Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

                Crazystar had freaked out when she found out what the kits had done. Thankfully, Honeywhisker had assured her that Blazekit would survive, but they didn’t know quite yet if the kit would be able to walk properly again.

                It was the night after that chaotic evening. Whitepaw closed his eyes. Please, let me go to the Dark Forest tonight…

                He sighed heavily with relief as he found himself surrounded by trees with dark gray bark. The decaying scent was so familiar and comforting now. Strangely, the Place of No Stars felt more like home than ThunderClan.

                Splashheart wasn’t there. Apparently, Thornwhisker, who stood in front of him, would be leading the training tonight.

                The brown tom turned and led him through the forest towards the training clearing without speaking. Whitepaw slowed down momentarily at the sound of growling. He looked in between the tree trunks and saw a small flame-colored RiverClan she-cat leaping at Splashheart. “Why are we training her?” he hissed to Thornwhisker. “She’s as small as a kit!”

                Thornwhisker glanced back. “All cats have potential,” he growled. “That’s Splashheart’s idea for a new recruit. I personally think it’s ridiculous but no one questions his orders unless they wish to die or be severely injured.”

                In a sandy stretch of land by one of the numerous rivers, Salmonstar, who Whitepaw had heard was the new RiverClan leader, stared fearfully at a dark gray tom. “That’s Smokewhisker,” Thornwhisker whispered.

                “I just realized after the naming ceremony,” Salmonstar meowed. “You’re not StarClan! You’re the Dark Forest! You’re evil and…”

                “I was sent here by mistake just because of one little battle Rabbitstar blamed me for causing with ThunderClan…” Smokewhisker began to explain.

                “Liar,” a different voice snarled. “Excuses, excuses, excuses. You and your friends always come up with them. You were banished to this disgusting place because you sided with Splashheart.”

                A starry white-cat was leading a large group of StarClan warriors towards the training session. “Hello, Cloudstar,” Smokewhisker meowed coldly. “A rather…unexpected surprise. I thought you StarClan fools couldn’t cross the border.”

                “We can when you have something that belongs to us,” the former ThunderClan leader responded with hostility.

                “No! We are the ones who train her, not you!” the dark gray tom shouted angrily.

                “Any leader who has not intentionally attempted to harm or kill one of their Clanmates or doesn’t have plans to do anything of the sort is ours,” Cloudstar countered. “Give us the RiverClan leader or face us all now.”

                Thornwhisker raced down the slope as Smokewhisker hesitated. Whitepaw followed. “She has the freedom to train where she likes!” the young medicine cat apprentice growled furiously, finding himself annoyed by the way Cloudstar spoke as if he owned the Dark Forest.

                He unsheathed his claws and leapt at Cloudstar, but Thornwhisker pulled him back. “I’d like to shred those StarClan furballs as much as you, and I most certainly appreciate your enthusiasm to get rid of those know-it-all tyrants, but we don’t need to get in a fight. Save your energy for training and the battle,” the brown tom whispered.

                Whitepaw sank his claws into the black grass to keep himself from accidentally clawing the bossy StarClan warriors. It was so tempting, but Thornwhisker’s orders…

                “Yes, I’m sure you don’t want to fight now. You just want to wait until you have time to execute your ‘perfect plan’ and I’m sure it’ll come rather shocking to you when you lose horrifically!” Cloudstar tossed out the insult, raising an eyebrow mockingly as if daring them to say anything in reply or to attack him.

                Smokewhisker shoved the RiverClan leader forward. “Take your dumb leader,” he growled. “One pathetic cat, nine lives or not, won’t save you and your wimpy Clans.”

                Cloudstar signaled with his tail for the StarClan cats to turn back towards their territory and then beckoned for Salmonstar to follow. “Thank you,” the red-furred she-cat stammered.

                Cloudstar gave a quick nod and disappeared into the distance soon, leading the RiverClan leader out of the forest.

                Whitepaw narrowed his eyes. How can she not see how much better life will be once Splashheart has taken over?

Warriors: Crazystar's Greatest Challenge(Sequel to Crazystar's Battle)Where stories live. Discover now