17 - groupie¿

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"What's up with you?" Michael says with a mouthful of pancakes.
After school Michael invited me to eat. But he left out two details :

• It was Pancakes.

•Calum was coming too.

"Probably Luke's left her mute." Calum smirks and Michael laughs

I stare at him and wonder if he knows what's going on.
Then being the bitch I am
"Where's faith?" I ask him and he immediately responds
"She's at band practice." He says as he gets a spoonful of pancakes.
"She's in a band?" I say surprised.
I mean she looks punk rock but never crossed my mind she was in a band.
"Yea , schools band , plays the trumpet."
Also plays dummies like Calum.
"Bet she can really blow that trumpet aye?" Michael smirks.
"Yea dude." Calum says proudly
She probably blows Kevin Smogs too.
"I thought you'd be with her , cause you know , you're inseparable." I say and he frowns.
"We were, but then she joined band so that's driven a wage between us." He says disappointedly
"And plus I couldn't miss this for the world." He adds cheerfully

"Come on Calum, it's just us and pancakes." I say, though the last sentence did make me smile.

"Wait Michael hasn't told you?" Calum asks confused and my eyebrows furrow.
"Told me what?" I question and Michaels smile grows wide
"Before you came to Australia Luke sent a recording of us playing to a record company," he says
"Today , they got back to us and said they are willing to give us a shot." Michael says with pride.
"Truthfully though, with you being Lukes girl and all, I thought he'd tell you."
"Yeah he isn't taking to me." I say glumly. He's been ignoring me all because I didn't attend the stupid party. But honestly if I saw Kevin smogs I'd probably beat the shit out of him. "So that's why you're like that." Calum says with his mouth full of pancakes, making his cheeks look chubbier than they already were.
"All cause of a stupid party." I grumbled and Calum laughed. "Don't worry it wasn't even lit." He said and I furrowed my eyebrows "you were there?" I asked him and he took a drink of his orange juice "Nah." And I rolled my eyes at him
"Then how would you know?"
"Faith told me."
"Faith was there?" I asked him a bit too eagerly.
He looked at me strangely
"Yeah, why?"
"Doesn't it bother you?" I ask him and he laughs
"Why would I?"
"I don't know maybe she's at a party filled with guys like Kevin smogs?" I sass at him and he laughs again. "No offense, but unlike Luke , faith can control herself," "and plus , she loves me and she only has eyes for me." He finishes off happily and I frown at him feeling a bit pissed at him for bringing Luke in this and without thinking I blurt out
"Pretty sure she can't control herself next to-" and just in time I cut myself off. Both Michael and Calum are eyeing me weirdly and Calum then clears his throat 
"I'm gonna go um - wash my hands." He says uncomfortably and as soon as he's gone Michael glares at me.
"What was that about?" He asks me annoyed and I shrug 
He scoffs , "Bailey are you jealous of faith or something?!" He demands and I  laugh.
"Not even a smidge." I say Coooly and Michael rolls his eyes annoyed.
"It's just difficult to say." I mumble and I see his eyes soften , like the first time I met him and when I took the beer out his hand. He looked at me the same way today.
He placed his hands over mine
"You know you can tell me anything right?" He said comprehensively.
I suppose it's fair , since he told me about his sexuality.
Frankly though , this isn't even my own secret. It's faiths and Kevin's secret and I just happened to know about it.
"Faith is cheating on Calum..." I say softly. I'm not too keen of cheaters though.
"W-wh-what?" Michael says in confusion , his eyebrows furrowed and his teeth biting his lips nervously.
"Bailey , a- are you sure?" He asks me and I nod yes in which his eyes flicker over to Calum , who appeared out of no where. And suddenly I feel a flush of anxiety. did he hear us?
"What's up you guys..?" He said weirdly
Michael and I remain silent until Calum speaks again.
"Well... Uhm I just got a text from faith. Later." He said awkwardly and left rapidly.
Once we were sure he was gone
Michael started bombarding me with questions.
"You like .. Saw her with somebody or what?" He Asked uncertainly.
I nodded and he stayed blank , perhaps unable to process the idea that Calum is madly in love with a girl who probably doesn't even think of him while she kissing some other guy.
"Bailey.. I don't know-"
"I saw it with my own eyes!" I whisper shout in defense and he sighs.
"Are you gonna tell him?" He asks as he takes his wallet out.
"Should , that'll teach him to pay next time." He mumbled annoyed
"But I thought you were inviting."
"I was inviting you , not him." He points out and I laugh.
"Least I can do. "But look, I don't think we should keep her little secret , it's not a good idea. Calums our friend more than faith is." He says and I nod in agreement.

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