Chapter 7

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Annabeth POV
After history with Mr. Brunner and study hall with Mr. D. (The laziest teacher of all time) the final bell rang. I met up with Piper, Hazel, Silene, and Reyna.
"Why isn't Bianca coming?" I asked.
"She had something." Said Hazel.
We walked over to Piper's car, which was a matte black Lamborghini.
I bit my lip to keep myself from oohing over it.
"Ah shoot." Piper said. "There isn't going to be enough space in the car. You'll have to double buckle.
We struggled to get in. There was four seat and five of us, plus another one was going to be picked up. Piper was the driver, and Reyna sat in the passenger seat. I sat by the right window in the back, and Hazel sat on the other side with Selene squished in between us. We all giggled as we tried to get comfortable.
"Dang Piper." Hazel said. "Your car is nice, but it's tiny."
Piper turned around in her seat. "Okay. Well there goes the garbage truck, so if you want to catch that, then go ahead."
We all laughed. I had only just met these girls, but I could already tell that this friendship might become golden.
We drove away from the school, laughing and being stupid.
Selene turned to me and started to fiddle with my hair, which hardly touched.
"So Annabeth," she started, the same smile she was during lunch playing at her lips. "How long have you known Percy?"
I blushed furiously. "I-I've never met him before today."
Selene giggled. "Well you two seem to be making quick friends though."
I looked down and thought about what had happened with Octavian.
"Well." I thought. "He's definitely nice."
"Nice?" Selene laughed. "Annie, he totally likes you!"
Everyone in the car laughed and I felt my face heat up.
"He probably doesn't." I said quietly. "He's just a nice guy."
Selene rolled her eyes at me. "Whatever you say, you lucky duck, but I don't see why you wouldn't want him. He's hot!"
"Someone has a crush." Said Piper.
"No duh." Answered Reyna.
It was the first thing I had heard from her all day. When it was just us, she seemed a lot more open and friendly. I probably seemed the same way.
"I bet you like him too, Pipes." Selene teased.
Piper shrugged. "He's cute I guess. But have you seen Jason lately? He got hot over the summer."
Reyna laughed. "Hey stay away from my ex." She nudged Piper.
I looked at her, confused. "Your ex?"
"Yeah." Said Reyna. "Jason and I used to go out. But that was in like, ninth grade. Now we're just friends."
"I warned you it would never work out." Selene sighed.
Reyna flung a rubber band at her. "Did not!"
"Did too!"
As they continued to bicker, we stopped at a large apartment complex. Piper honcked on the horn. A few seconds later, a pretty girl with long brown hair, tanned skin, and a white tank top with blue denim shorts came out.
"Hey Pipes! Hey Reyna." She waved to everyone in the back.
When she saw how crowded it already was in the back, she sat on top of Reyna in the front.
"Hey!" Reyna grunted.
"Sorry." The girl giggled. "So how was school today?"
"It was good." Said Piper. "Oh by the way, Annabeth, this is Calypso. She goes to Goode, but she was still vacationing,so she wasn't at school. Calypso, this is Annabeth."
She turned around and smiled at me. "Hi."
I smiled back. "Why weren't you at school?" I asked. It probably wasn't the best thing to say to someone you just met, but I was curious.
Calypso shrugged. "I was visiting my dad."
"Where does he live?" I wondered.
"California. We were visiting for a week and we came home this morning."
Soon, we reached Piper's house. If you can call it that. It was more of a castle.
I walked out of the car and sighed.
Hazel caught me. "I know." She said. "Piper never ceases to impress."
We walked into a gigantic hallway. Everyone stopped to gawk at the room, even though I'm sure they've all been here planets of times, except for Piper.
She groaned. "Guys! Let's go!"
We slowly walked up to her room, and made ourselves comfortable, which wasn't difficult.
"So what are we watching?" Asked Selene.
"Well." Said Piper. "I happen to have a few tickets for Mockingjay part 2"
We all yelped in delight.
"I can't believe you got us tickets!!" Said Hazel.
"I know!" Agreed Selene. "I can't wait."
"Anyway," said Piper. "I was thinking we could go to the mall early, just to go window shopping or whatever."
Everyone agreed. I wasn't much of a shopper, but I figured it would be fun.
We ran downstairs, and into her ginormous garage.
"This is just a suggestion, but can we take a bigger car this time?" Asked Hazel.
Piper laughed and climbed into a jeep.
We drove to the mall and climbed out. We walked inside.
"I'm going to head over to that dress shop that I passed by the other day." Selene said. "It looks amazing."
"I think I'll stay here for now." Said Reyna. "I don't like shopping very much."
"Me too!" I said, a little enthustiasticly  "I'm not a huge shopper either."
Selene pouted a bit. "Come on guys. I was thinking we could all get matching outfits."
I wrinkled my nose in disgust, then I thought that I was being rude. But when I looked at Reyna, I was relieved to see that she had the same face.
"Matching outfits?" Ryan said. "Please don't make me any more unpopular than I already am."
I laughed a bit.
Selene gave a loud sigh. "Some people can never learn the art of shopping."
She left with the rest of the girls. Reyna and I sat on a bench. For a minute, we didn't talk.
I turned to her. "So, do you want to get some food or something?" I asked.
"Definitely." She agreed.
We walked to the food court and sat at a table for Panda Express. We both ordered sweet and sour chicken and cho-mien. (I think that's how you spell it) A few minutes later, our food arrived. We thanked the waiters and began to eat.
"So, Annabeth." Reyna said. "How are you liking Goode?"
I thought about it. "It's a pretty good school." I said slowly. "Then again, all the other's I've been to sucked."
She chuckled.
"I mean," I continued. "The students are nice, and it's good to be around people with similar disorders as me. You know, I have ADHD and dyslexia."
Reyna coughed. "You have dyslexia?" I nodded slowly. "But you were doing so well during Greek and math!"
I shrugged. "Math has always come to me easily. My dad uses it a lot. I've never taken Greek before, but it just came to me."
"How do you like the people? I mean, I know you said they're nice but, specifically."
"Well." I said slowly. "The people who were sitting by us at lunch were pretty cool. But, there's this one guy-"
"Octavian?" Reyna raised her eyebrows.
"How did you know?" I asked, astounded.
She shrugged. "He's and idiot and a bully and a player. He tries to ask out every girl that he thinks is 'cute'"
"Did he ask you out?" I asked.
"No." She said. "He kept on staring at me. I thought for sure he was. But he seemed kind of intimidated by me." She shrugged. "Now he just hates me. That's probably better for his health though."
I snorted into my chicken. "Sorry." I laughed.
I don't know why I was acting like this around Reyna. I was telling her everything about my day, and I was being my actual self around her. Maybe it was cause she reminded me so much of myself. The same look in the eyes, the same slightly guarded air.
Soon, the girls came back, each with several large bags of clothes and shoes and whatnot. They dropped the bags off in the jeep.
"The movie is starting in a few minutes." Said Piper.
We walked over to the theatre and turned in our tickets. We got into the theatre just as the previews started. Then we sat down in one row. Reyna and Piper sat right next to me. I shivered with excitement as the movie started. I'd been waiting for this moment since Mockingjay part 1 came out.

Warning! Spoiler alert! May contain some scenes from the Mockingjay book/movie. Don't say I didn't warn you!!

2 hours later, we walked out of the theatre.
"Oh my god!" Said Selene, wiping her eyes. "That was the saddest movie ever!"
Everyone nodded in agreement. I had been crying since Finnick's death, to the very end.
"What do you think about who Katniss ended up with?" Calypso asked us as we climbed into the jeep.
"I hated it!" Said Selene. "Gail was perfect for her! And he's the cutest."
"But Gail is also an idiot." Said Hazel. "I mean, he frickin killed Prim!"
"Yeah." I agreed. "Besides, I feel like Gail and Katniss have more of a brother-sister realationship."
"You guys are so weird." Scoffed Piper. Selene nodded in agreement.
Soon we arrived at my house to drop me off.
"Thank you guys." I said. "That was so much fun."
"Bye, Annabeth!" They called. "See you tommorrow!" Added Calypso.
I smiled as I walked up the front porch. Then I heard screaming from inside.
Oh my god! I thought. I had totally forgotten Hera! I could just turn around and tell the girls everything. They would probably call the police and help me. But I couldn't bring myself to it. I knew that Hera would do anything she could to get revenge on me.
So I took a deep breath and walked inside the house.


Sorry I updated a little later than usual. I had something today so I didn't get the chance. I really hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter. I know there was a lot of fangirling over boys in this chapter, but isn't that what we all do?
Anyway, I probably won't be able to update tomorrow unless I can snag some time in the morning. I also might not be able to update all week actually, because I have relatives coming over and all that stuff. Hopefully I'll  have some time, but this is just to warn you, just in case I can't.
In the meantime, you can wait for the real story to begin in the next chapter😈
P.s. I wonder why Calypso's dad is in California and why he can't be in New York😉

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