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I entered the door a few seconds before the bell rang, still blushing about what had just happened. Then I pinched myself.
Come on Annabeth. I told myself. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. He just helped you with your books.
I sat next to a girl with dark skin and frizzy brown hair. She eyed me, but she looked a little shy, so neither of us introduced ourselves.
I looked up when the same boy, Percy, who had helped me earlier and gave an inward groan. He saw me and have a lopsided smile. The seat next to me was empty, so he took a seat there.
"Hi again." He said.
"H-hi." I almost whispered in reply.
Just then, the teacher walked in.
"Hello everybody!" He said "I'm Mr. Brunner, and I'll be your English and history teacher. I'm going to call roll then we can begin." He started to call out people's names. "Clarisse! Silene! Octavion! Charlie! Annabeth!"
"H-here." I stammered.
He called out some more names. When he said "Hazel!" The girl next to me said "here."
She sounded much more confident than I had thought, still a little shy, but not too much. She spoke in a slight southern accent, and I guessed she was from Texas or Louisiana.
Soon, he finished roll call.
"Okay class." He said, rolling the wheel chair he sat in over to the front of the room. "This year is going to be a good year, I hope, because we're going to be learning something that I actually really enjoy teaching. This year, we're learning about Greek mythology. In English class, we might read a few stories, but we'll mostly be learning how to write a good, Greek essay. Whereas in history, we will be learning all the myths."
He continued to talk. I was pretty excited. I had always been drawn to Greek mythology, and now that we we're actually learning about it, I was thrilled.
I looked around the room and saw others eager faces. Getting to learn about stuff like this was a lot better than learning the history of New York.
Eventually the bell rang and everyone got up to get they're books and walk over to our next class, math.
I was about to walk through the door, into the hallway, but a scrawny, pale arm stopped me. I looked at its owner, who was smiling a devilish grin.
"Um, hi?" I said. "Can I please get passed?"
He chuckled, then drew me closer to him. He was a foot shorter than me and was really wiry looking. I remembered him from roll call. He was Octavian.
"Yeah sure. I'll bring you to your locker."
He wrapped his arm around my waist and walked me to my locker. I tried to stay as far away as possible, but he wouldn't let go.
We got to my locker, and I pulled away.
"I'm sorry, what do you want?" I said angrily.
He smirked. "You know, you're cute when you're mad."
I scrunched my nose up in disgust.
"In fact," he continued, "you're pretty cute all the time."
Okay. This guy was starting to creep me out. I've never even met him before today.
"Okay." I said. "Thanks, I think? Now why don't you pick up your own books at your own locker."
"I will." He said, reaching for my arm. "First things first though. You can go out with me. I'll meet you at the mall at 5:30."
I slapped his hand off of mine. "I don't want your permission to go out with you Octavian, and I don't need it. Just leave me alone."
He was about to wrap his scrawny arms around my waist, but somebody yanked him back.
"She said leave her alone!" Said Percy, Octavian down the hall.
Octavian grunted, then scowled at us. "You'll want me someday, princess." Then he ran down the hallway.
I rolled my eyes at him. I mentioned that I hated the nickname thing, right?
I turned to Percy. "Thanks." I said, brushing my hair out of my hair.
"Your wel- hey what happened?" He pointed to my forehead.
I groaned. I had revealed my bruise to him by accident.
"Uh, nothing bad. It's just, my brothers were playing basketball and..." I mimed being hit by a basketball, then being dazed.
Percy smiled a little at my action, and I realized how stupid I must look.
"Okay..." he said. "As long as it's fine."
I could tell he didn't believe me, but I silently thanked him for not asking any more questions.
"Anyway." I said. "I have to go to class."
"Ok. See you around." He grinned at me.
I smiled back. "Yeah."
Then I ran to math class.


I got there just was the bell rang.
The teacher walked in and smiled a strange smile at us. "Hello, class. I'm Mr. Quintus, you can call me Mr. Q."
He called roll. "Leo, Reyna, Drew, Bianca..."
When he was done, he started the math lesson. I had always loved math, so I paid close attention. When he gave us 10 problems for homework, I looked around the room and everyone looked a little lost. I guess their dyslexia was acting up.
I had just started the first problem, when I heard a tapping sound. I looked to my right, and saw Leo Valdez drumming his fingers on his desk. I sighed and tried to do math.
A few minutes later, I was still on the first one, listening to Leo's fingers. Usually I could easily block out things like that, but this was driving me crazy.
I tapped his arm. He looked at me, and raised his eyebrows. "Yeah?"
"Sorry," I said. "but could you please stop tapping your fingers? I can't quite concentrate."
"Sorry." He whispered. "I didn't realize that I was doing that. ADHD you know."
I nodded. "Thank you."
There was some silence, and I got halfway done with the ten problems, when a foot began to tap the ground. I looked at Leo, who staring at his math sheet intently, while absentmindedly tapping his foot.
I was about to let out a huge groan, when the bell rang.
I ran to my locker, without getting interrupted, hoping that I wouldn't bump into Percy or Octavian.
Soon I found myself in the language classroom. We were learning Greek for English and history.
I sat next to a girl with choppy, yet beautiful brown hair, and light brown skin. Her name was Piper. On the other side was a girl with dark hair, and eyes that looked like they could see right through her. She almost reminded me of myself. I would say I'm good at reading what people are thinking, and it looked like she would be too. I remembered her as Reyna, from math class.
I smiled at both of them. Reyna nodded back and Piper did the same.
I found Greek strangely easy, and it seemed that Piper had it down pretty we'll too, but Reyna seemed to be having a tiny bit more trouble.
"Don't get your Greek and Latin roots mixed up, Reyna." The teacher, Mr. H said.
After an hour of that, we got to science class. We had assigned seats and my lab partner was Piper. I was relieved. I did t really know her, but at least it wasn't Percy or Octavian, who were both in the same science class as me.
Mrs. Dodds, our teacher was not nice.
After that, it was finally lunch time.


Hi! Sorry this chapter is pretty boring. It's just a filler... well except for one part. Don't you all just hate Octavian? Anyway, since this chapter was short and all, I will probably definitely update later today. I hope everyone has a great day!

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