Chapter 21

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Annabeth POV

"Leo!" I said, surprised to see him.

He turned around and saw me. "Hey!" he said, grinning. Then his eyebrows furrowed. "Hey, are you okay."

I walked to him quickly. "Yeah, kinda."

He raised his eyebrow. "Ya know, you're dressed kinda fancy for a tiny cafe like this one."

"yeah, well, I just came from the dance." I said. "Speaking of which, why aren't you there?"

His face fell. "Calypso broke her arm today and couldn't come. I decided to have a little me party thing." he glanced at me, "Well, we party now."

I cracked a smile. The waitress came and we ordered some food. For a while we sipped coffee, not speaking.

Finally Leo said, "So, why aren't you at the dance?"

I looked down and shrugged. "It got boring."

"Yeah right." Leo said. "Wasn't Percy there? Did you dance with him?"

"Unfortunately, yes." I muttered.

"Now what's that's supposed to mean?" asked Leo, leaning back in his chair.

"He's a big jerk." I said loudly

Leo gasped over dramatically. "He didn't hurt my Annabeth, did he? Tell me what he did. I'll kill him!"

"Leo," I said. "No offense, but your 5'4"."

"Hey, big things can come in small packages. But really, what did he do? Don't tell him that I told you this, but he definitely likes you, and I'm sure he didn't mean to hurt you."

"Yeah, no he doesn't, at least not that way. He was making out with Drew on the dance floor."

Leo fell silent. I felt tears come to my eyes again.

"You're kidding." he said finally.

"I-I wish." I stammered, my lip trembling.

"How do y-"

"I saw them." I answered.

"Well are you okay?" Leo asked.

I was about to say yes, then I realized that that was a stupid answer. Leo knew I wasn't okay. There was no use pretending - no point of being ashamed.

"No." I said. "I mean, I understand that Percy's allowed to make his own choice and whatnot, but I just wish that he hadn't... led me on."

Leo nodded. "Do you want me to talk to him or something?"

I thought about it. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

We spent the rest of the night at his house playing video games and talking (I changed into some of his mom's more comfortable clothes). At around 1:30 am, Leo drove me back to Piper's house. She wasn't home yet, but I showered and climbed into bed anyway. I felt slightly better now, after talking to Leo.


The next morning I walked to Percy's house and knocked on the door. He opened it, looking as if he'd just woken up.

"Hey Leo, what's up?" he asked, rubbing his eyes and yawning. "I didn't see you last night."

"Yeah." I replied. "I didn't make it. But what I did do was talk to Annabeth the whole night."

Percy's brow furrowed. "Is she okay? She left in the middle of a dance. I went looking for her at Piper's, but I couldn't find her."

"What are you thinking? Oh I'll just kiss another girl on the dance floor after leading Annabeth on? How do you think she is?"

Percy stepped outside and sat on the front step. "She saw that?"

"Yeah." I replied. "It's not like your actions would be justified if she hadn't see-"

"It wasn't me." Percy interrupted.

I stopped mid-sentence. "What?"

"I mean," Percy shook his head. "It was me, but she kissed me. Drew came up to me while I was trying to get a drink and she kissed me. I was hoping Annabeth wouldn't see."

I stared at Percy. I saw tears form in his eyes.

"Well, Annabeth did see, and she thinks you kissed her.." I said slowly.

"I know." Percy muttered.

"Are ya gonna do anything?"

I asked.

Percy stared at the ground for a second. "Yeah." he said finally.

Then, he pushed past me and ran down the driveway.


Okay, here you go. I started writing this right after I posted the last chapter, but I didn't finish. Then I sat down to finish it, and I completely forgot what I was going to have happen:( Oh well.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I love You!!!

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