15- "why dont you have a bra on?"

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Two weeks later;
"So how are you?" The brown haired lady asks.
"I'm fine."
"I see you haven't been attending classes lately." She says sternly.
"I'm sorry."
"Sorry won't help you or me."
"To be frank Ms.Chanse , sorry won't help anyone." I say as I get up and leave. The sad truth. As I walk out the counselors office the bell rings and I make my way over to poetry.


"Does anyone wanna share their poem?" Ms.Xenophilous says as I enter the classroom. When she takes notice of me she sighs and turns to the board I look over at Bailey who's head is down "Mr.Irwin, late again." Ms.Xenophilous says and I turn to look at Bailey who has lifted her head from the desk. She faces me and her doll eyes grow wide.

And I see it.

The sadness in them.

I take a seat where I normally sit at and try my best not to look at her.

But she's looking at me.

I quickly glance sideways and see how red her cheeks are , her lips are blueish and her skin is pale than it's ever been. It's like she's stopped caring for herself. I look back to see Luke eyeing me. Fuck. I face forward again and focus on Ms.Xenophilous' rant about the under appreciation of poetry when Suddenly I hear a vibration from the back and turn back again. I see Luke looking down to his and back up where he later raises his hand.
"Yes Hemmings?"
"Miss I don't feel good , may I be excused?"
Ms.Xenophilous pauses for a second but sees that there's no possible harm involved.
"Alright, off you go."
And with that Lukes on his feet and exits the class.


A moment later after Luke leaves Bailey raises her hand and asks if she may use the lavatory, in which the teacher replies with a yes.
I watch her stand up and stare at her in awe , her cute petite body haunting me.
And it kills to let that go. I honestly don't know how I could handle it.

But the truth is I can't.

Not anymore.

I raise my hand and ask to use the restroom.

"Lord is everyone here flipping sick?!" She shrieks and raises both of her hands up to the sky, she however does allow me.

I walk over and spot Bailey entering the girls restroom. As I catch up I look around to see if anyone is watching or if anyone's here at all.
Once I make sure the coast is clear I open the door as quietly as possible and notice Bailey the minute I walk in. She's standing in front of the mirror, looking miserable and I can't help but look away to avoid seeing her like that.

I just hate it.

I want to make her happy.

What's the worse that can happen?

A shit ton I thought.

But Luke isn't here anyways.

He won't find out.

He doesn't have to.

I lock the door and Bailey immediately turns around the moment she hears the click sound. She looks surprised to see me but at the same time nervous and maybe a little angry.

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