Chapter 5

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it felt so right in his arms, he hugged me so tight that i never wanted to let go and i wish it could stay like this forever and just me and him the feeling that we're the only two people in the world with no worries, but it can't, there's always gonna be something in the way and in this case it's a baby. i was the first to pull away, he looked like he had been crying  he had bags and redness under his eyes. i felt like such a bitch. he is the best thing that has ever happened to me. he was the first to break the silence that had fallen between us

"i've missed you so much, i know it's only been one night but i love you so goddamn much and baby i want you back please" he takes a breath and continues "just tell me whats wrong, what happened and we can work through it. plez" he looks so sad and it breaks my heart.

i realized that we are still standing at the door, i motion for him to come inside so i can shut the door.

"i love you so so so much and i want to tell you but if would change so much about us and it wouldn't be the same and even it i do tell you it wouldn't be the right thing to stay together it would be so difficult " i say as i walk towards him looking him in the eyes as i do, the tears were threatening to spill but i try to hold them back.

he grabs my hand from my sides and hold them in his "whatever it is, it would be worth being with you, please i can't live without you and it's been one night without you and look at me i'm such a mess, i love you with my whole heart and i can't be without you" he looked like he just thought of something "... lets get married, we can get married" he looked at me with pleading eyes. i shook my head repeatedly and that's when the tears fell

"i c-can't..w-we can't" by now he had tears slipping down his face this broke my heart even more it that's possible

 "y-yess, baby we can, you can wear the most beautiful dress and..."  

"no-o, we can't" i cry even more my make-up is probably smudged but at the moment i don't really care right now. he lets go on one of my hand and puts it up to my cheek and wipes away the stray tears.

"we can't be together"i say as i look away from his beautiful ocean coloured eyes. "I'm sorry"  the imaged of his perfect face tears stained with more tears running down his face is glued into my brain

"Kayla please don't do this" his voice breaks

"i'm sorry Louis but i think you should go" i say still not looking him in the eyes, he uses that same hand and puts it under my chin making me look at him.

"n-no please baby i love you" he says looking into my eyes.

 he moves his face closer to mine fast enough so i couldn't object to his lips connecting to mine. the fireworks went off as soon as his lips touched mine. it wasn't a passionate kiss but it wasn't just a peck ether. i was the first to pull a way so i wouldn't change my mind. he looked a little hurt by that, i looked to the ground as i started to walk towards the door, i opened it and noticed that Louis was walking towards it i didn't wan't to kick him out, i feel bad enough that i have shattered his heart in to a million pieces. he gave me a hug on the way out and it was the same one as when he got here tight and safe feeling in being in his arms. 

again i was the first to pull away, he slowly let go "i love you and always will" he say while leaving a kiss on my cheek. he walked out the door and over to his black land rover and turned around and gave me a sly smile that was barely there and turned around and hopped in the driver seat and reversed and drove out of the driveway. the tears came back heavier this time, i turned around and walked inside and shut the door.

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