Birthday Curse's EDITED

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Thea's POV

Waking up cuddled up in my sheets was the most amazing thing I could just see the light piercing through the curtain and landing on my cheeks. Flickering my eyes wide I yawn and slowly get out of bed and head to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror and groaning at the way I look I jump in the shower.

After a long shower I look back in the mirror there was something different my eyes. My eyes had turned from brown to like I mean Bahamas ocean blue.What the hell I slowly back away from the mirror to end up slipping on a puddle.I crash down straight on my bum and hitting my head on the edge of the tub. Fan fringing tastic! I think as I waddle up wards but feeling dizzy I make it in to my room and my bed. Sitting on my bed I feel my head and then feel wetness but thats from the shower so I think nothing of it. Just a little bump, I then look down at my hands to see that its covered in redness or should I say blood. I sit back down now in shock- It always becomes worst when you see what you've done. 

"Oh no no no no..."I say out loud thinking of the worst. 

With just a towel around me I hobble out of the room looking for Liam or someone to help me out here. Ya know blood coming from you head isn't the best thing to have.

"Liam!!" I shout but get no reply .. argh .

"Jamie!! " I shout instead and yet still no reply from anyone.Where the hell.

I keep walking through the halls my eyes starting to feel heavy - great here's the concussion. Losing my balance I sit on the floor ready to doze off even though I'm fighting it. I roll my eyes as the last person I shout is him

"Drew!" I shout as my eyes are still opening and closing- fighting to stay conscious I see him jogging up the stairs then seeing me and  running in like super speed to me.

I manage to stay awake while he picks me up bridal style which makes me flinch from our contact and then all together feel safe and relaxed. Still fighting to stay awake I hear him saying.

"Great birthday your having?" He says trying to keep me talking.

"I think I'm birthday cursed."I say to him with a weak smile.

"Don't say that."He says still completely emotionless.

"Why I am. Last year my  dad died the year previous I broke my arm the year previous I broke my nose and so on ever since I can remember." I think back letting a few tears roll form my eyes. And now i've got concussion and this stupid curse that makes everyone want me.

"Well.. you didn't know anything and now you do maybe the curse is more of a gift?"He says with a flash of sympathy shoot through his facial features but fading instantly.

As we come to a stop in front  of a door I feel Drew kick it open and reveal a small doctors surgery. He lays me on the bed and goes and grabs what I think is a bandage and some dressing. Passing me a pain killer I swallow it without water to see his fas astonished.

"What??"I question.

"I could never swallow a tablet without water but I guess thats just me."He says while putting th bandage and dressing on my head.

"How bad is it Doc?"I say trying to sound funny but he doesn't laugh he just dose nothing.

"How in hell did you manage to do this?"He asks still emotionless.

"So I was getting out the shower and I looked in the mirror and saw that my eye colour had changed a lot ... like a different shade ."He nods for me to continue.

"And then I stepped back and slipped on a puddle and then the stupid bath tub was there and I hit my head."I say annoyed at myself.

"Hmmm"He replied with before tapping me on the back and saying "Done. You should stay here for a bit because I don't want you to fall from fainting or dizziness."I nod and lay back.

Then I notice Drew looking me up and down , I'm still in a towel - shit. His fingers start to trace my hands before he shakes his head and leaves the room.


Yawning I wake up now covered with a blanket and yet still with my towel on underneath.I roll my eyes knowing that Drew had put it over me not because I was cold but because I'm not suitable for any other male to see. Getting off the bed I walk to the door and opening it I discover the kitchen door on the opposite side of the hallway. When I go inside I see Jamie with his mum his mum was cooking what smelt like spaghetti and I loved it. 

"Morning clumsy or should I say afternoon."Jamie says when he notices me.

"Ha ha very funny."I reply dryly.

"Happy birthday Luna."His mum tells me.

"Oh my names Thea not Luna."I say giving her a smile but she shakes her head and Jamie goes hysterical with laughter.

"What?"I ask now confused.

"Oh dear, Thea yes that is your name but because you and Alpha Drew are mates that makes you Luna Thea now thats your title."She tells me and give a nice smile as she continues to cook.

"Loving the new look Thea."Liam says as he comes in the kitchen.

"Didn't know 'Towel and tatty hair' was the new look."I roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah I should go change before you know who gets jealous of you lovely men seeing my curves."I say with a wink and Jamie whistles as I walk out the kitchen swaying my hips left to right.


When I finally reach my room I look myself in the mirror and sort my hair out by brushing it and adding concealer and massacre to my face then slipping blue jeans and a white tee on before jogging back to the kitchen to enjoy the rest of my birthday.

Too bad i'm now cursed.

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