Chapter 14

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Kayla's POV
"Louis what are you doing here " i ask looking at him
"You know what I'm doing here Kayla, and i have never really met your parents and since we're going to have a baby together, don't you think they should know the father of there grandchild
"I'll leave you guys alone to talk" Jasmine says walking away
"LOUIS STOP IT" i whisper yell
"Stop what? Trying to be there for my child. I know you don't want to here this but i'm not going to stop until I get what I want and that is my baby and its mom"
I heard footsteps behind me and turn around
"Louis come inside, where are you bags"
Bags? What bags? He can't be staying here. Was mom expecting him?
"What bags" shock written clear in my voice
"Honey, louis is staying here" i turn my gaze towards louis
"But he can't he's on tour"
"Not anymore baby I'm staying here with you and your family get to know them and spend time with you"
"What about the tour and the boys"
"Its been postponed so the boys and i can visit family since we haven't seen them in a while"
"Shouldn't you go see your mom and siblings, then?"
"No i visited them before i left"
"Kayla stop pestering him" my mom scolds " you can take your bags up to Kayla's room I'm guessing you would like to stay in her room with her"

"He can't, Jasmine's staying in there with me" i say trying to get out out of sleeping in the same bed as him. you probably think that I'm being a bitch but im doing this for him and he won't take it.
"I'm sure Jasmine won't mind sleeping in the spare bedroom for a few weeks"
"Few weeks?"
"Kayla whats going on with you tonight, i thought you would static about louis coming to stay."
I heard more footsteps coming this way
It was my dad and luke.
"Hello, sir" Louis says with his british accent stand out like a sore thumb extending his hand to shake my fathers.
"Louis; good to finally meet you, though i pretty sure you meet the inlaws before you get their daughter pregnant but we'll let that one slide" dad said messing around with louis
"Technically we met over skype so we did"
"True, true." Dad said patting louis firm on the shoulder.

Dad has always said i had picked a good one talking about louis.
"This is my son Luke, Luke this is Kayla's boyfriend; the father"

"Hi, im louis it's nice to meet you" louis once again extends his hand to Luke

"Yea you too mate"

Whats going on. What the hell is louis doing here. This has just gotten so complicated. I need to talk to Jasmine. I walk away from the group that has formed in the living room to find Jasmine.

"What are you doing?" I ask Jasmine
She looks up as i may of startled her.
"Im moving my stuff in the spare room"
"What? Why?" I exclaim
" You're mum asked me too, so you and louis could share your room"
"No, i don't want to share a room with him. He is making this so hard"

" Kayla don't get mad but maybe he is doing the right thing and i know you don't want to ruin his career and everything but maybe he would rather be with you, have a family than loose you and be in One Direction" she said taking a breath

" and if you're want to share your room with me than with your 'boyfriend' then there going to get suspicious and then they will find out and i don't think they will be happy finding ouf that you have lied to them" she said using hand quotation marks around boyfriend.

"and on that note you need to tell them soon and maybe even talk to louis about this" she said and to my dislike she makes perfects sense.
"Now you gonna stand there or you gonna help" she smiled removing the tension that was building.

After we moved all of her stuff to the room next door. I heard a knock on Jasmines door. I peeked around the cupboard to see see louis standing at the door with his hands in his pockets looking effortlessly perfect
"Yea, come in" Jasmine spoke.

I watch as he walks in
"Hey, Jasmine can i steal Kayla away for a little while" louis asks sweetly

"Yea sure" louis starts to walk out of the room me following behind looking back at Jasmine her mouthing "talk to him" as i drag my self out of the room and follow louis to mine.

"Kayla.."louis started but i cut him off "what are you doing here Louis" i say a little bit too harsh

"Look, kayla you can't blame me for wanting to fight for you and the baby"
He said taking a step closer to me.

"I know you're scared that something will happen to the band and scared that you'll be the to blame or that the paparazzi will be too much and i inow i can't do anythinga out that but what i do know that between now and the rest of my life i will do the best i can to keep both you and our baby safe." He say emphasizing 'Our'.

By now i have tears streaming down my face. Louis take a couple more staeps so he is right in front of me.

With his left hand he embraces my right and brings his right hand to my cheek to wipe away my stray tears.

"I love you so much Kayla and i would go to the ends of the earth for you to realize i would literally do anything for you to see that" he spoke as he stared in to my ocean coloured eyes, he starts to lean and so do I, the moment our lips were about to touch.

Jasmine comes knocking on the door.
"Sorry am i interrupting something" she asks with a huge grin on her face.
I pull away from louis startled.
"No" i say rushed

"Whats up?"

"Uh dessert is ready, but you guys can continue if you want" she says still smirking

"There is nothing to continue" i say sounding more cold than i wanted to and the way louis face fell and then i see Jasmine, she has now gotten serious and realized what i had said i felt really bad.
I walk out of the room passing both louis and Jasmine on my way out. "She didn't mean that, louis, its the hormones" i heard Jasmine say
"Yea" he said dulled out.

Hey guys i feel like no one is reading i only have 8 reads on the last chapter and no one is voting when no one is voting it makes me not want to up date it really make me sad and i wonder if i should quit this book please, please, please vote and comment and share i always try to write long chapters for yous and it takes me a long time and sorry for the typos. Lately i have been having writers block so give me ideas. I also most likey won't update for a while cause it is the end of the year i have assignment and exams formy maths and english also my art so im busy and gotta focus but please vote and comment what you think and what should/is hoing to happen and share and thanks for the follows

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