Chapter 4

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Annabeth POV
**time skip to the first day of school**
Beep! Beep! Beep!
I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes. I lay in my bed for a moment before turning to check the time on my alarm clock. It was 6:30.
"Why are you waking me up so early?" I asked it out loud.
Then I remembered what day it was. My eyes widened and I scrambled to get out of bed. I ended up getting tangled in the sheets and falling out, but I jumped right back up.
I practically fell down the stairs. When I finally got down, I was thrilled to Dad standing by the coffee maker rather than Hera.
I snuck up behind him and hugged him. "Hey dad!"
He grunted. "Oh hey Anna Banana."
I giggled when he used my nickname. Maybe since I was in tenth grade, I should have been annoyed that he still called me that, but I loved it. It made me remember that he still loves me and we still are a family, even with Hera in the way.
After a moment I let go to pick to coffee mugs out. I held them out so that Dad could pour the coffee in them. Then I poured some milk into his, and left mine without it.
"Here you go." I said cheerfully, handing the cup to Dad as he sat at the breakfast table.
"Well you seem happy today." He grinned, taking it.
I smiled at him. "It's the first day of school. Of course I'm happy!"
He laughed. "Well I'm glad to see that. I know that You and Hera aren't exactly your ideal mother daughter relationship, but as long as you're happy, I'm happy."
"Where is Hera?" I asked, sipping my coffee.
"She's probably still in bed." He said. "She can take you to school this morning."
My eyes got wide. "Um, it's fine. I can get a ride with Luke."
He frowned. "Are you sure?"
"Yeah!" I answered. "Just let me text him."
I pulled out my phone and texted Luke.
Hey! Can I get a ride to school today?~A
Thanks for the wake up call~L
You should be awake anyway~A
But can I?~A
Yeah. I'll pick you up at 7:45~L
I looked up at my dad. "He can take me."
He smiled. "Good. I have to leave for a work in a few minutes. I'm going to get ready." He stood up and kissed my forehead. "Bye honey."
"Bye Dad." I called back to him as he walked back upstairs.
As he headed up, Bobby came down, already dressed.
"Oh, hey Annie!" He said.
I smiled at him. "Hey."
Matthew came downstairs, still in his pjs.
"Hi guys." He yawned, filling up a cup of coffee.
"You guys have to get dressed." Bobby said. "It's almost 7:30."
I grabbed a quick bagel then headed up stairs to change.
I decided to wear faded blue jeans and my brother's old college football sweatshirt. I pulled my hair into a ponytail,then realized that was making the stupid bruise on my head visible. I sighed and pulled the 'do out.
Then I grabbed my black Jansport backpack and ran downstairs. By now it was 7:43. I waited for Luke, and he finally came at 7:47.
"Hi Luke." I said as I climbed into his car.
We started to drive down the street. The school was not too far from my house. It was a little far for walking, but it was only a 5-10 minute drive, depending on the traffic, which, of course, was horrible on a Monday morning in the Big Apple.
We finally got there at 8:02. School was starting in 8 minutes. We both got out of the car and looked at the school. It was a big red brick building that looked like it hadn't been renovated in years.
Together we walked up the many steps, and entered the tall doors.
When we entered, a swarm of students met us. High schoolers were running around screaming, shouting, yelling, laughing, basically making the most noise ever. 
We continued to walk until we saw a sign that read "niam foifec". At least I thought it did, until I shook my head and read it again as "main office". Ugh. My dyslexia always acted up when I was nervous or excited.
We walked in and a man greeted us.
"Hello." He said. "What do you need?"
"We need our schedules and lockers." Luke said.
"Oh yeah." He said. His name tag read Charen. "Here you go."
He handed us each a sheet of paper. We thanked him and walked outside.
"Do we have any classes together?" I asked Luke.
We checked our schedules, and high-fived when we saw that we had history together.
"See?" He said. "I told you we'd have classes together."
"Wait a minute!" I protested. "I said that!"
He smirked and we went off to find our lockers.
They were far away from each other so we had to separate to get them. I search the rows of dirty blue-gray lockers. Then I found mine- 282. I entered my combination lock and dumped my books in there.
Someone opened the locker next to mine. I didn't notice him until he bumped into my arm by accident, causing my books to spill out of my arms.
He looked at me from under his shaggy black hair.
"I'm so sorry!" He said. "Here, I'll get that."
We both crouched down to pick them up. I kept my head down so that he wouldn't notice me blushing.
We stood up and stuffed everything back into my locker.
He looked at me. "Hi." He held out his hand. "I'm Percy. Jackson."
I stared at his hand for a minute, waiting for my blush to fade, before taking it and looking at him.
"H-hi. I-I'm Annabeth. Ch-chase."
He grinned a mischievous grin and the bell rang. I slipped my hand out of his and grabbed my English binder before running down the hall to catch my next class.


Hi! I know this chapter isn't much, but she did meet percy❤️☺️. I'll definitely have more tommorrow, but right now it's too late.

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