Chapter 17

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Piper POV
On Monday I woke up. Today we were going back to school. I was still wondering if the school had contacted my dad. He was away on a trip, but he probably would have called me. I know they called- or at least tried to call- everybody else's parents.
I looked over and saw Annabeth sleeping peacefully I smiled at her, then frowned.
Why hasn't her dad called yet? Isn't he worried about her? I shook my head. She probably talked to him.
It was 7:00 by now so I woke Annabeth up. We got ready for school and ate breakfast.
"So." I said. "Are you excited to go to school?"
Annabeth raised an eyebrow and looked at me. Her hair was all messed up and she looked as if she hadn't been sleeping well.
"Yeah. Totally." She said sarcastically.
I chuckled as we walked to the car. We did to talk much as we drove. Soon, we were at school.
I looked at Annabeth and she looked really scared. She was sweating slightly and her breathing was heavy.
"Umm, Piper?" She said. "I'm not feeling too well."
"Come on Annabeth, you'll be fine." I told her. "How bout we wait in here until 8:10."
She nodded, looking slightly relieved.
After some silence,mi finally asked her something.
"Hey Annabeth?" I said.
She hummed in reply.
"Do you think... that someone will ask us to the dance?"
She turned to me.
"I think you will." She said. "I think Jason will ask you."
I smiled. "What about you?"
She sat back down and shrugged.
"Probably not." She said a little sadly. "I don't think anybody would really want to ask me."
"Why not?" I asked.
"Well." She started. "I'm not like you, Piper. You're pretty and fun and a great friend. And I'm just... me."
"Annabeth, you're just as pretty as I am." I said. "You're awesome and amazing. You're probably the best friend I've ever had."
"Well then why do people make fun of me?" I asked. "They pick on me and remind me of how worthless I am."
"Annabeth." I reached over and rested my hand on the seat. "They pick on you because they're jealous. They think that of they bully you then they'll be better than you. They're just trying to bring you down to their size, because they think they can. But you have to show them that they can't. You have to show them who you really are. You've been through a lot, but that has all made you stronger. Show them you're strength. Show them that you don't care. Don't let them be satisfied because they think they have an advantage over you."
Annabeth had covered her face with her hands. I pulled her into a hug.
"I love you too much to let them do that to you."
After a couple of minutes, we pulled away.
She sniffed. "Thank you Piper."
I smiled. "Hey, I'm only telling the truth."
Just then we heard a knock on the car window. We both turned to see our friends. I rolled down the window.
"Hey guys!" I said.
"Hey!" Leo said. "You missed Frank asking Hazel to the dance."
"Aww, shoot." I said.
"What are you guys doing in here anyway?" Asked Jason.
I shrugged. "Just chilling."
We got out of the car, first Annabeth, then me. As I reached out to step on the car step, my foot slipped and I began to fall out of the car.
Jason caught me.
"I guess you really fell for me, huh?" He said.
I laughed his cheesy pickup line.
"I guess I did."
He proped back up, but he didn't let go of my hand.
"Piper?" He asked.
"Yes?" I breathed.
"W-would you like to come to prom with me?"
I smiled. "Yes!"
He pulled me in and our lips met. I could sense the others around me, but at that moment, all that mattered was Jason. We slowly pulled away.
"Now I'm really falling for you." I said.
Jason laughed.
Hand in hand we walked to the school building.


Hey! I'm sorry this chapter is so short. Like I said in the previous part I won't be on for the next month. See you guys then❤️

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