Chapter 15

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Percy POV
A four day suspension?! No way.
We were just coming out of the principals office. Octavian, Clarisse, and Ethan had made up a ridiculous excuse. They still got into trouble, but not as much as us.
We headed outside the building. We were supposed to leave then and there.
I sighed and turned off my phone. My mom wasn't answering. She was at work.
Come to think of it, nobody's parents had answered.
"Hey guys." I spoke up. "When are your parents coming to pick you up?"
Everybody looked at each other.
"My dad isn't home." Said Leo. "He had to go on a buisness trip this week."
I knew that Leo's mom had died in a fire, so I didn't ask about that.
"My dad's gone too." Said Jason.
I knew his mom had died in a car crash, so I didn't say anything about her either.
One after the other, everybody said they're parents couldn't come.
"Well what do you say we all go to Piper's house?" I said. "She's the only one who drove to school in her own car."
Slowly, everyone nodded.
"It won't kill us." Said Leo.
"My dad would though." Hazel laughed.
Leo smiled at her and she blushed, looking uncomfortable.
"Well." Said Piper. "My car only seats 5. So we'll have to double buckle."
Everyone crammed into the car. Piper drove with Leo and Calypso crushed together in the passenger. (A/N Leo and Calypso aren't officially dating yet, just so you know.)
In the back Frank was crushed into the window with Hazel beside him. Jason sat next to them, unable to move, and I sat next to him, with Annabeth squeezed next to me.
"Everyone comfortable?" Piper called as she started the engine.
"Totally." Said Jason.
"Define comfortable." Annabeth said.
Piper laughed and drove away.
Annabeth POV
This was a terrible day. It's he first day back and I get pushed around by a couple of idiots in front of my friends. Then Percy gets into a fist fight. For me. Then we all get suspended. Now, I'm in a car filled with the people who had seen everything. Someone was bound to ask about everything.
We arrived at pipers house and everyone got out of the cramped car.
"I can breath now!" Exclaimed Calypso.
"Believe me, Cal." Said Percy. "That front seat is big enough for two people to fit. The back space is cramped enough even with just three people in it."
She laughed as we walked inside.
"Let's go upstairs to my room." Suggested Piper.
"Wait." Percy stopped. "I'm hungry."
Piper rolled her eyes and led the way to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and motioned for everyone to get what they wanted.
"How bout everyone gets a snack now, and we order pizza for later." She says.
Everyone agrees and starts to grab food from the fridge.
"Hey." Said a voice beside me. I turned to see Piper.
"Oh, hi." I answered.
"Do you want some food?" She asked, holding out some of her chips to me.
I hesitated. "No I'm fine." I decided.
She looked at me for a minute then shrugged.
"Piper." I told her. "Don't worry about me. I'm fine."
"Sorry." She said. "I shouldn't freak out so much."
"Hey, it shows you care." I told her.
She smiled. "Yeah."
Once everybody got their food, we went upstairs.
"Do you guys wanna order pizza now?" Piper asked through a mouthful of chips.
"Yeah!" Everybody chorused.
She called the pizza place and everyone shouted orders at her while she was talking.
"Okay!" She shouted over the noise, covering the mouth piece so that the person on the other end couldn't hear. "Let's say what we want in an orderly fashion."
Hazel listed the order.
"One cheese, one Hawaiian, one mushroom, two pepperoni, one flat crust cheese, one cheese with no sauce, and one cheese with garlic crust."
Piper placed the order than hung up.
"Wait, why are we getting so much pizza? They're only eight of us."
"One pizza for each of us." Leo said happily.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure Leo chose half of those."
Everybody laughed.
I looked at everyone, laughing and having fun, and wishing I could join them. I smiled every now and then, but a dark sadness and feeling of nostalgia settled on my shoulders, making me unable to join them.
I felt something at my arm and looked up to see Percy.
"Hey Annabeth." He said.
I blushed and smiled. The way he looked at me, the way he said my name...
What am I thinking? Everybody likes him and everybody hates me. Including him.
"Hi." I replied.
"A-are you okay?" He asked quietly.
Then I kind of lost it. I threw my hands up in the air and shouted quietly.
"Why is everybody suddenly so concerned? I've been ignored and bullied for forever, and suddenly everybody's asking how I feel every 5 minutes. Just leave me alone!"
Percy looked slightly taken aback, then he slowly nodded.
"Sorry." He muttered and walked off.
Suddenly I heard a squeal.
"Oh my god!!!!" Screamed Piper.
"What?" Everyone said frantically.
"I just got an email from the principal saying the Homecoming dance is in 3 weeks!" She explained.
Calypso started jumping up and down, while Hazel just smiled.
"We could all go shopping for dresses and stuff. It'll be so fun!" Piper ranted. "Me, you, you, and- Annabeth! Get over here!"
I reluctantly walked over.
"Yeah! We can go to the mall sometime this week or something."
"What! Me?" I said.
"Duh." Said calypso. "We would t just leave you. Shopping for dresses is hard."
"Well, I'm obviously not going." I said. "Nobody will ask me."
"Oh, of course they will." Said Piper. "Besides, haven't you been to a school dance before? People go wether they're asked or not. They dance with everybody!"
The truth was, I had never been to a dance and I didn't really want to. But I suppose it would make all of my friends happy."
The doorbell rang and we all went downstairs to let in the pizza.


Hi! I know I said I'd update on Sunday, but I did t have time. This chapter is really just a filler. Hopefully the next chapter will be better.
Thank you so much for he 700 something reads!! Guys, I was expecting no more than 30 reads, but I have more than 700!!! You all make me so happy.

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