Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

                Flamekit missed his brother.

                They had been just shy of four moons old when Blazekit took the nasty fall out of the tree. He had just been allowed out of the medicine cat den two days ago, limping heavily and the majority of his weight being supported by Crazystar. Currently, they were both six moons old, the age when they were supposed to become apprentices. Flamekit wondered though if Crazystar would delay the ceremony until Blazekit was ready though. Even though it was probably considered selfish on his behalf, he hoped she didn’t.

                Morningblaze’s kits were two moons old. Petalkit was a cream-colored she-cat with sparkling blue eyes and fit Flamekit’s definition of pretty. Rosekit wasn’t bad-looking either though, with reddish-orange fur and amber eyes. Crazystar said she looked almost exactly like Salmonstar, the RiverClan leader.

                The only other news was that Rainfoot, one of ThunderClan’s oldest warriors, had finally chosen to move to the elders den, joining Leafstorm.

                Petalkit scampered up to him, her sister Rosekit following behind at a slower pace. “What’s wrong? You look sad,” she commented. “You’re not mad at me, are you?”

                Flamekit sighed and shook his head. “No, I’m just worried about Blazekit,” he replied.

                Petalkit sat down and thought for a while. “I know!” she shouted finally, bouncing up and down. “A game will cheer you up! Do you want to play with us? We can pretend like ShadowClan is attacking and escape from the camp through the secret entrance!”

                Games are for kits. Besides, I don’t want to play without my brother.

                But Flamekit knew the kit was only trying to help, and that if he said no, she’d take offense. He looked at Morningblaze, who was watching from nearby, for permission. His mother’s sister nodded. “Sure,” he told Petalkit, and her face brightened.

                “Great!” she exclaimed.

                Petalkit looked to Rosekit and then shouted, “Flamekit! Rosekit! ShadowClan is attacking!”

                Leafstorm and Rainfoot stumbled out of the elders den. “Great StarClan, not ShadowClan too…” the former ThunderClan deputy muttered before realizing that it was Petalkit who’d given the fake warning.

                Petalkit rushed over to the camp wall and beckoned for Flamekit and Rosekit to follow. Flamekit leapt up first, jumping from ledge to ledge with ease. Petalkit came next and her sister followed more hesitantly. He reached the top of the wall long before the two she-cats and stood waiting.

                Petalkit was very close now and Rosekit was following behind, only barely trailing behind her sister. Suddenly, Petalkit screamed and lost her footing, crashing into Rosekit. The two sisters struggled for a pawhold and Flamekit knew they couldn’t hold on for long.

                He leaned carefully over the wall and saw Morningblaze rushing towards the scene. She’ll be too late unless I do something…

                Petalkit was closest, so he grabbed her first, pulling her to safety. The cream-colored she-cat’s eyes were wide with fear. “Thanks,” she panted as Flamekit reached back down to retrieve her sister.

                Just as Flamekit’s teeth met her scruff, Rosekit lost her grip. He tightened his teeth around her fur and began to haul her upward.

                But then, Rosekit moved ever so slightly and she slid out of Flamekit’s grasp, plummeting down towards the stone hollow. Morningblaze screamed and Flamekit sprinted through the forest, narrowly avoiding crashing into trees. He burst through the camp entrance, Petalkit arriving shortly after, and skidded to a halt by the red-furred she-cat,

                This was much worse than Blazekit’s injury. Her head was twisted sideways and she lay on the ground, unmoving and flanks still.

                Honeywhisker came over and unlike with Blazekit, she didn’t need to do anything other than see Rosekit’s lifeless body sprawled out in front of her to know what was wrong. She looked sorrowfully at Morningblaze, who was covering her kit’s fur with desperate licks. “Morningblaze, Rosekit is dead,” the medicine cat meowed quietly.

                Flamekit collapsed onto the ground. “No!” he wailed. “It’s all my fault.”

                Morningblaze glanced up momentarily. “No, Flamekit, it’s not,” she whispered. “You tried to save her. Petalkit would be dead too if it wasn’t for you.”

                Flamekit just stared at the ground. “No, it is my fault,” he hissed, too quietly for anyone else to hear.

                Suddenly, another voice belonging to a certain gray-furred she-cat yowled, “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Highledge for a Clan meeting!”

A/N: Been having Internet problems all day, just now managed to get it working long enough to post this. Might not update again, because it's a national holiday in my country and I'm going to see fireworks(if it actually stops raining). If not, you can at least look forward to another update :)

Happy Fourth of July for my wonderful readers who are Americans! :) For my also equally as wonderful non-American readers, happy unofficial Jayfeather Day! :)

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