Criminal Minds: A Young Mind (EDITED)

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Sam's POV

There will be events in our lives that are more prominent in our memory than others, like the early memories of learning to ride a bike for the first time, or your first day at big kids school as your parents take many photos and have tears glistening in their eyes. Soon you have the memories of you screaming and arguing with your siblings until you are blue in the face and miraculously within two minutes you laugh and become the best of friends again as if it never even happened. You may remember that time you took part in the school's annual production and singing your heart out, feeling like you were a pop star and should be on stage. You may also remember the time you did something really embarrassing and regret every second of it and re-evaluate your entire existence.

Some memories are positive, good. Others are not. You will remember that day that you fell off of your bike and scrape your knees, blood on your legs with a red face and tears running down your cheek as you vow never to go near a bike again. Or when your pet dies and you feel like half of you is missing and maybe even that one time you forgot to hand in your homework and you feel so stressed and the world hates you.

We process thousands and thousands of thoughts per day. Within that day, you will feel a variety of emotions which can alter in a heart beat - one moment you could be happy with not a care in the world, and one person or event could completely change that causing your mood to swirl into a pit of sadness and hatred. But that's what makes us human. Having emotions and feelings. Having a voice, an opinion - this can change events, they can change your future. Even though you will carry those memories with you forever, it makes your story.

I remember the day I stepped foot into that Profiling High School in Virginia, one year, three months and seven days ago. And let me tell you, it was the best decision I ever made.

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One year, three months and seven days ago...

The first day of school. I'm gonna be the new girl, the fresh meat or whatever other teenagers call it these days. As a kid, I remember changing my mind on who I wanted to be when I was older along with the career that I wanted. On Monday I could be a superhero, Tuesday I was a vet, Wednesday I was a pop star that sold out every show, Thursdays I would be a chef and cook meals for celebrities, Friday's I would be an FBI agent - I would solve crimes and save the day.

The more and more I thought about it, I wanted to pursue the career within the Police Department or FBI. I have always had a good memory, much better than others I must add as I have been made aware it's called an eidetic memory so I kinda can't use the excuse I forgot we got set homework. The thought of saving lives had also always appealed to me as well as studying human behaviour so as soon as we had moved from California to Virginia, I was absolutely ecstatic to apply for this school.

I do admit, waking up at six in the morning this morning did not impress me at all however I was excited for starting school and lucky enough for me, we moved to Virginia in the summer so I start a new semester with the other students which is a bonus so I didn't have to catch up on work. My new room here is pretty damn awesome as I got to decorate it myself, with some help of my older brother Joey and my Dad who helped move the furniture around to their designated places. My room is green, which my dear older brother mocked me about along with my younger brother Jack who declared it looked like a booger – pleasant I know.

My bedroom is slightly messy, but which teenager's isn't? I have a few clothes lying on the floor and papers scattered across my desk but I will just clear it later. My single bed is placed with the headboard against the back wall which holds all of my photos from over the years along with a few odd posters here and there of my favourite bands. I have a bedside table that is home to my lamp, my phone and the beloved charger and headphones along with my worst enemy – the alarm clock which my Dad insisted to buy so I didn't wake up late. I hate the damn thing, it decides to mockingly screech in my ear every morning and the stupid snooze button doesn't even work properly so its constantly ringing for five minutes while I try not to throw it out of the window.

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