bring me into his arms so I'd shut up, but it didn't work.

His pants went over his ankles and his blazer was tight along with not the right size. "Tell me about it, and I though the skinny jeans I wear were tight." He chuckles.

"I'd give you fifty bucks just for you to show up like that to the wedding." I say looking at us in the mirror as he sways us back and forth.

"I wouldn't do that for just fifty bucks, Alina." Michael says almost too seductively.

"Then how much would you do it for, Clifford?" I giggle ever so slightly.

He smiles proudly at probably what he would say next. "One fuck."

I turn around slapping him on the chest. "Thanks for ruining the moment!" I yell/whisper. "Now go get your tux fixed."

"Awe!" Michael pouts like a four year old.

"Just go." I laugh at his child-like behavior.

"Fine, whatever you say, shortie." He teases bending down and pecking my lips before turning around and walking over to Sarah. He tugs on the cloth by his bum as it was clearly riding up on him.

"Nice ass." I shout, gaining a finger from him.

Lauren walks up next to me. "Do you have a story to tell me." She smiles over at me.

"It's a complicated one." I shake my head a little as I watch Michael explain to Sarah what the deal with his tux was even though she could see it was too small.

Beneath Your Beautiful // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now