Chapter 3

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"hello?" she answers after 3 rings

" hey, Jazmine can I stay at your house for couple of nights?" I try to stifle my sobs, but fail.

"yea sure. what's up? are you crying?"

"yea, I don't wanna talk about it over the phone, I'll tell you when I get to your place?" I let out more tears

" OK.... do you want me to come and pick you up or...?"she asks

"no it's okay  I'm fine to drive"

"I'll see you when you get here, bye"

"bye" she ends end the conversation  by hanging up.

Once I get to Jasmine's  house and grab my suit cases out of the car.  I knock on the door she answers after a few minutes and tells me to come in side and put my bags in the spare room. after I get settled in there I walk out into the kitchen where jasmine is making hot chocolate.

"do you wanna talk about it?" she turns around and asks.

I still haven't stopped crying but I'm not crying as much as before. "what happened?" she asks again

"we broke up" i finally answer after a few minutes of silence

" what?,why?, what happened?, what about the baby, didn't you tell him about it?" she asks with a questioning face.

i try to hold back the tears but it didn't happen just made me cry harder and tears just wouldn't stop falling.

Jazmine was the only person that knew about the baby, she figured it out because my behavior had been strange.

I shook my head
"I got so scared and told him that we
 should brake up and then it all clicked, he would be so much better without me
 and without the hassle of a baby ruining his career and messing up his dreams."

i let out more sobs and i broke down there.
she came up to me and wrapped her arms around me

"shhh its gonna be okay."

she kept repeating. this is the reason why Jasmine is my best friend because she is always there for me and she dosen't judge me only supports my choices.
"since tomorrow is his last day before he leaves for the tour you should talk to him, okay"

I shook my head furiously "no" is all said
"okay we'll talk about it later." she said not quite giving up

"I'm going to bed." i say walking away

"wait, don't you want to have some hot chocolate and watch some
 movies, just like the old times?" she ask with smirk holding cup of 
hot chocolate.

i return the smirk and grabed the hot 
chocolate from her hands. she grabs the other one from the bench behind her and we head for the lounge room. we decide to watch divergent. Theo James always makes me smile.
After the movie ends we turn theTV off and go to bed.

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