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It's been about two weeks. I've shut myself out from everyone except Lauren, Emily and Calum. Lauren and Calum have recently started dating making me feel a little down and left out. As for Michael I've seen him only on the other side of the classroom in English. Ashton, even though we live in the same house and go to the same school, I haven't seen him at all. As for Luke, he was almost like on Michael's side even though he wasn't technically on a side, oblivious to the shit going down.

I walk through the halls with my head down making it clear I don't want to talk to anyone. That was a mistake, I run into a strong figure, falling to the ground.

"Oh shit." The unknown boy panics, lending me a hand to get up.

I dust myself off, finally looking up at the surprisingly attractive guy. "Sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going."

"Don't sweat it." He chuckles. "You are really beautiful." The boy blurts out.

"Thanks." I blush. "I'm Ali."

"Matt." He smiles shoving his phone in my hands. I got the hint and typed in my number. "I'll text you later." He says kissing my cheek before walking away.

I see Michael at the end of the hallway. Even from a distance he looked so broken. He begins to approach me.

"Who is he?!" Michael freaks.

"Matt." I shrug.

"He shouldn't be kissing you on the cheek." He was angry.

"Why's it matter? I'm single, right?" I say to annoy him.

"Right." He mumbles walking away, tears clear in his eyes.


Unknown number: hey, it's me

Unknown number: oh right you don't have my number. This is Matt

I smile at his text as I sit on my bed.

Ali: hello, it's me.

Matt: please don't

Ali: buzzkill.

Matt: just doing my job.

Matt: question.

Ali: go ahead

Matt: tomorrow is Friday night, want to go to this awesome pizza place with me?

Ali: sounds good

Matt: I'll pick you up at 6 then :)

I was happy that I was getting out again. There was a knock on the front door. I get up out of bed and head downstairs, it could be Michael but I was surprisingly to happy that I didn't care.

I swing the door open and I freeze. My happiness completely gone.

"I'm back." The familiar voice cheered welcoming himself in.

"A-Alex?" I stutter in utter shock.

"Anyone home?" He questions.

"N-No." I answer closing the door slowly inching closer.

"Perfect." He smirks pinning me against the wall kissing my jawline.

"Stop it!" I shout attempting to push him off but my petite was no match for his large one.

"I've missed you." He ignores me ripping Michael's large t-shirt off me leaving me in lingerie. He begins to kiss my torso.

"Get off me." I cry as was now in nothing but boxers. He grips my waste playing with the hem of my underwear. He leaves hickeys on my chest before the front door opens.

"Alex." Ashton's eyes narrow.

Alex was clearly mad he couldn't finish what he started. He slaps me making me fall to the ground then kicking my side. I sat there crying feeling completely violated as Ashton stormed over to Alex punching him in the face.

"Get the fuck away from my sister." Ashton growls.

I've never seen Ashton so furious.

"You don't scare me. You never really had a fatherly figure to make you any bit tough." Alex sneers slipping on his clothes.

"You're gonna regret that and hurting Ali." Ashton knees him the crotch and pushing him out the door before locking it.

"A-Are you alright?" Ashton rushes over to me. I curl up next to him, both of us ignoring the fact I was only in an underwear and bra.

"He's back." I cry. "And I'm terrified."

"I've got your back, baby sis." Ashton pets my hair.

"He fucking tried to rape me. Then hit me." I was shaking with fear as I cried holding onto my brother's arm.

My side had already grown a huge bruise with little cuts. As for my face, I could feel the bruise forming.

"Do you know why he's back?" Ashton asks.

"No. I thought he was in Cali forever." I sigh.

"Me too. But the guys and have your back." He kisses my forehead.

I place the my t-shirt, which was on the ground, over my head.

"Let's just rest." Ashton picks me up bringing me to the couch.

Beneath Your Beautiful // Michael CliffordWhere stories live. Discover now