Chapter 6

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Harry's POV

Kayla told me not to tell Louis about the baby, but he's my best friend and i wanna try anything that will make him happy or happier because i feel like nothing will make him feel like he used to when he was with her. sitting in my room next to the guest one listening to my best friend cry got to me

"I'm sorry Kayla" i whispered to my self as i knocked on the door that Louis was staying in for now

"Harry go away, i don't wanna talk" he voice breaks. This needs to work.

"Lou, please unlock the door we have to talk about something, and I'm pretty sure your gonna wanna listen, it's important" I try to convince him. I hear him groan and then silence for a while till i hear the unlocking of the door, I take that as my invitation and grab the door handle and turn it, I look in the room to fined Louis walking back to bed sitting on the end, he looks up, his looks confirms that he has been crying. i walk over to his bed and take a seat next to him. i don't know how to start, how are you supposed to tell your best friend that his girlfriend that just broke up with him, and is carring his unborn child? Louis gives me a 'get on with it look', i take a breath,here goes nothing. l

"how are you, Lou?" i say trying to stall a bit

"get on with it harry" knowing me well to know i'm stalling

"fine it's about why Kayla broke up with you" he gives me a look telling me to continue "Kayla's pregnant" i say quickly

"what?" he asks

Kayla's POV

i'm sitting on the couch flicking though the channels on the TV and finally give up on trying to find anything good and turn it off pull out my phone and start going through my twitter notifications follow some one direction fans. My phone vibrates in my hand signaling that I have a text messages from Louis. Even though Louis and I aren't dating anymore he seem to still give me butterflies just thinking abouthim.
I go onto my messages and open the one with bold letters showing that it hadn't been open yet

From my sexy arse boyfriend the Tommo
Can we talk

I don't know what to say taking my time to think what to reply with he texts me again

From my sexy arse boyfriend the Tommo

I finally reply to him asking what about? Waiting for him to reply I stare at his contact name in my phone. I remember when he stole my phone when we first started dating

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