3- im not a gentlemen

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Liz stares at me horrified as if i just adopted a dragon (which i actually considered at the age of 5) Luke is dumbfounded for a few minutes and then shrugs the act that Harry called him an Olive Garden bread-stick and walks off. "So umm come in honey." Liz says obviously trying to force a smile. I enter the house and was immediately greeted by the scent of freshly baked cookies. The house was huge compared to my home back in Denver , the windows were decorated with white transparent curtains and large black lamps shadowing the white Prescott sofa. I looked around more and noticed family pictures placed on top of the chimney. There was a picture were Luke topless, and basically looked like he was shivering in front of a pool. Its hard to imagine Luke all shrimpy when right now he was a 6 ft something tall with broad shoulders. Next to that picture stood his school picture he was smiling wide and his cheeks (red and chubby) were noticeable and his bowl cut.. omg. i couldn't help but to giggle at that picture which i regretted the minute i turned around and saw Luke. Oh Shit. I expected the worse out of this situation, like a little insult that would probably make me burst into tears, but instead his voice was calm and steady. "Liz just finished fixing your room.. um and shes also making me carry your pesky luggage which i'm reluctantly  carrying because 1 (he lifted up a finger) I'm not a gentlemen, don't expect me to be one because i will be the opposite of a gentlemen, and 2 (he lifted up another finger) I don't have time to carry some white girls luggage , i have a party to go to at exactly ten minutes and if i'm late i will never hear the end of it and neither will you." He said , trying to keep his voice calm and steady. I gave a little nod of approval and he walked over to me and picked up my luggage as carelessly as possible, making him stumble and drop it. I rolled my eyes at him and he flicks me off. He flicked me off!!! I didn't think he'd be the type to do that kinda stuff, he looks all sweet and angelic. But then again he just fracking flicked me off. We go up to the room which looks like it belongs to some prissy 8 year old. He heavily drops the luggage next to a white table , which consists of a laptop and various lotions and perfumes. "There ya go!" He says in a high pitched voice and leaves the room. The only thing I remember is sitting down on the bed and closing my eyes , and blacking out.
The next day, I wake up wondering where I am and reminding myself that I was in the Hemmings household. I enter the shower and quickly shower myself and as I get out of the shower, as I'm gently drying myself clean I notice a shirt. A black Metallica shirt. I never remember bringing a shirt like that let alone , liked the band. But the shirt does look pretty. No stop. Who even put it there? Maybe I packed it and never realized. Bailey you don't even like this band. So? I can still buy a shirt with a band I don't like. Oh shut up. Okay I'll shut up... But I'm wearing the shirt. After the 3 minute conversation with myself I decide to put the shirt on. The shirts too big for me so it hangs down below my waist. After a while , I start noticing a foul stench... I start sniffing until I trace the smell back to the shirt I'm wearing yuck. The smell is a mixture of some cologne, booze, sweat, and cheap smelling perfume. I scrunch my nose and then swish! The door swings right open , revealing a hungover Luke Hemmings. Fuck. I'm standing here in nothing but an oversized Metallica shirt , which from the look of his half confused, half pissed I suppose belongs to him. "What are you doing wearing my shirt?!" Ding ding ding!!!! I was right, this shirt does belong to him I should've known, I mean it does smell like cologne and he said he was heading to a party. So that explains the booze and perfume. "So are you gonna answer? Wtf are you doing wearing my shirt?" "Okay first off lower your attitude young man, and second I didn't know this shirt belonged to you, and lastly what is it doing here in my room?!" After hearing this , Luke's face changes , he turns red and then yanks the collar of the shirt I'm wearing. "Listen don't raise your voice at me, only my mum does that and The shirt is here because , because... Beca..."
"BECAUSE WHAT?!" I'm raising my voice now angry that this asshole has the nerve to treat me like this. He lets go of the shirts collar and runs his hands through his hair. "I-i was drunk. Okay? I thought this was my room and left, by the time I was in my room I realized I was shirtless and I was too lazy to go back... So yea that's how my shirt ended up in this room." He backs off from me and then stares and stares and stares until I finally speak up "So? What are you still doing here?." "Umm I'm waiting for my shirt, take it off." I choke at his remark "In front of you?!"
"Calm down, I'll eventually see your boobs." He smirks. I take time to let his nasty sentence sink in 'I'll eventually see your boobs' I stare at him in disgust and say "In your dreams." He smiled and slyly replies with 8 words.
"Oh but darling, my dreams always come true."

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