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                Trees with dark gray bark stretched farther into the sky than any cat could climb. Black grass covered the ground. A sickly gray mist swirled through the forest, the only thing that provided any light at all.

                Three cats gathered in this shadowy forest, sitting by a dark, slimy river. A fallen tree with rotting bark had fallen across the river, much like the tree-bridge that crossed the lake for Clan cats to reach the Gathering Island.

                One of the cats was taller than the others and it was clear he was leader. He was very muscular, with gray-and-white fur and emotionless amber eyes.

                The other two cats were a dark gray tom with narrowed amber eyes, and a brown tom with icy blue eyes.

                “We didn’t win last time, Splashheart,” Smokewhisker grumbled. “Seedfur and Breezepelt made that pretty clear.”

                “But the Clans don’t have the Three this time,” the gray-and-white tom responded, eyes gleaming. “All they have is that pathetic excuse for a leader, Crazystar.”

                “Yes,” Smokewhisker agreed, carefully selecting his words. “But I just think we should choose a more…cautious approach this time. Think through our battle strategies completely instead of doing the whatever works plan.”

                Splashheart nodded and turned to Thornwhisker. “I agree with Smokewhisker,” the brown tom growled. “And most importantly, less Clan cats! Only ones with real potential to become true warriors. And if we have any doubts about their loyalty, we kill them!”

                “Well, we know ThunderClan best,” Splashheart meowed. “We choose a cat they won’t expect…perhaps that medicine cat apprentice, Whitepaw. And Oakstream is angry at Crazystar for choosing Stonestream. And what about Hawkwhisker? We almost got him to join our side last time.”

                The cats sat there by the riverbank, discussing the cats they would train in their ways…


                Redkit pulled away as her mother, Pinefoot, tried to groom her fur. “I’m too old for that!” she protested. “Warriors don’t have their mothers doing this to them and humiliating them!”

                Whitekit seemed awkward sitting next to her. “I’m sorry, Redkit,” he muttered for the thousandth time. “I just wanted to be a medicine cat. Teach me some warrior stuff, okay? Perhaps a few battle moves?”

                Redkit cuffed him lightly on the head. “Of course, mouse-brain!” she replied with false cheerfulness. “And you can teach me about your boring herbs too if you want!”

                “I don’t care if we’re training differently,” Whitekit meowed seriously. “We’ll always get along!”

                Crazystar emerged from the nursery behind them. Liontail rushed over. “Crazystar, I can do the ceremony…” the deputy began.

                The gray-furred she-cat rolled her eyes. “My kits aren’t going to die if I leave them with Morningblaze for a few heartbeats!”

                Redkit admired how strong the ThunderClan leader looked as she took a massive leap onto the Highledge. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather beneath the Highledge for a Clan meeting!” she yowled.

                Honeywhisker, the medicine cat with golden fur and amber eyes, joined her. “Whitekit, is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan and to serve and heal your Clanmates?” the ThunderClan medicine cat asked.

                Her brother lifted his head. “It is,” he declared.

                “Then, until your mentor determines you are ready to receive your full name, you will be known as Whitepaw,” Crazystar meowed. “May StarClan grant you the ability to serve your Clan well for many seasons.”

                “Redkit, step forward,” the gray-furred she-cat ordered. “From this moment on, until you receive your warrior name, you’ll be known as Redpaw. Brightleaf, you were my own apprentice. I hope you share your enthusiasm and talent with Redpaw.”

                Brightleaf looked almost as nervous as Redpaw was as she leaned down to touch noses with her new apprentice. After a brief moment, she pulled away.

                The sun had vanished by the time the ceremony concluded. Redpaw listened as the Clan began to chant her new name to the evening sky.

Warriors: Crazystar's Greatest Challenge(Sequel to Crazystar's Battle)Where stories live. Discover now