Mistletoe part 2 EDITED

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My dress was swaying side to side as I danced with Liam on the dance floor. All of a sudden liam did the Charleston as the song Bang Bang by Will-I-Am came on. I started to laugh historically."Come on Thea do the Charleston with me!"He said more like a order then a question.

"I cant do the Charleston!-ooo I need to pee!"I said while wiggling .

"Excuse me"I said to Liam as I disappeared into the crowed.

I reached a door with a sticker saying ' Bathroom...PS no bathroom sex thanks!'With a winkey face next to it. I rolled my eyes at the comment and walked in. I ran to the toilet and had my wee. When I left the bathroom stall to wash my hands the door opened and  two large men entering the toilet. I shook my hands dry and went to leave but the two large men were in-front entered .

"Excuse me"I said politely, at my words he locked the door.

"Your not going anywhere, before we take-"He was cut off by the other man .

"Just drug her so we can ya know" I furrowed my eyebrows not knowing what they would do. The taller man walked  forward "Take one more step and I will scream!"All he did was laugh at my statement.

"What will that do?"He asked sarcastically.

 "They all have supper hearing in there so they will hear me. He will hear me"I say the last bit more to myself then them.

"Awe, you think your mate will save you, priceless!"He said while laughing.

All of a sudden there was a sharp pain in my neck, it was a needle.Why me. My vision slowly blurs out and im in emptiness.Great just great.

Liams POV

Thea has been gone for at least half an hour. WTF. I decided to walk over to the bathroom when I opened the door the necklace with mistletoe on it from our alpha given to her was on the floor along with her clutch.This isn't good.

I leave the bathroom and run up to Alpha Drew who was with Alpha Taylor from the moonlight pack in the study. I ran in without knocking . whoops . 

"LIAM!You should knock out of respect!"I did not say words but I looked at him in the eyes and thought hard about Thea and how she's missing. When he finally decided to read my mind he jumped from his seat.

"I must leave Taylor.I apologise."Alpha Taylor just nodded at his statement. We began to search for Thea hoping the rogues hadn't found her.

Theas POV

I woke up on the cold hard floor. I look around to see i'm in some sort of cell. I sat up my dress which was perfect was now all muddy and ripped.I stood up and looked around my head aching and the sharp pain in my neck slowly but still fading away.Why dose this weird shit always happen to me?

I sit back down because my legs were began to feel week.As I sit the two men from the bathroom walk into the prison like place i'm in.

"come on!" He said while grabbing my arm and pulling me up to follow.

So I do when we leave the room we end up standing in another. All the walls were fancy and the chairs were based with saturn & silk. I was pushed down harshly into the chair. While I patiently waited for what ever was coming next.

Only a few moments later the door opened and a man came in. He was tall but not as tall as Drew. Unlike Drew he had platinum blonde hair and forest green eyes a chiselled jaw line and cheek bones. "Hello Thea." He said with a tone which was soft  but deathly. I looked away not knowing what else to do.

"Look at me Thea! " He said with now a more stern tone.

"What ?" I say sarcastically. 

"I-" I cut him off" Whats your name, also how the hell do u know me?" I say gaining confidence.

"Er-" I cut him off yet again."No actually i'm sick of people explaining  things I don't understand I just want my life to go back to normal. No supernatural no warewolf no curse!"I almost yell.

" Okay" He said that made my head shift upwards. "What?" I asked uncertain what he meant "Fine I wont explain I will just do!" He says walking up to me injecting me with another drug to sedate me went into the same spot as the last so it brung back the pain which had slowly faded away.WTF is up with these people and drugging me- next thing I know I will be a addict . I laugh at my thought before passing out.

Liams POV
We had searched the house for Thea but she was still nowhere to be seen. 

" I can't find her scent!" Alpha Drew said in frustration.

"Where have they taken her!" He asked to himself more than me, so I stayed quiet.

"Alpha?" I said quietly "What liam?" He said harshly " Have you looked downstairs?" He looked at me confused then his eyes went wide " They have a basement ?" I nodded and added " More like a cell tho" I said. After the words got through to him he was gone.

Thea's Pov
"Well Thea your awake, but perhaps not for long you see. Im draining your blood away , for my own well being of course! But you see I'm 300 years old and if I want to live Until  in 600 I need all your blood to help me! Your blood makes me invincible towards the sun ,wood and everything else that can kill me. It will also make me a witch wolf and everything in between. So I will wait until all your blood is drained and i'll be on my way. " he said sadistically.

I just rolled my eyes at him.

I feel something , something that makes me feel safe him so I be brave and say;"Okay then you can do that because lets be honest it was going to happen sooner or later and why wait!"

"I like how you think too bad i'm killing you."He replied.

All of a sudden the door to the side of me opens. As I look to the side I see all the wires taking my blood away. "Merry Christmas Thea" the platinum blonde haired man said before he looked to the door and saw him.

"And what a merry one it is!" Drew said at the door with a grin."You do know John that if you kill her it makes her blood useless, right?" He said as if he didn't care if I lived or died.

" Why do you think she's still breathing if I thought I could kill her and take her blood?" John began to laugh loudly.

" You only say these words because she's your mate." Those words shot tingles down my spine

" You know what I'm going to test that theory !" John said while walking towards me.

He grabbed my neck and began to choke me.I was gonna pass out again or die if he didn't do anything.Between the blood leaving my veins and the loss of oxygen I thought this will be the end unless Drew dose something clearly we are not mates, what a shitty Christmas.

Like I assumed my vision was going. This really was the end. I was still alone.

Then I feel the weight of johns arm being lifted away. I gasp for air and as my vision  returns I see a dead corpse across the room it looked like john but an older version. Drew was there looking at his lifeless body and walked towards me. He gently took the blood transfers out of my arms trying not to cause me any pain.

When they were all out I go to get up but i'm stopped by Drews hand.

   "No you cant stand your to weak. You have lost too much blood." He said with concern lined in his voice.

"I'm fine!" I stated in a demanding tone, he was clearly taken back at my comment and let me proceed.I used all my strength to lift my cold body off the bed I was lying on as I got to my feet my head started to pound and dizziness took over. I started to fall knowing I would hit the cold hard ground made me think once more. What a shitty christmas. As my body began to collapse Drew grabbed me and pulled me into his chest 

" At least let me carry you!" He said annoyed .

"Fine!"I say. He lifted me up bridal style my head tucked into his chest.Every time he breathed in and out,tingles formed across my body . What was this? As he kept walking my eyes began to feel heavy and started to close them I dozed into a sleep in his big arms.

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