Chapter 13

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Piper POV
The next morning, I woke up at 7:00 am. I looked over at Annabeth. She was still unconscious. I sighed. What was I supposed to do with her? I couldn't exactly lock her up in my closet. I decided to warn the servants to stay out of my room and to leave her on the bed.
I crawled out of my bed and yawned. I opened my huge walk in closet. It had hundreds of fancy outfits, but I usually wore shirts and jeans. I slipped on a Pink sweatshirt with faded blue jeans and white vans. Nothing fancy.
By the time I was dressed and had eaten breakfast, it was 7:30. School started at 8:15 but I lived farther away. Plus there was probably traffic and I wanted ato try to catch Percy before school.
I said goodbye to everybody. My dad was in California working on his new movie. He was never home anymore.
I climbed into my car and drove to school, so distracted by Annabeth that I hardly noticed the traffic. I finally got to school at 8:00 and I looked around for Percy. I sighed when I couldn't find him. He was probably late.
The bell rang and I headed inside for class when I felt a warm hand wrap around my wrist. I turned sharply to see Percy.
"Hi Perc." I said to him.
"Hey." He answered, then, falling into my step, whispered "Is Annabeth here?"
I shook my head. "She was still unconscious. If she's not awake by tomorrow I think we're going to have to take her to the hospital."
Percy nodded then we separated for class.
Percy POV
I walked into English and sat down, waiting for class to begin. Once Mr. Brunner had come in, he began role call.
"Silena, Reyna, Ethan, Percy..." he called
"Here." I answered.
"Jerry, Maurice" he continued. "Annabeth." There was a pause. "Annabeth?"
I raised my hand. "Uh, Mr. Brunner." I said. "Annabeth told me to tell you that she is sick today. She should be back by tomorrow though."
Mr. Brunner nodded. "Thank you, Mr. Jackson."
The rest of the day passed by slowly. At last it was dismissal.
"Hey Percy." Jason said to me. "Want to come over and play football or something?"
"Uh, I can't." I replied. "I have to do something today."
"What do you have to do?" He asked.
"Something." I called over my shoulder as I ran toward piper's car.
Jason POV
Okay, something was up with Percy. Yesterday he had to leave for Annabeth. I had seen him talk to Piper before he left though. Today, he had to leave for something with Piper, and he wouldn't even tell me why. Was it a date?
I hoped that that wasn't the answer, because I had been trying to get together with Piper since the first day of high school. I decided that if tomorrow he does the same thing, I would have to find out.
Percy POV
Piper started to drive the second I got into her car. I looked back to see Jason still looking at me suspiciously.
"What about the others?" I asked, pulling off my jacket.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"I mean, I know we're not going to tell them without her permission, but they're going to find out sooner or later."
"Yeah." Said Piper. "I forgot about them. I guess we can't really do anything until she wakes up though."
In about 20 minutes, we reached Piper's mansion. I immediately jumped out, and Piper quickly followed. We ran upstairs to Piper's room, and were surprised to see Annabeth sitting up on the bed.
Me and Piper exchanged looks then rushed up to her.
"Annabeth?" She said.
Annabeth furrowed her eyebrows at us. "What happened? Why am I here?"
"Well," Piper glared at me to help her.
"You're stepmom, Hera, she was... out of it and well," I didn't really know what to say. Piper glared at me again.
"Hera knocked you out and you've been unconscious for about a day." Piper said.
Okay. I was trying to tell her nice and easy, but I guess throwing all the information at her at once was a good idea too...
"What? Wait, what!?" Annabeth gasped.
Piper nodded slowly.
"But, Matthew, Bobby my brothers!! What about them? What about Hera?"
Piper looked at me and took a deep breath. "Well, your brothers are probably fine. We didn't call the police or anything since you were unconscious."
Annabeth breathed a sigh of relief.
"But now that you're awake," Piper continued. "we can-"
"No!" Annabeth cut her off.
Piper stared at her.
"No." She repeated. "You can't."
"Why not?" Said Piper. "She could have killed you so many times. She could be planning your murder right now!"
Annabeth squeezed her eyes shut, and breathed out.
"You just, can't." She said finally. "I could get into trouble with my brothers. I'll be taken to an orphanage. Just no."
Piper looked like she was about to argue.
"Piper." I cut in. I looked at her, sending her a mind message that I'll talk now.
"Annabeth." I said, turning to her. "I know you're worried about that. But those are all just possibilities. She could track you down and hurt you even more. I can't let that happen."
I stared into her dark gray eyes that were filled with worry and fear. And hurt. She bit her lip, and looked away from me. I saw shiny tears fill up her eyes. She tried to stop them from coming out.
"I- I..." she hesitated. "But they'll take me to an orphanage. I won't see you guys anymore."
"We can take care of that." I assured her. "Your brothers have to be at least 17. That's almost an adult. If that doesn't work out, we could always watch for you."
Annabeth leaned over and buried her face in her hands, her shoulders shaking. After several minutes, she sat back up and sniffed.
"Okay." She said, her voice thick. "Okay."
Piper pulled out her phone and dialed 911. She made the call and hung up.
"They'll be there soon." She said. "We should probably head over."
I nodded and we all rose from the floor and made our way toward Annabeth's.


Hi! Sorry this update took kind of long. Now that school has begun, I won't be on as much. Hopefully I can stick to a regular schedule: once or twice a week.
In the meantime, go ahead and read my new story it started with a murder. It's another PJO fanfic. It's my first crime book, so I hope it will do.

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