8- This would sound better if we had a drummer.

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Lukes pov;
     Bailey looks at me with a scared expression and I internally smile about this. I haven't seen her like this , she doesn't look like someone sassy , preferably I like both sides of Bailey - shut up brain. I grip the wheel hard enough to prevent me from hitting something. The mere thought she went off with Calum and slept in his room makes me mad, why would she do that? Lucky for me though, Liz wasn't home yet so I got saved. There's this awkward silence and I want to turn the car radio on , but instead we sit in silence (tøp reference im so street lel) "Luke?" She calls out to me and I mummer "Yea?" Making sure to keep my eyes on the street. "Never Mind." She replies and were back to silence. Once were home I open the door for her and she enters. I close the door behind me expecting her to run upstairs but instead she stays in place. "Hey Luke, who's Faith?" She asks me and I clench my jaw. All that pops up to my head is Calum. "Why?" I ask her and she faces me , her eyes are sad , like if she saw something she didn't want to see so there's no point to cover Calum up - actually fuck Calum if he hurt Bailey then so be it , make Bailey see that Calum is worse. Worse than you? My conscious sneers at me. "I found her and Calum texting, and . And - Calum-" she says almost chocking on her words. She runs upstairs but before, she faces me and I can see her eyes are watery. It hurts. I don't know why, but it does. Seeing her like that . I've been with her for three weeks and yes she's a pain but I just don't know man , it hurt seeing her watery eyes and seeing her choke up on her words. I run up to her room and open the door, seeing her laid down and staring at the ceiling. She stops gazing up and looks at me. Her face wasn't like I saw it downstairs. It's a stone expression as if she's never shed or thought about shedding a tear. "So.. Continue?" I say to her softly. She looks at me and shrugs "He called me no one important, but whatever it doesn't matter." She says as if she never cared and I smirk but it quickly vanishes before she sees it. "She was his ex." I say and she just nods , not caring. God. I want to say something but everything gets the best of me. Before I know it , my lips collide with hers. Not harshly or rough but just a soft peck. Nothing else, just our lips attached to each other , and I feel my insides warm up. "What the fuck." I hear a voice say and I detach myself from Bailey, a can see the pain back in her eyes when she sees who the voice belongs to, but soon is replaced by the stone one. Calum is standing there in front of the bedroom looking at me and her with disgust. "How could you?" He says at Bailey and I interject. "Calum listen-" "No Luke , stay out of this-" "I was the one who kissed her." And he shuts up. He looks at me with his soft eyes. "What?" He says In shock and I'm ready to repeat myself , but before I can his clenched fist makes contact with my jaw. The last thing I see is Calum look at me with pain and the last thing I hear is Bailey scream.
"Luke? Luke? Luke?" I hear a voice call. I open my eyes expecting to see Bailey , but instead I see my mum. I open my mouth to speak but immediately regret it the moment a throbbing pain shoots through my whole head and body. I try to remember what happened until I finally recap, Calum punched me. Liz notices the state of pain I'm in and I can see the small grimace in her face. "Luke, baby I have to go to my shift but once I'm back I promise I'll Fix you up." She says and pecks me on the cheek and she's gone. I get up to find Bailey and find her in her room. She's quiet and her eyes are red. When she sees me she giggles. I look at her confused by her actions, "hey Luke." She says in a girly voice and giggles once more. I can't speak so I just wave which results in her cracking up. "What's so funny?" I ask , shooing away the pain I got when I opened my jaw. "Nothing Luke." She says through a giggle. And then I get it, she's high possibly. How else can she be this dandy.  "Bailey are you high?" I ask her and her eyes widen "Nooooooooooo." She says in a serious tone and starts giggling. She's like that for a while and then jumps on top of me. My eyes meet her hazel ones and I want to kiss her so badly , but she beats me to it first. That's when I wake up. It was all a dream. I open my mouth and pain soars through my jaw , okay so maybe that part wasn't a dream , but Bailey being high possible was. I get up but the moment I do a brunette rushes over to me, "No no no , don't get up, stay down." She says and she gently places an ice pack in my jaw, making the pain relieving. It takes me a moment to see that this girl is Bailey. Her hazel eyes graze onto my injury and then to my eyes. "Are you okay?" She asks softly and I nod "Yea , although I feel a little cold headed." I say and point to the ice pack in my jaw. She laughs , "Your so horrible at jokes." And I pout playfully which makes her laugh more. She goes over to a box and it collapses under her touch. "Oi!" I hear her shriek and I quickly get up to help her pushing aside the throbbing pain in my jaw. There are letters scattered everywhere and one catches my eye :
Dear Bailey, I'm excited to hear your going to Sydney, as you know I live in Sydney and would love to meet you someday , your a very awesome girl xo-
I couldn't finish the rest because Bailey snatched the paper , concealing the rest. "Hey! What are these?" I ask her.
"Letters silly."
"But why? Are you a grandma or something?"
"It's part of the school... We're supposed to write to someone in Sydney so." She says while giving me a scowl.
"Ohh , we had that in 6th grade."  I reply with amazement.
"I didn't ask Hemmings." She retorts.
"Can I read one?" I ask her and she hesitates, after a while she hands me the box "Knock your self out." She says and I reply with a "Calums already done that." I'm good at jokes I don't know see why she doesn't think so. I pick up a letter and see that the address  is the same as my school, and then I see my school stamp. "Hey ! This is our school!" I say and she nods un-enthusiastically.
Dear Bailey ,
      Nice to meet you , so I'm not completely comfortable with giving you my real name at the moment (no offense) but my middle names Thomas. I like green day and I must say that you look adorable in their shirt, lately I've been practicing with my bandmates American Idiot and were killing it.
   Write to me soon , Thomas.

I turn to another one.

Dear Bailey ,
     I'm writing this after band practice , we started writing our own songs and I came up with one thanks to you :) x , anyways my mates here are far better writers than me, especially Luke -
Woah what? Is he referring to me? I don't even know a kid named Thomas. What the fresh hell.
He also got his lip piercing today , you wouldn't believe the face on his mums when she saw him with a metal lip ring attached to his lips.
With much love I'll write to you soon- Thomas.
After reading that curiosity got the best of me as I was scavenging more letters I saw and envelope with a puppy sticker - maybe it's a recent letter. "Hey um Bailey? You have one that hasn't been opened ... Can I open it?" I ask and she perks up "Sure, just read it out loud." I give Her a thumbs up and rip open the letter , a cd slips out but I ignore it.
"Dear Bailey, we recorded American Idiot and I ran to the store to get a copy for you , I hope you like it and sorry about the crude humor, Michael was acting like a whore today. - Bailey giggles at the sound of this, "Is he talking about Mikey, I didn't know he was in a band or that he knew Thomas." She says and I don't respond. I'm confused. Mikey's in my band. Is this Thomas kid stealing him? "Anyways feel free to listen to it and well you'll finally heaR my real name, Luke and Michael kept on arguing so when I told them to clam down they both went off on me." And more confusion runs through me , and as for Bailey confusion runs in her too. "You know Thomas?" She questions me.
"Well than why are you mentioned there?"
"Maybe it's a different Luke." I answer her nonchalantly.
"Oh and this Luke also happens to have a lip ring?" She asks sassily at me , but I ignore it. Instead I pop in the cd in her Mac book and shush her. There's scuffling at the background until I hear someone say 1 2 3 and the music starts. They sound good I must admit, and I find myself tapping to their beat by the end. When they're done you can hear someone shouting obnoxious noises and another one telling him to stop. A few moments later someone cuts in "Guys lets stop fighting." The two shut up and shout "Shut the hell up Calum!" In unison. My body stiffens at this and so does Bailey. We turn to look at each other and I believe she's thinking the same thing : this can't be our Calum. More gut wrenching is what continues in the cd. You can hear Calum announce something "The next song is called Heartbreak girl written by the One and only Luke Hemmings. This would sound better if we had a drummer." He complains and there's a loud smack. I feel my cheeks heat up and slam the laptop but the damage has been done. "Luke you didn't tell me you were in a band!" She says surprised. And I ignore her waiting for the sense to hit her. "Oh my god ... All this time , I've been talking to Calum .. Oh my god!! No wonder he said that!" She says in amusement. "Say what?" I say perking up. "I feel like we've met before , that's what he told me last time , it all makes sense now oh my god." So we're just there in silence because when you find out the your pen pal is someone who just punched their friend over an accidental kiss, you just sit in silence.
Authors note:
ONGAGAGHGGGGGHAGF GUYS WOW!!! So what did you think of this? It's not pretty good and I'm sorry if some parts don't make sense , but yea this is something new. I'd be pretty shocked too and oh ! Can we talk about Baileys and Lukes kiss? Because same. Anyways , how are y'all ? I'm doing great , I've been slaying and to be honest with you guys I've never felt better :) It's been 2 weeks ever since my break up and I feel wonderful , TBH I thought I was gonna cry for a year or so but lol fuck that. Anyways I've been inspired by that so I might be writing up another story !! And btw pastelpilot is currently my favorite author her books are beautiful and they make me weep for dayz like seriously it's your fault I have bags under my eyes and is an emotional mess every time I think of your stories (especially Ruby I stg you made tears come out) anyways bye y'all I love you and see you soon!! Don't forget to vote on it!!! - kat 💎❤️✨

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