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Ali's parents were gone on their honeymoon and Ashton was at some party so it was just me and her.

"School starts next week and I'm not excited for a new school." She plops down on the couch with a bowl of popcorn and two beers.

She hands a beer to me and keeps one for her. "You'll love it at our school. First of all you know the guys and I plus honestly, the school and people in it are cool." I tell her as I wrap an arm around her.

She quickly chugs her beer but to my surprise, was done after that.

"You are so beautiful." I peck her lips. I lay down and almost like a natural instinct she curls up next to me.

"What do you want to do after high school?" Ali questions in a serious tone looking up at me.

"I actually really don't know." I really never thought about it before the whole you have to support your own life, frightened me. "I was thinking music or photography."

"I didn't you like photography." She looks at me, intrigued.

"I love it. Now what about you?" I question. I never heard her talk about the future and so it was weird when she brought it up.

"I like journalism. But after high school I want to travel for a year." Her face lights up.

She gets up from her position next to me and grabs my arm, pulling me up as she begins dragging me upstairs. There was a huge map on her wall that I've never noticed before.

"So I've put a pin on each place I want to go. I also have been saving up for ages." She beams. "London and America are two places I really want to go. Oh, also Switzerland and Amsterdam are beautiful." Ali begins to ramble about all these places she wants to go. Her smile gets a little bigger every she mentions a new place.

I wrap my arms around her from behind and sway back and forth. I press my lips to the top of her head, admiring  her beauty with every breath she takes.

She breathes out as she finishes. "That's all I really have planned for my future." It was amazing to see her so passionate about something.

"Well it sounds like an amazing plan. Maybe I could join you." I suggest as we walk over to her bed.

"That would actually be so amazing." She sits on me, straddling my waste.

"Then it's set, I'm traveling with you." I peck her lips.

"I'm so excited." She cheers as she hugs me.


I wake up next to a curled up blonde girl. Little snores were coming from her as she peacefully slept.

I kiss her forehead and she stirs a little bit. "Morning gorgeous." I murmur.

"Morning." Alina says groggily, her eyes still shut.

I chuckle as I play with her hair.

"I love you." She mumbles.

"I love you too, baby girl." I say getting up out of bed.

"Don't leave me." Her eyes finally open as she grabs onto my arm.

"Fuck, you are adorable, but then again I'm hungry." I laugh making her groan in frustration.

"Please." Ali pleads.

I pick her up bridal style and she curls up in my arms, missing the warmth of her blankets. "You look like a kitten." I lightly laugh.

"You are the real kitten." She sticks her tongue out.

"Why does everyone say that?"

"Because it's true, and you know it." She teases playin with the sleeve of my shirt.

"I'm punk rock." I argue making her breakout laughing as I walk down the stairs with her in my arms.

"Whatever you say, Clifford." She snickers.

I place her on the counter by the sink and I rummage through her kitchen cabinets. I find a box and begin to look for ingredients. Alina watches me intently as I search for a bunch of things.

"What are you doing?" Ali giggles.

"Just shut up." I turn around and peck her lips before I begin pouring a bunch of things in a bowl, not having a clue what I'm doing.

"Why me?" She blurts out.

"What do you mean?" I knit my eyebrows together still focusing on what I was making.

"Why do you love me? There are billions of other people and you fall for a shipwreck." She laughs to herself.

"You are amazing, Alina. How could I not?"

"No, actually give me reasons. I don't want you to just be pitying me."

I turn to face her. "I love the way you eat, especially pizza when you swat away my hand if I try to take the last piece. I love how you slightly sway back and forth as you sing. I love the little specs of gold in your beautiful green eyes. I love how you always wipe your hands on your work apron and the way you bite your lip. I love the way you light up when you talk about traveling. Also I love how cute is when you're frustrated. I love how you tap the beat of a song whenever it's stuck in your head. I love how your nose scrunches up when you giggle. And I love how happy you make me."

She opens her mouth to speak but I keep going.

"I could see all sorts of people, and no matter who they and what they say, they can't quite capture my attention the way you do. I could talk to all sorts of people, yet I always find myself thinking how they're not quite as charming you, or they don't make me laugh quite as genuinely. I don't think I will ever meet someone that could really compare to you." I finish staring at her waiting for a response. "That Alina Faith, is why I love you."

She hops off the counter slowly walking closer to me. Her face was a few inches from mine before her lips smash against mine. She smiles into the kiss, making me smile too.

"You have morning breath." She giggles.

"So do you, but fuck that." I tell her as I reconnect our lips. I press her against the wall and she begins to take off my shirt. I place pepper kisses along her jaw and she tugs on my hair. My hands begin to wander her body as I let our lips connect once again, I let my tongue slip in as her hands begin to wander too. As take her t-shirt off, the fire alarm goes off.

"Fucking hell." I mutter. I watch as Ali tries to remove the now black pancake off the griddle. I turn the alarm off and turn back around to see Ali standing in shorts and a sports bra, her messy short hair hanging just under her shoulders as she finishes making the pancakes.

She places to plates at the breakfast bar and we both begin to eat.

"Theses suck balls." She laughs. "Did you read the instructions on the box?"

"Yeah.. Maybe not the measurements. But you know that would take to long."

"You are such an idiot." Ali giggles leaning her head on my shoulder. "It really isn't that hard to read."

"You love me, though."

"I do, don't I?"

Beneath Your Beautiful // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now