7- why are you sniffing my hair

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Baileys pov;

So there we were three weeks later , I was face to face with Calum once more , and he was expecting a response right now. "I like you Bailey, I-i don't know, but something about you.... Just ..- just. Yes or no?" He says awkwardly, running his hands through his soft brown hair. I smile at how nervous he is, but it just doesn't make sense.. We met a few hours ago it seems so fast , but then again it could work..... It would right? I bite my lip and prepare myself for the storm. "Yes Calum, it's a yes." I say , giving him a small smile , how bad could this be? He gives me a smile and return and his eyes twinkle with delight, seriously. He reaches out to hug me and where just like that for a while. Until Luke comes out. Did he hear us? I stare at him and notice how hostile he looks. His eyes dart from me to Calum and I feel goosebumps, just thinking of the hell that awaits me if he did listen to us. His fists are clenched up , as if their ready to punch a wall or preferably , someone's face. "Let's go, it's getting pretty late." He says calmly. Shocked by the tone of his voice I let go of Calum and follow Luke out school campus and to the car. Halfway through the car ride his phone beeps. He picks it up , putting aside the fact that he's behind A FUCKING WHEEL. He chuckles and his phone starts ringing. I look at him furiously , "You better not pick up, you are driving we can get in an accident!!" I say shrilly. He looks at me and scoffs "You can do whatever you want so I don't see why I cant." He says and picks up the call. "Hey. What's up? Yea I saw, he has a what? What the fuck bro. She did that? I know, I saw the bastards face. They're what?! Fuck them." Is all he says before he hangs up on the caller. He stops the car , maybe he didn't know and just found out and now he's stopping to kick me out the car and make me walk home alone in the dark. But that's not it because we're already home, he just pulled up the driveway. I get out and I shiver , it's so damn cold. "You cold?" Luke says with concern as he removes his jacket, is he gonna give it to me? I blush just thinking about it. "Yea." I say timidly and he smiles "That's cool." He says as he leaves me alone in the driveway freezing and with my hopes crushed. Once I'm up front I turn the knob, but it doesn't budge. He didn't. Would he? Well yes he fucking would. I turn the knob once more but the door doesn't open. I check my phone and see how it's at 5 percent and also how it's 4:00 meaning Liz won't be home till 8 in the morning. Great. I yank the doorknob but still nothing. The fact that I'm out here in nothing but a floral dress makes me scared. What if some creep comes around and tries to do something to me? AND ITS SO FUCKING COLD. I knock but no one comes at my aid so I just lay then I have a great idea. I take out my phone and start typing.
Bailey: Hey cal, what's Lukes number?
Cal-pal 💖: 8186662356 why? 🤔
Bailey: No reason in particular , I'm just stuck in a jiff.
Cal-pal 💖: What type of jiff to be exact?
Bailey: He locked me outside and it's cold Idk what to doo!!! 🔪
Cal-pal 💖: say no more babe I'll pick you up.
Did he just? Okay I feel like we're really going fast. Before I can object my phone dies leaving me without an opinion about what he's about to do. I just sit down in the front pavement and start thinking the pros of this situation. Well Luke wanted to lock me out so badly , which resulted in Calum coming over to pick me up. It doesn't sound bad now that I think about it. I can't help but smirk imagining the look on Lukes face when he finds out I stayed with Calum all night thanks to him. Plus Calum and I can talk and get to know each other. After a while , the idea of Calum picking me up doesn't sound so nerve racking at all. I feel myself getting drowsy when I hear the sound of a car nearby. I open my eyes to see that Calums pulled over the driveway and I can't help but smile. I get up and make my way over to him and he has this cute smile on him that makes him 10x cuter. He opens the passengers door and I get on. That's when I notice that Michaels in the back seat "Hey Bailey, Calum didn't let me sit in the front." He pouts and I suppress a giggle. "Where are we going?" I ask Calum and he looks at me and says "Home." And that's when I fall asleep.
Wake I wake up the suns shining through a window and the smell of boy and coconut fills me up. I open my eyes to see I'm not in my room but in someone else's , it's filled with Nirvana posters along with green-day and a desk filled with books and a laptop. I see someone on the floor when I realize that it's Calum. His hairs messy and shaggy and I like it. I jump off the bed to join him on the floor. I stroke his hair , silently praying he doesn't wake up because his hairs really soft and feels good brushing against my fingers. It's like that for a while until I start wondering what his hair smells like. At last curiosity gets the best of me and I sniff it. It smells like coconut , no wonder the whole room smells like coconut, but I'm not complaining. I lean in to smell it once again when he groans. I quickly lean back , startled at the horrific whale groan and he laughs. "Why are you sniffing my hair?" He says in a sleepy voice (an; I'd give my soul to hear Calums sleepy voice or Lukes.) I stare blankly and just shrug , causing him to laugh more. Then he gets up and pokes my nose "Boop." He says in a gay tone and I laugh. Then his face shifts into a serious expression. "What's wrong?" I say as I raise an eyebrow in concern. He looks at me with his puppy eyes and I can't help but melt. "I feel like we've met before." He says and he boops my nose again and laughs. Confused by that sentence, I just follow along and laugh. Once he's done laughing he looks at me again. "I know you think we're going too fast, that we don't even know each other that well , but I mean your so.. Amazing , I just don't know. The first time I laid eyes on you .. You mesmerized me, it seemed like yesterday." He says softly and I melt and giggle at his words at the same time. " "You looked at me like I was pizza." I said through a giggle and he laughed "Your so adorable Bailey." And shocker shocker, booped my nose again. That's when a phone goes off. Calums. He checks his phone and he lets out a huff. I go over to him and lay my head on his shoulder "Who's texting us Cal?" I say to him and he chuckles. "Us? Woah Bailey slow your roll babe." He says and I laugh maniacally. He looks at me as if I was some creep and rolls his eyes playfully "You just called me babe." I say in a girlish voice. And then I try regaining a serious composure , "Okay but seriously who's texting us?" I say emotionless , as if I was a guard , but deep down I wanted to laugh in 15 different languages. He doesn't answer because he's so damn interested in whoever he's texting and I feel myself growing jealous , I somewhat feel bothered by everything and him too , so I decide to ignore him. Right after I ask for his charger. "Calum."
He turns to face me. "Yes babe?"
I roll my eyes. "Can I use your charger?"
"Yea, it's at the end of the bed."
"What?" He says with mock annoyance.
"It's too far." I whine.
"Seriously Bailey." He says , yet he goes over to the outlet to get the charger. While he's at it I see his phone clear from him so I take it. I see finally who texted him. And my mouth drops.
"Who the fuck is Faith?" i say a bit too harsh than i meant to.

"Huh?" He says , tripping on something on his way next to me. I narrow my eyes as i read the texts.

Faith: I didnt know you were at Nellas party last night.

Calum: Yea i was.

Faith: Can we talk?

Calum: Sure , not right now though... im not alone.

Faith: Oh, who are you with?

Calum: No one important.

"Seriously Calum? Are you fucking serious? I'm no one important? I'm your girlfriend!" I say angrily , woah Bailey stop overreacting , it's been a day since you guys started dating and jealousy is already hitting. He looks at me , and starts talking but we're both cut off by the opening of his bedroom door. We're both face to face with an angry Luke , you can almost see the smoke coming out his ears. "Do one of you want to explain why the fuck your here?" He says angrily pointing a finger at me. "You locked me out so I asked Calum for help." I say scared of seeing him like that. "Yea well Calum could've told you that the spare key is under the doormat, smartass." He spits at me and I feel myself getting angrier at the moment. I huff out loud and Luke continues his rant, "Let's go Bailey." And Calum grabs my wrist mouthing no but I let go of his grasp. "With pleasure, that way Calum has time to talk." I say to Luke as I exit Calums room and following the angry blond boy.

Lol gross

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