Chapter Twenty

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Kansas City, Missouri.


"I just don't understand it." I babbled to Nate, who seemed to be caught at the wrong time. He was the only person I could find in the house that wasn't extremely busy.

"Don't understand what?" He mumbled, writing in his folder. I figured he was doing worksheets on Johnson.

Our work is a lot more complicated than it seems. It isn't just 'load our guns and kill the target'. When we are asked for a mission, our targets are difficult. Also very skilled. So we have to put in as much work as we can to get it perfect, that way we can kill the first time.

Johnsons case was a little different, but he was common and similar to us, so it was tricky.

"Why Jack hates us so much. Like he chose this. He's wanted this."

Nate looked up at me, an amused expression on his face. I was confused at what I had said to make him chuckle.

"What?" I snapped. He shook his head and looked back down.

"You know Sam and I don't mind if he hates us. I think you just don't get why he hates you."

I opened my mouth but closed it again. He was right. I didn't give two shits about how he felt towards Sam and Nate. I only cared what he thought about me. And it was hard to hear him talk like that.

"He doesn't hate you Annalise." Nate spoke again when I didn't answer. I didn't say anything back, but just simply nodded my head.

I hopped off of the stool and kissed Nate on the cheek swiftly before running up the stairs. I could hear his chuckle behind me, making me smile as I made it down the hall.

Sammy walked out of the room Jack and I were previously in as soon as I turned the corner of the hall.

"Oh hey there." Sammy gave me a cheesy smile as he fixed his tie. I raised my eyebrow and put my hand firmly on his chest to keep him from walking past me.

"What were you doing in there?" I questioned. I didn't really trust him alone with Jack unless it's absolutely needed.

"Just talking with my buddy." He winks before moving my hand off and jogging down the stairs.

I sighed before entering the room quietly. Jack was still standing there, looking out. If he heard me, he gave no sign. He didn't move at all and he didn't look back either.

It worried me that Sam was in here with him, especially after we passed each other on the stairs when I ran out earlier. I could tell he wanted to stop me and ask what was wrong, but he decided against it, and stormed up the rest of the stairs. I didn't think he knew Jack was even up there, so it didn't cross my mind.

Jack was the only one in this house who didn't wear fancy clothes almost all the time. He had on skinny jeans that sagged and a white T-shirt that was long enough to go down to my knees if I wore it.

I wasn't complaining though. It was nice having something different around. He had a normal life growing up, something I could never imagine. He went to grade school, middle school, and highschool. My father was my only teacher throughout my life. I knew a lot more than the kids at my age, but I never went through the whole 'hours of homework' thing.

Some of the nights, when neither of us would be able to sleep, I would listen to Jack rant about how stupid his highschool years were, and how he never thought he would pass. He did though, but barely made it. He explained the homework assignments (that he never did) and the long boring classes. Whenever the subject came up, he would get so frustrated about it. It was cute honestly.

He also told me stories about growing up with Johnson, also. His eyes lit up as he told me the detailed memories. He couldn't stop laughing at some of them, making my heart want to cry. He would hold his chest, trying to calm down to tell me the rest of it, but then burst out laughing again.

"Annalise?" Jack's voice interrupted my thoughts, making me jump slightly. I had forgotten why I came up here in the first place, so I just stared at him as he stared back.

"What?" He spoke up again, his voice firmer. It wasn't rude, but he was now sure I was there, and I wasn't crying.

"I - uh -" I couldn't come up with something to say so I stood there like an idiot, still staring at him.

"You what?" He looked at me, probably thinking I was stupid. I was caught off guard and I didn't like it.

I ended up just shaking my head, not gaining the courage to talk to him. He chuckled softly, making my cheeks heat up even more. I wanted to run off again, but I couldn't because I felt the walls around me closing in.

Jack was moving closer and I wanted to escape. I knew his motive. But I didn't want him to come any closer. Just earlier, he had said he hated people like me. What changed his mind?

Kansas City, Missouri.


Anna's eyes were unreadable as I was breathing down on her face. My hand was on the back of her neck, resting there. I was still deciding whether I should kiss her or not. I just made her run away from me, from my words. Why would she want to kiss someone like me?

I wanted her to show a sign, or actually lean in the rest of the way. But not a bone in her body moved, and her eyes didn't look at my lips at all. I figured it'd be a romantic moment, the first time that we kiss.

This isn't what I want. I want her to put as much effort as me when we kiss. That's why I pull away and slip past her, making my way down the stairs.

Sammy and Nate were in the kitchen, looking over a folder. They didn't notice me until I grabbed a pair of keys off of the hook.

"Where are you going?" Nate questioned, both of them now looking at me.

"Don't worry about it." I mumbled, walking to put my shoes on. As I was about to walk out the front door, a hand on my chest pushed me back.

"You can't just leave whenever you want and not tell us where in the hell you're going." Samuel had anger in his eyes and he could've stared a hole through my head. He probably knew it didn't go well with Annalise, and he probably didn't like that.

Annalise might take the 'almost' kiss two ways. Either she was glad I didn't kiss her, or she was hurt because I didn't. I really hope it's the first one, because I couldn't handle hurting her. Even though I technically already did.

"I'm just going to go get some food from Walmart." I looked at him, hoping he'd believe me.

He sighed and took his hand off. I didn't push my luck by staying longer and quickly fled through the front door.

I honestly had no clue where I was going to go. I might actually go to Walmart, but I had no idea where that was at.

I got in the car anyways and sat back, letting thousands of thoughts run through my head. And almost all of them were about Annalise.

I haven't updated in solo long ugh. But I know this is short, sorry. School is a pain in my ass. AND THIS IS ALMOST AT 6K!

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