11- Wait are we following him?

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Baileys pov;
Written in Tuesday May 3,2016

I take Ashton's hand as we follow the blond boy into the schools parking lot. He shoves his hand into his right sweater pocket and takes out keys. He puts the key into an old baby blue car which I've never seen in the driveway back home. We see him jump in and sit there for a while until he picks up his phone, he looks as if he's talking to someone and Ashton grabs my wrist "Cmon lets go." He says and he drags me towards a black car I suppose belongs to him , he's digging in his pockets for his keys and soon inserting them in the keyhole. "Wait are we following him?" I ask quietly and he nods "Isn't that what you want?" He questions and I nod my head sideways "No... I ju-"
"Well I want to catch Hemmings , let's go." He says and soon I'm in his car following the old car. As we're going through streets I've never seen before I start to worry, what if they notice our absence? We're so in trouble. That's when we come to a halt. I notice that we're parked outside a little shop. We get off the car and Ashton grabs hold of my hand tightly. We walk down an alleyway and see Luke talking to someone. Ashton quickly crouches behind a trash can, dragging me with him too harshly resulting in me falling on him, I let out a silent yell and Ashton grunts and grabs me by the waist before I end up sitting on his face. As we're finally in position I notice how red he is , yet he has an urge to break out his boyish grin.
We hear muffled voices and I peek up and take my phone at when I see the stranger give Luke a little bag filled with some unknown substance I snap a photo. I see them shake their hands together and without thinking I jump up "HA! YOU JUST GOT BUSTED." I say without thinking, my finger is pointed at the startled blond boy and drops the little bag. I hear Ashton groan and mumble something and then drag me down "What the hell were you thinking Bailey?!" He silently yells at me , before I can respond a voice interrupts , "Yea , what. The. Actual. Fucking. Hell were you thinking Bailey." And I turn to see Luke who looks livid. "You scared my guy off , but I'm not complaining... You just gave me a free stash, but what the fuck are you doing here?" He asks in a calm voice which is way off from his facial expression. "What am I doing here? What are you doing here? Are you buying drugs or something?" I ask sarcastically and this time Ashton talks "Actually babe, he was buying drugs.. So yo-"
"ASHTON NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO CALL ME BABE- " I say angrily at the curly haired boy who is inching back from me as I scream until his sentence actually gets to me "wait what?! You were actually buying drugs?" I ask Luke bewildered and he narrows his eyes at Ashton, "Look Goldie locks don't call her that, she's not your babe." He scoffs at Ashton , totally ignoring my question. "Actually I kinda like it, but WHY WHERE YOU BUYING DRUGS LUKE?" I ask Luke once again. "You guys disgust me, are you a couple or something?" He sneers at me ignoring my question again. "Actually mate it's kinda sad." Ashton starts and Luke laughs "What? That she's friendzoned you more than Katniss has friendzoned gale?" Luke says as he cracks himself up and Ashton chuckles, "Nope the fact that we aren't a couple yet we still make a better couple than you and what's her face your excuse of a girlfriend , and an extra pointer , my babe does not have an std." Ashton laughs and I break into a fit of laughter and peck his cheek quickly. He looks at me while still laughing and then blows me a kiss , as I reach out and grab his air kiss and we both fall into a fit of giggles. Luke pretend gags but we both ignore it still focused on annoying Luke. Before we both know it Ashton is yanked up from his collar and he's inches away from Luke "Listen you ass, stay away from her." Luke says threatening at Ashton who doesn't seem to care "Or what?" He says defiantly and Lukes eyes widen with anger. Luke raises his fist ready to strike at Ashton's pretty face and without thinking I scream "Wait!!" I say loudly to Luke who's attention I now have "don't do it Hemmings, because if you do-"
"What you'll hit me? Does ashy need to be defended by a itty bitty weak girl?" Luke pouts in a squeaky voice.
"No Luke, but you'll be needing a good lawyer to defend you in court for possession of drugs." I say triumphal with a smirk as I hold my phone up showing pictures of the drug dealing. Luke drops Ashton in shock and Ashton does a fist pump "That's my girl!!" He says as he walks over to me and puts his arm on my shoulder. I give  Luke a sweet smile and then he starts talking "Oh yea? Well I'm gonna tell Liz that you ditched school , not to mention with the worst influence there is." Luke says as he accusingly points his finger at Ashton. Ashton is about to speak up but Luke continues "Just ask his ex , oh wait sorry I forgot she's dead!" Luke snarks and laughs, that's when Ashton lunges over to the laughing boy who is now on the floor and making weak attempts to defend himself. "Luke?! Baby? Is that you?!" I hear an annoying voice say. I turn and to my dismay see a girl with long black hair and a head bigger than a bubble heads I also see how she's holding hands with a hooded figure who I can't tell who it is. Once she sees that it's Luke , she instantly lets go of his hand and pushes him away. Then she scrambles over to Luke who is still being attacked savagely by Ashton. "Get the fuck away from him you little bitch!!" She yells and makes his way towards Ashton who is non stop punching Luke. Arazelea grabs hold of Ashton's hair and pulls the boy away from Luke but Ashton is much stronger so he's still on top of the blond boy , this doesn't stop her she keeps on pulling and she pulls one piece of hair out. Oh hell no. I make my way over to the pale faced girl and slap her "Don't touch his hair!" I yell defiantly to the girl resulting In her slapping me. It stings but I ignore it , that's when she gets shoved down to the ground "Don't ever lay a finger on her ever again you hear me? If you do-" this time Ashton gets punched in the face hard. I see a bloodied Luke pick the girl up who's hysterically crying over to the blue old car. Ashton and I look at each other , Ashton has sweat beads and I can see one of his veins visibly while there's a cut in his lips. Meanwhile I , I just have a red cheek that stings, what a bee-tch. You see what I did haha I'm a riot. I help Ashton over to the car and we drive in silence until I break it "Where are we going?" I ask him.
"Where do you wanna go?"
"Anywhere that isn't the Hemmings household." I say stiffly.
"How does the Irwin household sound? We can have some fun over there." He says happily and gives me a wink. I nod and giggle.

So when he said have fun, he actually meant "lets clean our wounds mostly mine cause cmon I just got my lip busted so. " I wasn't complaining though , as I was gently dabbing the cut he had in his eyebrow I took the opportunity to ask him what's been in my head ever since. "Your ex... What happened?" I say softly.
"She hanged herself." He replies and I instantly regret it , I see the sadness in his eyes and how vulnerable he looks. I hate to see him like this, I want to hear his walrus giggle and his huge dimples. "I guess our relationship drew up the wall , because she couldn't take it.. We'd fight everyday about me not being good enough and how no one will ever love me because I'm an asshole when it comes to relationships..." He trails off. I give him a look a sympathy , "Oh Ashton... Your good enough and there are people who love you , your worth so much and I don't care if she's dead or alive but she is stupid to put your love at waste and then Claim it was your fault , I'm really sorry about that ash.." I say and he gives me a smile .. Unconvincing , but still a smile. There's an eerie silence and as I'm tending another cut he speaks up "Hey Bailey?" He calls out.
"Yea?" I ask him softly as I'm cleaning the cut.
"Would now be the perfect time to kiss you?"


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