“Your blood is not just precious to us because it is rare. You carry a powerful bloodline, one in six billion. There was only one that we are aware of that existed before you; she was drained by a lesser vampire. He was put to a cruel death for killing her. We do not know what you are, there is no name given. The ancient ones are always on the lookout for you, your bloodline.”
“Your lineage is binding. It can unite two species into a whole new species and produce natural birth.”
“What are you talking about? I don’t know what any of that means.”
“Angelina, you have the right blood and genetics to create a whole new species of Vampire and Lycanthrope; a hybrid that is a combination of the two most powerful races on earth. One that can survive in both worlds; a new stronger generation, less dependent on blood to survive, more human like, one that is able to propagate. Corinth will do anything to have you, to be master of this new world.”
“That’s why they want my blood.”
“And your body, you are also a vessel, only you can carry the child of both species. Corinth plans to use a powerful male lycanthrope and his own aged blood to inseminate you.”
She stumbled to the bed and sat needing to steady her frame from the shock of things learnt.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I’m not sure. I thought I could make it go away and you would never need to know. But I see now, this is too big for you and me.”
“He doesn’t want to kill me, just make me into a brood mare?”
“Something like that, you will be studied and used to produce the first of many hybrids.”
“I would rather die.”
There was no drama to her words; she stated them like a fact. She ripped out my innards when she said them. A world without Angelina will be a world of pain, loneliness and darkness. The end of her life would also mean the end of mine. I could not bear to think of her demise.
Corinth had ensured a war by his intentions to take her away. I needed to make her mine. Once I claim her, by vampire law he cannot willfully take her from me.
Catching her eyes, I mouthed for her to trust me. I was relieved to see that she did so with little hesitation. I took her in my arms and whispered softly in ear.
“I have grown to love you; will you allow me to claim you as my life partner?”
She pulled away to look up at me with puddle eyes. The door crashed open, Angelina jumped and Corinth strode through the doors.
“It is too late for that.” He declared.
His clan and mine followed into the room prepared for the sudden change.
“Angie, give me your answer.”
The confusion in her eyes worried me. I could not force her nor could I hurry her into making a rash decision; she must decide without restrictions.
“You have had enough time together, separate now.” Corinth said harshly. Still I held her.
Everything that I was, that I am and hope to be lay there in my eyes for her to see and know.
Corinth dragged her from my arms. “Say goodbye to your human Rogue.” He said to me and then to the rest. “We will take our leave now. This visit has been very enlightening. Lex, you are welcome to join me in this enterprise but with or without you it will happen.”
RomanceI try to live as humanly as possible, but it can get complicated and tedious. Now I have a reason to go on...