This Bites EDITED

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"Isn't John that Vampire?"I ask getting more nervous by the second.

All Drew did was nod it looked like anger was consuming his eyes.I reach to the back of my neck and feel the two marks which weren't there before

."This is great just great!"Drew said sounding pissed off.

"It's only a bite it will clear up!"I say thinking that everyone is over exaggerating.

"No Thea it won't, at least not for a  month or so! Because he bit you that means he's alive! Also it means he knows exsactly where you are until it fully heals.So no it wont just clear up."He know seems more pissed then before I knew I should of kept quite.

"So what are we going to do?"Liam asked while in the doorway.

"We need my Beta back, call Jamie!"Drew said demandingly .

"But Alpha Jamie's-"He was cut off by Drew,

 "I know but I need him here to protect Thea I have to go on business and I cant afford to cancel." Liam nodded and jogged off.

"So what should I do?"I ask.

"Stay in the house. If you leave your in instant danger."I nod and mumble to myself. 

"Great now I have zero freedom"I say quietly, but he obviously heard it.

"Fine go out on your runs I don't give a shit if you live or die but just know I'm not gonna be there this time to save you from dying!"I look to the floor before looking into his blue icy stare.

"Yeah well I will protect myself and I will be strong with or without your help!Alpha Drew!"

His eye's turned dark,

 "Don't call me that!"He said but I found his anger amusing .

"Why do you care, I mean kill me if you want because being dead is better than being stuck with you!"I say instantly regretting it.

In moments I'm pushed up against the wall my feet dangling. But where his hands were holding me up tingles were stabbing my body  painfully . I let out a wince of pain these tingles were not the ones I had felt before. I let a tear run down my cheek the pain growing but I didn't want to let him see me cry. Or I will just be a sad coward. I let out another wince of pain but this time he dropped me I fell on my wooden floor the stabbing tingles stopped.

"Shit."He said before exiting the room so quick that I barely noticed.

I pulled myself off of the floor and brushed my jeans off. I just couldn't wait until Jamie arrived home I've missed him.

I walk out of my room and down the corridor  I  bump into a group of people. There were 4 boys and 4 girls around my age. The two boys looked liked twins both had brown eyes brown hair one had blonde streaks the other just brown there jaw lines were block ones and they both had slightly pointy chins. The other two boys didn't look related one had blue eyes and blond hair hazel skin tone while the other had black hair blue eyes slightly darker skin tone and taller. The girls all had different shades of brown hair apart from one who had striking platinum blonde hair a hazel tan and ocean blue eyes similar to mine. The other three had different shades of brown hair but all different coloured eyes one with brown, blue and hazel they all were beautiful.

"Hey!"One of the twins say to me with the blonde streaks.

 "Hi!"I reply a bit too enthusiastically .

"I'm Nate, and this is my brother Cam.Oh and this is ,Autum, Sarah , Ashely , Liz , Becca ,Issac  and James."

He says directing to each person the girl with the blonde hair was Autum, I had a feeling that we were gonna be friends.

"Well my names Thea"I say with a little smile.

"Oh your the , the-"He was cut off by Liam;"Alpha's Mate."

They all went quite and didn't speak, was Liam an authority figure?

Liam came into the group and smiled.

 "Autum I thought you were at grandma's"He said with a weird look.

"Sorry, but your not my dad your my brother so I don't give a shit about what you tell me to do!"She said as she stormed off. I chased after her and Nate followed.

I lost track of where she had gone but when I turned I was chest to chest with Nate. Our eyes flickerd up and down each others face he went for a kiss but I dodged.

"I have to go!"I say as I run down the hall. Then I see Jamie. Crap.

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