Chapter 11

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Annabeth POV
I heard whistling as the locker door swung open more, revealing Percy.
"Hey Annie." He said quietly. "Are you okay?"
That was the dumbest question ever. Of course I wasn't. He had probably just seen me get beaten by them.
"Obviously not!" I said angrily to him.
"Is there anything I can do?"
I knew he was trying to help, but by now, my patience had run out.
"No! There is nothing you could do for me!!" I shouted. "Percy, I've been trying to shake you off since the day you knocked my books out of my arms, but you won't let go! What is up with you?" Without waiting for an answer, I slammed the door shut as hard as I could and stormed down the hall.
Percy POV
I watched Annabeth as she ran down the hall. I sighed and opened her locker again. She hadn't packed any of her books. I stuffed them into my worn out blue backpack and slung it over my shoulder.
Hey Perc!" Jason said to me once I got outside.
He threw a football at me and I swatted it away.
"Hey Jason." I answered, sighing.
"What's up?" He asked. "Why is your backpack so big?"
"Annabeth forgot a few books." I answered. "I was just returning them."
He nodded. "See you later then."
I smiled back as he ran off. Then I turned around, surprised, at a tap on my shoulder.
"Wha-?" I stuttered.
It was Piper. I was a little glad to see her. I wasn't planning on saying anything just yet but once I found out a bit more I would ask her about Annabeth. She was a good person to talk to and I felt like she would understand. She was always cheerful and optimistic. But she wasn't smiling now. She looked concerned and worried about something.
"Oh, hi Piper." I said.
"Hi" she answered. "Uh, can I talk to you over there?"
She pointed to a tree where there was less students.
"Sure." I shrugged.
We headed over and sat in the dark grass.
"What's up?" I asked, although I'm sure I already knew what was up.
"It's Annabeth." She replied. I nodded. "Have you noticed anything... weird about her lately?"
"Weird as in depressed and slightly grumpy and scared?" I asked.
Piper nodded. "Exactly." She answered. "I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed but I figured I could talk to you because you... care for her."
I blushed slightly but nodded seriously.
"What do you think is wrong?" I asked.
"I have no clue." Answered Piper. "She's always seemed a little shy, but now something is definitely off. She seemed happy yesterday at the movies, but at lunch today she refused to sit with anyone and she hardly ate."
I thought for a moment. "I don't know if- well... have you seen the bruises?" I asked.
"Yeah." Piper nodded. "I'm hoping that nothing happens at home. I saw her brothers drop her off today, and they seemed nice, but I've never met her parents."
"I also saw her getting pushed around by some people. Octavian, Clarisse, and Kronos I think."mi informed her.
Piper looked suddenly angry. "If those idiots do anything to her ever again, I'll-"
"Piper." I interrupted.
"Sorry." She apologized.
"Do you think you should talk to her?" I asked.
Piper shook her head. "I don't think so Percy." She said. "I think you should."
"No." I said. "I've tried already. Before class, at her locker, during lunch. I'm no help at all."
"Not at school." Piper looked me in the eye. "Meet with her somewhere. I know she'll listen to you. She may not act like it but I think she has feelings for you. At school, she could be stressing out. You need to catch her when she's more relaxed."
I blushed and sighed. "Okay I'll try." I gave in. "I was about to go to her house anyway. She forgot some books."
"Perfect." Piper answered, standing up. "Do you know where she lives?"
I shock my head, realizing that I had no clue.
"That's okay. I have the address." Piper said. "I brought her home the other day."
Piper have me the address and I said goodbye, walking into my blue Prius.
I took a deep breath as I rang the doorbell. I didn't know what I was going to say to her. How was I going to start a conversation? What if she just took the books then slammed the door.
My thoughts were interrupted by screaming from inside. They were muffled but they were loud enough.
"Don't you dare open that door!!!" They were saying.
I jumped a little when I saw Annabeth open the door. She was hunched over, hugging her ribs as if they were broken. Her left eye was swollen and black. There was fear like I've never seen before in the right.
"Percy!" She gasped.
She opened her mouth to say more but a wine bottle flew out of nowhere and broke on her head. She crumpled, unconscious, as the glass shards settled around her.
From the shadows stepped a woman, staggering as if drunk. Without thinking, I swung and punched her across the jaw. She fell, also unconscious.
Trying to remain calm, I picked up Annabeth, bridal style, and ran to my car, carefully laying her down and dialing Piper's number.
"I'm coming over." I said once she had answered. "It's Annabeth."


Hi everybody!! I got to post sooner than I expected. Starting tomorrow, I should be posting regularly again, maybe not quite as often as I was before, but hopefully at least 3-4 times a week.
I'm sorry the chapter was short and suspenseful!! I actually really liked writing this chapter even though it was mainly Piper and Percy talking.
Thank you so much for the 340 reads!! Only yesterday I had 260 and now overnight I got 100 more!! I love you guys so much and everyone is so supportive!
Thank you!!

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