The day after EDITED

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Thea's POV

I woke up to the sound of Christmas songs. I was so happy to see that I was in my own bed, the smell of waffels and pancakes came through my door. The door knob slowly turned to reveal Drew with pancakes and waffles on a tray.

 "Thought you'd need your strength for the presents down stairs!"He said in a now happy tone which took me back a little since when was he so happy?

"Thank you!"I said while grabbing a pancake.

"Thea, I'm sorry about last night I should of been there!"He said with disappointment. His eyes weren't focusing it looked like he  was trapped in his own thoughts but then all of a sudden a smirk ran across his face then just as fast as it appeared it was gone, replaced with an emotionless one.

After he left my room I ran over to the mirror to notice that I wasn't in my dress I was wearing last night. Please god say Liam changed me!I went into the bathroom and grabbed a quick shower. Afterwards I put some concealer and massacre on along with lip balm. After making myself look alive I put on black skinny jeans and a grey jumper with a white bra underneath so it wasn't obvious.

I walk out the room and do a light jog down stairs. My hair bouncing side to side when I arrive in the living room I see a Christmas tree in the corner and presents all around it .Drew was sitting at the window looking out, but I had a feeling he was lost in his thoughts and not even looking out of the window.

"Merry Christmas!"Jamie's mum says while walking into the room holding a bunch of Christmas cookies on a tray. As she proceeds through the room towards Drew to offer him cookies he just gave her a nod before leaving the very festive room.

"Where's Liam and Jamie?"I asked because I was needing a friend right now just to talk to.It was Christmas for Gods sake!

"Oh, dear Alpha Drew have sent them out today on errands .Jamie's gone to my sisters house to give them presents and Liam has gone to see his adopted parents. 

"She said softly like it was nothing to it but I didn't know Liam was adopted that must mean they don't know he's wolf?

I let the thought go and I remain silent until she grabbed two presents from under the tree.

 "Here you go dear these belong to you!"I look up not expecting  to get presents off people who don't even know me. The present wrapped in blue had a tag on it saying 

''Merry Christmas -Liam'' the one in silver said ''Merry Christmas, sorry I'm not there -Jamie'' Liams present contained a pair of running Nike shoes and kit. Jamie's peasant included a small speaker to plug my phone into and a pair of Christmas bed socks.Awe they are both so cute.

After she leaves I lay down on the sofa and switch the t.v on while I eat my Christmas cookies. While eating and watching Spy I start to wonder why Drew cares about me? Why I get tingles when i'm touching him? Why I feel like his eyes can see into my soul? Why he can be nice but be so cold? What happend to him? What hurt him?Or should I wonder....who.

As my thoughts take over I fall into a sleep.

I'm running away from a demon which is chasing me I get further and further  away ,until I trip over. I'd  landed on my face when I turn I see  it had a knife and devilish eyes. The knife was at my throat but as he went to slit it a large Wolf pushes him away. I'm safe.

I wake up nervously knowing the only dream i've had for weeks has changed this time I survive. What dose this mean?

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