Chapter 8

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Kayla's POV
Since Louis has texted me a week  ago i have done alot of thinking and I have decided to move back to my home; Australia. I know Louis isn't going to stop I think its for the best plus I need to see my parents and I miss them heaps, they also don't know about the pregnancy, i don't want to tell them over the phone its one those things that you need to say to their face so in three days i will be flying to Australia there is so much i miss there. Jasmine is coming with me and im glad she is here by my side through everything. We moved to england after graduation wanted to try something new so we decided to move to england.
Right know jazmine and I are selling all our funiture in a garage sale most of the stuff is gone like the television and couch and dinning table with the chairs and the refrigerator.
"How much is the two beds" an elderly lady asks
"650 pounds for both"
"I would like to by them and this box of glasses and mugs"
" yep, that would be 675 pounds all up"
She hands me the notes. I count it and put it in the small money bag clipped around my waist. This is the 2nd day of the garage sale. A middle age man come up and asks "how much are the three dressers
"They are 900 pounds for the three, 300 each"
"I'll take the them"
"Great that's 900"
He hands me the money and i put it in the money bag
"Would you help loading them"
"That would be great"
"James over there will help you" i say pointing over to a tallfit looking guy with brown messy hair.
James is a friend that i met here when i first moved here with jazmine, he has helped with moving the heavy stuff  and brang his mate callum to come help aswell.
After two more hours of the garague sale everything is sold we go onside and order pizza. around seven thirty James and callum go home we thank them for their help and walked them to their cars and wave good bye to them as they drive away.

After walking inside my room i grabe a suit case and start packing my clothes and other stuff. I leave 3 sets of clothing out for the next couple of days and my Pajama's. At around ten thirty I finish folding and packing all my stuff. I walk down the stairs to jasmaine sitting  on the floor on her phone most likely on twitter or facebook.
"Thank god James and callum let us borrow their spare beds or we'd  be sleepinv on the floor" I said
"Yeah i know right we'd probably have sore backs for life" replied jasmine
I sit down beside her and check my twitter. At quarter to eleven I said good night to jasmine and went to bed.

So sorry guys  for the very late update I am going to work on the nexted chapter after writing this one so you guys can forgive me. Thanks for the votes and reads please share if you thing this stories is good enough  and please, please ,please comment it would mean the world to me. Also if you guys have any suggestions on what you would like to happen in the story just comment or message me I might have it go that way
OK thanks guys ily so much bye

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