Chapter 2

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Kayla's POV

I woke up with Louis arm wrapped around my waist and our legs in twined in each others. i start to feel nauseas so I unwrap his arm from my waist and untangle our legs without disturbing his slumber, i go to the guest bathroom so I don't wake up Louis. He hasn't caught me yet, I don't want him to find out that way. when i get to the bathroom, I quickly open the door and run to the toilet. After I'm done throwing up I wipe my mouth with the toilet paper and chuck it in the toilet, I close the lid and flush the toilet.
I walk to the sink and wash my mouth out then, wash the sleep out of my eyes, dry my face on the hand towel and rinsed my month out with mouth wash to get rid of my bad breath. I walked out of the bathroom to make sure Louis is still sleeping, today is his day off and I plan to tell him about the the pregnancy,  i quietly look in the doorway he is still sleeping so I walk into the kitchen and go to the fridge to see what I can cook for Louis' breakfast.

I decide to make him an omlete. Ever since I've found put I was pregnant I never ate any breakfast because I vomit it back up and never be able to keep it down. After I got out all the ingredients for the omlete and prepared it. I cook it in less than half an hour and turn the stove off and head for the bedroom so I could wake up Louis for his breakfast. As I walk in the door Louis starts to stir. I walk to his side of the bed and shake his shoulder lightly

"Louis wake up, I made breakfast for you" he turns from his side to his back and rubs the sleep out of his eyes with his hands and opens one eye then opens the other with a sleepy smile "morning"

"morning" I give him a small smile back "you gonna hop up and have some breakfast?" I ask as he grabs my hand "I have a better idea, come lay in bed with me" he states with the cutest smirk as he pulls me down so I land on top of him.
I rush to my hands and knees to get off him but he has a grip around my waist and pulls me down again and rolls me over so I'm underneath his body. he starts to bend down closer to my lips 
"Louis not now" I interrupt him "why can't we fool around a little, its my day off and we have all the time in the world" he smiles and goes into kiss me again
"LOUIS I SAID NOT NOW, OK" he sits up with a stunned look on his face and I take the chance to crawl out of the bed and walked down the hall and out in to the kitchen.

I feel kind of bad the look on his face was mixture  of sad, hurt and even surprised. "You OK baby" he walks into the kitchen asking with a frown "yea I'm sorry I didn't mean to snap at you like that I just... Didn't feel like doing anything like that at the moment" I say feeling disappointed in my self, my hormones are seriously getting the better of me. "Its alright, I mean I should've listened to you when you first told me to stop, I'm sorry" he says while placing a kiss on my  cheek.

"Umm... Your breakfast is in the frypan." i say to rid of the the awkwardness that's is bound to come. He walks to the stove to see what I've made him and gets a plate out of the cupboard for himself, I walk out of the kitchen  into the lounge room to watch the morning show.
A few minutes later Louis walks in the room with two mugs of tea i think, and I'm proven right as he hands me one of the two and sits down next to me on the couch. In the next few minutes Louis seem very interested in the topic the hosts of the show are talking about, which is about the legal age of driving and is it a good idea for a person at the age of 16 to be allowed to drive on public roads? i find a little bit of confidence in me

"Louis" I try to get his attention away from the TV

"Mmmm" he takes a quick glance at my direction before turning back to the TV

"can we talk about something" he gives me his attention to me before taking it away to turn the TV volume down
"what is it" all his attention us now focused on me making me feeling really nervous and  loosing the confidence i had seconds ago and giving me clammy hands

"Umm... I-I ... There has been something on my mind lately and I can't...Umm..." Why can't I just say it.

Kayla just say whats on your mind, just say whats on your mind, I keep saying to my self.  
"we need to break up" i say quickly and rushed, i look at Louis' face and realize what I just said, i don't wanna break up with him, i mean I love him more than life itself. But when you think about it maybe that's what we need to so he can keep his career with out a baby coming in and ruining everything

"what?" he finally speaks after a few minutes of silence hurt and confusion filled his voice.

I keep the silence going, after not knowing what to say. Tears start to prick my eyes and before you know it tears are streaming down both of our faces.
"it's for the best" I finally build some courage to speak
"no no no you don't know what your talking about, us being together is for the best, I love you, we love each other."  i just shake my head.
A few more seconds as well as more tears fell
"baby please don't do this, we can make it through whatever's making you have doubt's about us, just tell me what it is and we'll work it out" he reach out and grabs my hand and gently squeezes it as tear of his falls down his cheek.
"I'm sorry" I finally speak "baby don't do this please, I'm begging you"

"I'm sorry" I say before I let go of his hand and stand up and walk out of this room.
What did I just do? I walk into what used to be our bed room and closed the door with my back against it sliding down to the floor sobbing.

After what feels like hours I finally stand up and grab a couple of suit cases out of my walk in closet and pack  my cloths and other essentials, I walk into the bathroom and grab all of my toiletries and pack them in my suit case. When I'm done all of my packing I walk into the dinning room I find a sad Louis sitting at the table with red puffy eyes from crying, it hurts me to see him like this knowing that I caused his pain.

"So this is it then, your leaving me" he looks up at me then at my suit cases, taking them as my answer. "I want you to know that you can always come back here if you ever change your mind about us, and that I will always love you no matter what " he says shattering my heart, well what's left of it.

I left my suit cases near the front door I walk back to Louis and wrap my arm around his torso hugging him, he hugs back tighter " I love you too, I wish it didn't have to be this ways, but there is no other way for us to be together." We hug a little longer until I brake the braise between us.

"I will always love you" I kiss his cheek before walking out the door with my bags. I put my bags in the boot of my car and get in the driver seat. I get my phone out of my pocket and dial my best friends number.


hey guys

anyway just wanna say thanks and tell me what you think of the 
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ily guys  so much


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