Chapter 12

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Annabeth POV
When I got home, Hera was drunk. Now I wished that I had gone to Piper's. If I had, she would have already passed out when I came home.
"Where have you been all day?" She screamed, her eyes unfocused.
"A-at school." I stammered.
"Who said you could go to school?"
She punched me across my face. If she hadn't been drunk and used all her energy to punch me, I would have passed out right there. But this time, I only half passed out.
She kicked a chair at me and I buckled over as it hit mug knees. She staggered over and kicked me. After 5 minutes of repeated kicking, the doorbell rang. I staggered up and ran, well crawled, to the door.
"Don't you dare open that door!" Hera shouted after me.
I opened it to find Percy, looking nervous, then shocked, then scared, then angry.
"Percy!" I groaned.
He started to say something, but Hera interrupted him my throwing an empty bottle of wine at me. It hit me and I immediately fell, unconscious.
Piper POV
I had just gotten off the phone with Percy. He had sounded worried. And it was about Annabeth.
A few minutes later, he arrived at my house and without knocking, entered it. I heard the thumping of his foot steps up the stairs and quiet moans.
He burst through the door with a battered Annabeth in his arms.
"Piper!" He gasped, obviously winded. "Annabeth!"
We lay her on the bed and have her a little checkup. She had scars and bruises all over. We first noticed her eye, which was swollen shut and black. She had cuts from Hera kicking and punching on her arms and legs. Once I made sure Percy wasn't looking, I rolled up Annabeth's shirt to reveal one huge purple bruise covering her entire left side.
I sat on the bed and started sobbing. Percy sat next to me and hugged me. Not in a romantic way. More like a brother/sister way.
After several minutes in this position, I pulled away.
"What are we going to do?" I sniffed.
Percy sighed. "I don't know. Obviously,we can't bring her back home."
I agreed. "And we can't keep her here forever."
"D-do you want to call the police?" He asked.
I looked at Annabeth sadly.
"I don't know." I answered. "I mean, we don't know all the details. I think we should wait for Annabeth to decide."
Percy nodded. "Do you need me at all?" He asked.
I shook my head. "I don't think so. I'll call you if I do. Just, don't tell anyone, okay?"
"Okay." Percy answered.
He slowly walked out the door. After a few minutes, I slowly fell into a light sleep.
Percy POV
Once I stepped to of Piper's room, I breathed a sigh of relief. I know Annabeth was still doing terrible and all, but, when that wine bottle hit her, I thought she was dead.
Now I was wondering what her stepmother was doing. Was she still dead? Probably not. The punch wasn't that bad. Then again, she was drunk.
I slowly climbed into my dad's Prius and drove home.
"Hi mom!" I called, setting the keys down on the counter.
She poked her head from around the corner.
"Oh, hey honey." She said. "Where have you been."
I realized that obviously she was going to ask that. School ended at 3:30 and now it was 7:00.
"Uh..." I scratched the back of my neck. "At a friends house."
She raised an eyebrow. "Which one?"
"Piper's" I answered.
"Percy." She said. "You're supposed to ask before going to a girl's house. You're supposed to ask before you go anywhere. Especially to your friends that you've only known for a day's house."
I groaned. "Mom." I said. "I'm seventeen. I think it's okay. Besides, this was different."
"Oh yeah?" She said.
"Yeah." I answered. "It wasn't just me and Piper, there was... other people too."
That wasn't lying. As long as she didn't ask how many others there were and who was it.
She sighed. "I'm sorry Percy." She said, hugging me. "It's just, ever since Gabe went to jail, I've been worried sick about everything you do. I know we moved far away from him, but, you never know."
I sighed, remembering my old stepfather. He was a jerk and was accused of murder.
Paul, my new stepdad came in.
"Oh hey Percy." He said, placing a stack of papers on the counter. "Where've you been?"
"A friend's house." I answered.
He nodded. He wasn't as prying as Mom.
"I'm going to go upstairs." I said.
"Okay honey." Mom called back. "Dinner should be ready in about 30 minutes."
"Thanks." I said, walking down the hall to my room.
Once I got in, I shut the door and sat on the bed with a sigh. I decided to text Piper.
Hey~ PJ (Percy)
Hi.~ PM (Piper)
How is she?- PJ
She hasn't woken up yet. But I think she's fine. - PM
She's not going to school tomorrow is she?"-PJ
Not on my watch-PM
Do you think she'll be awake by then?-PJ
Idk. She doesn't look well. Idk when she'll wake up-PM
My mom called from the kitchen. "Dinner time!"
"Be right there!" I called back.
Gotta go-PJ
I walked downstairs and ate my blue meatloaf, thinking about how we were going to fix this problem.
Hi! Sorry for the crappy chapter. I think the beginning is okay, but the end is really just so that the chapter isn't so short.
So here's the deal. I wasn't on wattpad for a couple of days wp and when I came back I got another 100 reads!!! Thank you so much for the 407 (last time I checked) reads!! Everyone is so supportive and I really appreciate it.
Thank you!!☺️❤️

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