Chapter 1

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Before you continue to read this, I'm warning you that this book will not be completed, unless there is a further notice. I'm sorry:( If you don't care, read on. But don't expect an ending.

Annabeth POV

I was bored. No one was at home. I hadn't been to the library in forever so there was nothing to read. Nothing was good on tv. I had just finished the new season of my favorite show.
I decided to text Luke Castellan, my best friend.
A~ do you want to go to the park or something?
L~ can't. I'm 'bout to go out with Thalia.
A~ ok. See you soon
L~ 😉
I clicked my phone off and sighed.
Nothing to do.
I got up from the floor and walked into my room. On the night stand was a pamphlet for a school I was going to once the school year starts. I had already studied it thousands of times but I picked it up and read it again.
The school didn't look bad. It was called Goode High school. According to the pamphlet it seemed to have a good community and education system. That's what I was really looking for in a school. At all the other ones I've been to, everybody was a
jerk and the work had been a breeze. Now, I was ready for a challenge and to make new friends. Plus this school was one for people who have ADD or ADHD or Dyslexia, or other things like that. I have dyslexia and I was looking forward to being surrounded by people with similar problems.
Luke was also going. I was excited for it just to be us without Thalia there. Luke and I have been best friends since before I could remember, but ever since he started dating Thalia Grace, we haven't been hanging out as much. Thalia seemed nice I guess, but it never seems like she wants to hang out with me. When she looks at me, it feels like she suspects that I'm about to try to "steal" Luke from her, but me and Luke were just friends, not lovers.
I was still reading the pamphlet when I heard the front door open. At first, fear and pain, both mental and physical, shot through my body. Is Hera home early? I thought. But I heard two male voices and I breathed a sigh of relief when I realized it was my two older brothers, Bobby and Matthew.
"Hey guys." I called to them.
"Hey Annie." They said in unison.
I walked into the front hall, where they were throwing all of their football gear into the closet.
Bobby and Mathew were twins in their senior year. They were staying at the school they had been going to, Sutcliff High. Now that they were home, maybe we could do something.
I leaned on the doorway. "Do guys want to do something?"
Bobby raised his eyebrows. "Like what?"
I shrugged. "Go to the park maybe? Play catch?"
Matthew collapsed on the sofa and groaned. Coach must have made them work really hard today at football practice.
"Can't you ask Luke or someone to play with you?" He asked.
"He can't come." I answered.
"Maybe later, Annie" Bobby said. "Football was hard today."
I gave an exaggerated groan. "But it's so boring here!"
Matthew imitated my groan. "Well to bad." He said, imitating my tone.
I jumped on the couch next to Matthew and pulled out my phone.
"Can you get some water?" Mathew asked me.
"No." I replied, not looking up from my phone.
"Please? I'll play catch with you at the park." He bribed.
"No." I repeated. I knew he was just trying to make me get some water and he wouldn't actually go.
He gave an annoyed huff and poked me in the belly before getting up and walking into the kitchen.
A few minutes later we were all still standing there, looking around for something to do.
"Why is this house so boring!" Matthew said suddenly, turning off a game he had been playing on his phone and tossing it onto me.
"We could go to... I don't know... the park?" I said, tossing it back to him.
Matthew sighed and looked at Bobby. Bobby shrugged and nodded and they stood up.
"Gets the keys." Bobby ordered.
I did a silent victory cheer and grabbed the keys.
Soon we had arrived at the park. A few people were lying around or playing on the equipment. A group of boys were playing baseball at the diamond.
We headed to the basketball court to play.
"How do you want to divide the teams?" Bobby asked.
"Girls against boys?" Matthew answered.
"Ok" Bobby said.
"What!" I protested. "No fair."
Matthew shrugged. "Life isn't fair."
I sighed. I didn't really mind. This was how we always played it.
I started with the ball. I checked it to Bobby, who passed it back. I dribbled around him, and turned to face the net. I shot, but it bounced off the rim. I caught the rebound, but Matthew stole it. He dribbled it back, and I tried to block him from passing it to Bobby, but he passed it over my head. (He was like, 2 feet taller than me).
20 minutes later, the score was 2-3, the boys were ahead. I was racing down the court and I shot... and scored! 3-3.
I stuck my tongue out at Bobby as he checked it to me. After I passed it back, I stole it from him and he blocked me before I scored. I was trying to get around Bobby, when I felt two strong hands grab my waist and picked me up. I screamed in surprise as Matthew slung me over his shoulder like a rag doll.
"Hey!" I shouted, banging at Matthew's back. "Put me down! That's cheating!"
But he wouldn't let me go, until Bobby had picked up the ball I dropped and scored.
"Matthew!!! I'm going to kill you!" I yelled. "Drop me this instant or I'll-"
Before I could say anything else, he dropped me and I landed on my butt with a grunt.
"Ow." I said, rubbing my sore tail bone.
I slowly stood up, and began to run toward Matthew who had turned his back on me. I jumped up, and landed on his back with my legs wrapped around him to keep me up while my arms pounded on his back.
"Hey!" He shouted.
He fell over, onto the grass. I sat on top of him, playfully punching him.
"I. Am. Going. To. Kill. You. You. Little. Rat." I said, punching him with each word.
He just lay under me laughing. I punched harder, until Bobby finally came over and lifted me off of Matthew.
Matthew lay there for a moment longer, laughing like a maniac.
Then I took note of the group of boys hooting. They had been playing baseball but were now gathered on the grass around the court.
Matthew bowed at them like an idiot when he finally got up.
"We're not applauding you." Said one of them. "We're cheering for the lady!"
I smirked at Matthew.
One of the boys stood up. "Do you mind if we play with you?" He asked.
Bobby shrugged. "Sure."
"I'm going to call it quits though." Said Matthew.
"Yeah." I agreed.
We headed to the car and drove home.


Hi everybody! So this is my first book here and I'm really excited. So far everything is happy and fun, but I promise that will all change😈 lol jk. Or maybe not ;)
Anyway. I really hope everyone enjoys the book. Updating might be a tad slow especially after break because I'm working on other books too.
Anyway I hope everyone has a great day/night❤️
P.s. The picture has nothing to do with this chapter but I really like it so I posted it. I might do that alot😜

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