Chapter 9

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Annabeth POV
The next morning, I slept passed my alarm. It was 7:30 when I woke up. I got up groggily and sat on my ned for a minute thinking about last night. At first, I couldn't believe it. It had to be a nightmare. But as I slowly stood up, and felt my aching bones, I knew that it had actually happened.
I felt tears start to swell in my eyes, but I convinced myself not to cry.
I started to get ready, but I did not want to go to school. I pulled on faded blue jeans and a white tank top. Over that top, I wore a navy blue sweatshirt with white converse on my feet.
I felt my phone vibrate, and I checked it. It was Luke.
I can pick you up in 5~ L
I sighed. I really didn't want to see anybody today. I trudged downstairs and saw Bobby and Matthew.
"Hi." I croaked. My voice was sore from crying.
Bobby gave a small smile.
"C-can you drive me to school today."
"Sure." He said, wrapping me in a hug.
I texted Luke back. I have a ride already. Thanks though.
We went into the car and they dropped me off.
"Bye Annie." Matthew called.
I smiled back in response, even though I was not in the mood for smiling. Then I turned around and sighed at the red brick building. I put my head down low, hoping nobody would notice me.
But I heard someone scream my name. "Annabeth!" It was Selene.
"Oh. Hi Selene." I answered, cursing in my head.
"Hey, do you want to hang out with us?" She asked. "Were over there by the tree."
She pointed to the tree, but I didn't bother to look.
"Um, no thanks, Selene." I answered. "I, uh, I didn't eat breakfast, so I was about to head over to the cafeteria for some."
Her face fell a little, then it brightened again. "I'll come with you then "
I groaned inside. "No, Selene. It's fine." I told her. "I like to eat alone. It, um, keeps me focused on my food."
She looked at me suspiciously. "Ok then." She sighed. "But when you're done, come right out."
I nodded, then headed inside. I wasn't hungry, but I headed over to the cafeteria anyway. I picked up a bowl of cereal and a banana, then I sat down at an empty table.
I dug my spoon into the cereal, then decided not to eat, and I plopped it back into the bowl.
Looking around the room, I saw Reyna sitting alone. I cursed to myself and walked out of the cafeteria, hoping she didn't notice me. Once I got out of the room and into the outdoor corridor, I leaned against the wall and sighed. I fought back the tears.
I can't hide this forever. Someday, someone will notice that something is wrong. They'll notice the wounds that Hera had given me.
I stood back up and walked down the hall.
I ran to my locker to grab my books. As I shut my locker,mi saw Percy turning the corner to get to his locker. I ducked down and ran as fast as I could back down the hall. As I ran past him, he turned around.
"Hey, Annabeth!" He called.
He saw me! I thought. Well duh. I literally just ran right past him. How could he not see me?
"Uh, I'm not Annabeth!" I called back.
Ugh. What was up with my brain today. It was full of the dumbest ideas, the first one being waking up.
I heard him chuckle a little as I rounded the corner.
Percy POV
I walked down the hallway to get to my locker. I was laughing at something that Jason had just told me, when a girl with intelligent gray eyes and blonde hair flew past me.
That girl was something. She was smart, beautiful, kind... but there was something behind those tired silver eyes that told me something was wrong. I was going to find out what that was.
"Hey Annabeth!" I called to her.
I hope that didn't sound too harsh.
"I'm not Annabeth!" She said back.
What? I thought. Then I laughed to myself. She was probably just kidding around.
I continued to walk to my locker, and I pulled out my English books.
The bell rang and I headed over to English class. I passed by Octavian and shot him a dirty glare. Then I walked into the classroom. Seeing Annabeth hunched at her desk, I walked over to the desk next to her'a to sit down.
"Hi, Annabeth." I sighed as I set my backpack on the floor.
She didn't move or say anything. I poked her, and she sat up angrily.
"What!?" She asked.
I drew back my hand, surprised.
"Uh... hi." I said with a cheesy, scared smile.
She rolled her eyes.
"Hi." She muttered, and plopped back down.
I frowned. "A-are you okay?" I asked cautiously.
"I'm fine."
"Did you get enough sleep?"
She sat up again.
"I said I'm fine." She repeated harshly, then once again, covered her head.
Stupid. I said to myself. Stop bothering her. She'll think you're an idiot.
I sighed and slumped in my chair.
Annabeth POV
I had been sitting at my desk for a few minutes when I heard someone, no doubt it was Percy, sit next to me.
"Hi Annabeth." He said.
I didn't answer. He poked me and I quickly sat up.
"What?" I asked loudly.
He looked surprised. "Uh... hi."
I rolled my eyes. Did he have to make me get up to say that?
"Hi." I sighed and fell down again.
"Are you okay?" He asked, concern and caution in his voice.
"I'm fine." I muttered.
"Did you get enough sleep?"
I shot back up again. "I said I'm fine!"
I heard him sigh, and I wished that I had told him how I actually felt. I wanted him to hold me and gently pry the truth from me. But I wasn't weak. So I couldn't do that.


I found some time to update today. Yay☺️😄.
I think this chapter kind of sucked, but Percabeth so that's definitely a plus! Also I changed POV for the first time.
Anyway, I'll update as soon as I get the chance. Bye!!
P.s. I decided to make them in 11th grade. I think I said earlier they were in 10th, but not anymore!!

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