Chapter 17

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Kayla's POV
Jasmaine and i get in the car and head in town towards the shops.

I can't stop thinking about what louis asked me. Was he going to propose? Was he planning to ask me to marry him? And if he was when was going to do it?

I was snapped out of my trance when jasmine called my name and waved her hand in front of my face.

"Whats wrong?" Asked jasmine with a concerned look on her face.

"Nothing. Just thinking"

"I'm you're best friend, i know when you lying. Whats wrong?" She says pulling the 'best friend' card.

"Fine, this morning at breafast i thanked mum for breakfast and she said that it's the least she could do for her daughter and her future husand" i say making sure she got the whole husband bit and continued
"then when i was just about ready louis was asking about marriage"

"And?" She questions making me sound like I'm making this a big deal when it not. "Thats a problem why?"

"It has gotten me freaking out and thinking if he was planning on asking me to marry him and i don't want to rush things"

"And having a baby isn't rushing things?" She say making me sound crazy.

Once we got to the mall we climb out of the car and head for the entrance.

"Yea but it's not like we planned it"

"So if louis was to drop down on his knee, would you say yes?" She questions me

"of course i would say yes" i say without any hesitation.

"Then i don't get what your so worried about, i don't doubt for a second your love for him or his love for you?"

"I just don't want to rush into things i just want to enjoy having a baby for now"

"Then tell him that" i can't help but feel relieved since talking about it with Jasmine. We walk in to a clothing shop for babies called the pumpkin patch and start walking around buying different outfits for the bub. After we finished we went to a maternity store where i bought some stretchy pants for my growing stomach and some nice tops that i can actually fit into because I'm growing out of most of my clothes. After that we went and bought more shoes and other assential items we went to a few more shops including the pharmacy to get vitamins for the baby and headed back to the car.

"Where to now?" I ask jasmine as she puts her seat belt on

"Markets" she says excitedly. As kids jasmine and i use to got to go with each others family to the makets on the first Saturday of each month and always bought silly stuff with the pocket money we saved up over the time.
Once i pull up in to a park we hop out of the car and lock as we walk to the gate. There was alot of people walking around with trollies and bags filled with stuff they had bought. As we walk throught the gate there was animals ducks, guinea pigs, birds, kittens and dogs. I remember as kids we always tried to convince our parents to get an animal. we walk over to where the puppies are and started to pat them. There was different breeds of dogs like Labradors, golden retrievers, bulldogs, german sheperd and beagles.

"How much are these" jasmine asks the lady selling the animals.

"Labradors and golden retrievers are both $150, bulldogs are $135, german sheperd $170 and beagles are $135 as well."

"Have they all got their needles?" I ask still patting a golden retriever

"Yea the all have there needles for how old they are they will still need to get some more for when they are older. They also are not cut yet because they are not yet older enough"

"i'll get this little guy" i say picking up the golden retriever.

"That'll be $150, thanks" i hand over the puppy to jasmine as i get out my wallet and hand the cash to the lady.

" how old is this one?" I ask politely

"he is about six months old now, he has just been weened off of his mum a few weeks ago" she said as she patted the puppy
"Okay thank you for everything

" you too darling, have a lovely day"she added

"He's so cute" spoke jasmine sratching behing the puppy's ear. "what are you going to name him"

"Dunno yet see what louis want to name him" i say ask jasmine hand me the pup back

As we walked around looking for stuff such as a collar, leash, food and water bowls trying to dodge the people coming from the other direction. I smell the aroma of food filling my nostrils my tummy growls from hunger.

"im hungry" i state " wanna stop to get some food" i ask jasmine

"Yea what would you like?"

"I'll have a hot dog and a cup of chips with can of lemonade" jasmine walks and stands in a fairly long line. As i look around i see a stall that has pet items. While i wait for jasmine i walk in over to the stall and have a look. I end up but a light blue leash with a matching collar and two stainless steel bowls some chew toys and a bag of treats aswell as some grooming stuff once i pay for the stuff i grab the bag and head back over to the under cover area where the food is. I look for jasmine in the line and spot her with only two people in front while i wait a little longer i grab the sky blue collar and wrap it around the puppies neck and adjust it so it not too tight nor too loose that'll it would slip over his head. Once im done i pull out the matching leash and clip it on the collar.

"There you go cutie" i say give the pup a quick pat on the head.
Right next to me jasmine pulls out her chair and sit down the tray on the table. The smell of the food is strong now and i can't help but grab a chip and shove it in my mouth.

"Did you buy some doggy stuff" she says gesturing to the leash and collar.

"Yea there is a stall over there, i went over there while you were getting the food. Isn't he cute?" i say giving the pup a bit of my chip

"Adorable" she agreed

There was a normal discussion over random subjects.

"What are we doing after we've finished here" asked jasmine

"well i promised mum that i would do some shopping, so i gotta go yo the supermarket"she nodded in response

After we finished eating we put the tray in a pile and the rubbish in the bin and walk around a bit more and buying some mangos and strawberries and other stuff before heading back to the car. we get in and head to IGA.

"You wanna stay in here the pup?" I ask

"Yea sure just leave the music on" she smiles

"Okay, i won't be too long" i say leave the keys in the ignition. I hop out of the car and walk through the automatic door and grab a trolley
And grab all of the groceries that i need and the head to the counter and put the items up and as the checkout chick put the groceries in the bags and i loaded in the trolley once im finished i pay and push the trolley out the car i open the boot and put the bags in and took the trolley to the trolley return. I walk back to the car and drive home.

Double update guys. ☺ please vote and comment would mean so much thanks guys
Also  any suggestions to names for the puppy?
Will update tomorrow

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