10-Curly and Big eyes

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The glorious teacher then focuses his attention on me. He gives me a slight smile and goes back to his desk. So Harry , was a teacher. My teacher. Basically I was kissed in the forehead by my drama teacher. Just the thought of this makes me uneasy. I take a seat next Ashton who's still smiling. Harry puts a finger to his lips, indicating us to be quiet and so we do. "Well as you can see I'm back to this back sadistic thing we call a job." Harry says while making air quotes. The class gives a light chuckle and I smile. I'm basically a loner in this class. Yes I'm new but people have hardly put notice into me. The fact that Ashton is in my class is sorta nice. WAit. Are we even friends? I Wait a while until curiosity gets the best of me. I nudge the boy and he looks at me , still smiling, still flashing his dimples. "Hey are we friends?" I ask him. I instantly regret asking this because he cracks up. His laugh is so funny that soon I find myself laughing but immediately go back to a serious state. I ask him again because yolo. "So..?" I tell him , a hint of plead in my voice and he gives me a warm smile. He grabs my hand and gives it a tight squeeze. It hurts and I wince and he laughs more. I look at him in annoyance and he lowers his laughter. "I just gave you my friendship." He says whilst laughing. I look at him more annoyed, but that soon changes "So yea? You know I'm not even asking anymore cause you just squeezed the rest of my soul out of me so that makes us frands." I say derply , causing him to laugh yet again. I then notice how Harry is staring at us. I soon realize we're talking over him. He looks at both of us who are now quiet and decides to spare Ashton humiliation. But not me. "Ms.Kerens are you a comedian?" He questions me and I feel my cheeks heat up. "No.. Ha- Mr.Styles" I stammer and he looks unconvinced by my response. "Well then why is Ashton laughing like a mad hyena?" He says pointing the tip of his glasses to the hazel haired boy. Now it's Ashton's turn to turn red but soon overcomes it. He opens his mouth to speak but Harry immediately shuts him up with the raise of his hand. He then turns his attention to me and I feel my stomach churn. "Ms.Kerens stay after class , we'll have a talk -without of course , Ashton here." He says sternly. I try to stifle a laugh because why would Ashton stick around with me. Harry gives me another glare and I find myself glance nervously at the floor. I space out for the rest of the class, only catching little snippets of things such as : Upcoming play, Gatsby and shut up everybody. A few more "shut up" s later the bell rings and I feel sweat beads start to form. Ashton notices my nervousness because he places his utterly large hand in my back and says "I'll be outside waiting for you, don't stress." I nod at him with uncertainty and he makes his way out the class. After that it's just Harry and I alone. He gets up and erases the board. After a while he starts talking, "Bailey." I look at him nervously and manage to make some words come out "Mr.Styles." He chuckles. "No ones here Bailey , just call me Harry." I give him a small meaningless smile. "So.. I didn't expect you'd be attending this school." He says while tucking in his glasses.
"I didn't expect you'd be teaching at this school." I say with a little more courage.
"Yea well life gives you many surprises." He insinuates along with another hearty chuckle. I stare at the man in front of me. He doesn't look as gorgeous as he was when I first saw him but he still looks nice. I notice how his eye bags are barely visible from far and close up.
"So Bailey.. I hope we don't have any problems this school year.. Or else there will be consequences." He says in his demanding tone. I marvel at how attractive he makes it sound. I find Myself stuttering yet again. "Yes.. Harry." I say softly and he smirks. He comes closer to me and I can smell his cologne, probably an expensive kind. "Mr.Styles Bailey." He whispers and I feel my chest about to burst. "Yes.. Mr.Styles." I say but it comes out as a whimper which heats my cheeks up. He picks up a strand of my hair and places it behind my ear, making me shiver at his touch. Or more like cringe. I seriously hate it when they do that , it's one of my pet peeves. "Goo-" he starts but is interrupted by the sound of the door opening. He calmly steps away from me , but the persons seen us already. I don't think he cares though. "Luke , great your here." He says coolly and Luke just scoffs. "Yea , who knows what I might've walked in on if I came later." He retorts and Harry simply smiles. "Nothing much really, Bailey here was about to leave anyways." He says remaining his calmness. My eyes widen yet relief rushes to me at the thought that Harry was kicking me out the class basically. I walk out without another word and find myself in an empty hall. I sigh knowing that Ashton hastily lied to me but shake it off. There's a water fountain near by so I go over there and take a sip. As I'm drinking there's a door open and I look up to see Luke. He has a smug smirk on his face. "Where's Goldie locks?" He says referring to Ashton. I roll my eyes , and decide to avoid his bullshit and not answer. That's when I hear faint footsteps come scrambling from the end of the hallway. I turn to see who's making the noise and smirk the moment I see its Ashton. I then face Luke who's smirk is out of his face and is replaced by a annoyed scowl. "Hey sorry I was gone , I wanted some water." The boy panted. I giggle "Ashton there's a water fountain here!" And he face palms himself , causing me to giggle more. Despite the fact that Luke muttered "Dumbass." Ashton soon takes notice of Luke and his face then too changes. Then he turns and faces me, his smile back on his goofy face and then says in a posh accent, "Shall we go m'lady?" As he holds his arm out for me to link. I link my arm to his and I hear Luke gag but ignore it. The curly haired boy turns over to look at me , "what's up?" I ask him and he reveals his deep dimples "Nothing, I just think we'd be a pretty great duo." He says letting go of my arm to make an invisible banner hanging inches above his eyes. "Curly and big eyes." He says and he breaks into a fit of giggles , I shove him at the sound of my new nickname which I strongly dislike.
"Hey!" He shrieks as he bumps into a locker noisily. He was right though, we did result to be a great team. As weeks past getting to know him more and more it felt great to have a friend, yes he was my only friend but I didn't care. He was Ashton and well I'm happy with that. He took my mind out of things .. Most importantly Luke. Not that I cared , but he helped diminish the rest of care I had left for Luke .. Well thanks to Ashton and his new girlfriend what's her name Aryzelea (an; sorry if I spelled the name wrong , but lol I honestly don't care. If you idolize her then please exit because you will get your feelings hurt , sowwy *not really*) they have been all over each other and it pisses me off, not cause I'm jealous but they are just so corny it's nauseating. One day as the bell rang , I shrugged it off I didn't care if I was late for calculus.. After all it was our last class so what the heck. Ashton and I were talking about whether cars and rock turtlenecks as much as dogs when he was diagnosed with his loud ass crack giggle. That's when a dark monotone voice yells at us. "Hey! You kids!" The person says as he comes nearer. As he does so, I soon realize how big trouble I'm in... This was our principal. "What are you doing here?!" The man shouts , Ashton and I stop walking and watch the principal get closer, noticing his red face. As I was about to talk , or more like stutter Ashton started talking. "Sorry sir we were-"
"Going to ditch?!" The angry old man shouts and I start shaking my head vigorously. He didn't see me though. "No sir we-" Ashton starts again
"Detention!!" The principal shouts and then he turns to look at me. "And you... Your new and I assure you.. This kid is nothing but trouble." He says and I don't know if it's that what it was but I sAw a glint of sincerely. He hands us both a pink slip and walks away , leaving just Ashton and I alone. I look at Ashton ready to question what the principal had said about him but he beats me to it, "Look, yes it's partially true , but I- I don't mean to hurt you Bailey .. Really." He says as he's looking  at me in my eyes. I nod carelessly "Yea sure." I reply along with a shrug "Its not like we're dating so it's whatever." I continue hoping to sound careless about the situation. He looks taken back by my response but seems to nod as if he didn't really care, even though you could tell he did by looking at his soft eyes, doing that made me regret saying that. I notice were still standing in the middle of the deserted hallway and that now we're most definitely late. As I'm about to nudge Ashton I catch a glimpse of a blond quiff that seems awfully familiar. I turn to look at Luke who's grabbing something from his locker and make his way out the school. I don't need to tell Ashton what to do, he already knows as if he read my mind. As he's walking towards the exit he looks at me with concern and I know why : I'm still standing in place. I think about what I'm about to do, I just got detention and ditching school isn't gonna help me in any type of way, but what is Luke up-"
"You coming?" Ashton Intercepts the conversation with myself. I bite my lip and close my eyes, sigh. Fuck it.

Authors note: OOOOOOO DAMNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN lol anyways yes guess what Ashton just entered the story , ready to fuck up Calums and Lukes life Yasss :/ anywayyyys schools about to end pmsggag Lolilolol GUYS IM WATCHING CRIMINAL MINDS AND THERES THIS CUTE GUY AND HIS HAIR IS SO NICE LIKE ASHTON AND HE LOOKS SORTA LIKE ASHTON AND HES SO AGEGHSFAGNAKFQG BYE -kat 🌞💅🏽

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