Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

                Flamekit half-heartedly glanced up. Crazystar stood on the Highledge, looking at her sister with pity in her green eyes. “I know how painful it is to have an injured kit, and I can only imagine how much worse it is if one of them dies,” the gray-furred she-cat meowed. “We mourn the loss of Rosekit, but we are ThunderClan! We will recover and remain strong!”

                A few cats began to chant, “ThunderClan! ThunderClan!”

                Crazystar waited patiently for them to stop. “I have a ceremony planned to lighten the mood, hopefully,” she continued. “Redpaw has trained hard and I believe she is deserving of her warrior name. She passed the final assessment yesterday and her mentor, Brightleaf, assures me that she will be a worthy warrior of my Clan.”

                Sadness tugged at his heart, knowing Blazekit should be sitting here in front of the nursery with him, and both Petalkit and Rosekit should be there behind him. And they would be, if Flamekit could’ve stopped his brother and had a better grip on Rosekit’s scruff. Rosekit was dead and Blazekit was injured because of him.

                He shook his head and tried to focus. He searched through the crowd for Redpaw and saw her staring at Highledge in surprise. To her right, Whitepaw looked angry. The grumpy medicine cat apprentice still hadn’t received his full name and the fact that Redpaw was about to get her warrior name probably put him in even more of a bad mood than usual.

                “Redpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to defend and protect this Clan, even at the cost of your life?” Flamekit realized that he’d missed part of the ceremony.

                I wish I could forget about Rosekit and Blazekit. But I can’t.

                The red-furred she-cat hesitantly made her way through the crowd until she stood directly beneath the Highledge. She lifted her head and met Crazystar’s eyes. “I do,” she declared, raising her head even higher at the statement.

                Crazystar seemed amused and pleased. “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name,” the ThunderClan leader went on. “From this moment on, you will be known as Redwhisker. Redwhisker, remember that every cat has their strengths and weaknesses. I noticed how hard you worked at fighting and also realized that you’re a remarkable hunter. StarClan honors your perseverance and confidence and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan!”

                Redwhisker looked like she didn’t believe the moment had finally come, and Flamekit couldn’t help but envy her. I wish I was just warrior! And if I could make two wishes, I’d wish that I could stop cats I care about from being hurt like this…

                Flamekit sighed and joined in with the rest of the members of his Clan as they loudly shouted her new name to the sky. Well, I guess now the meeting is over…

                “I have something else to announce,” Flamekit was surprised to hear Crazystar speak again. “Flamekit, you are six moons old. I wish as much as you do, if not more, that Blazekit could be there with you, but I can’t delay your apprentice ceremony as that would be unfair to you. I know the loss of Rosekit is an awful tragedy that I wouldn’t wish upon any queen, but let us all recall that if it weren’t for Flamekit, Petalkit would be with StarClan as well.”

                Flamekit felt even more shocked and excited than Redwhisker probably had when she got her warrior name. He pushed his way through the group of warriors. “I suppose I don’t need to tell you to step forward, do I?” Crazystar purred. “From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Flamepaw.”

                I hope I get a good mentor!

                “Hawkwhisker, it has been a while since you had an apprentice. You will be mentor to Flamepaw. I hope you pass on everything you know to him and train him well,” his mother concluded.

                Flamepaw couldn’t believe it. I’m an apprentice!

                He eagerly touched noses with Hawkwhisker and listened to the voices of his Clan, all calling his new name and cheering for him. “When can we start training?” he asked quietly.

                “Tomorrow morning,” Hawkwhisker whispered. “By the way, remember that you’re sleeping in the apprentices den tonight.”

                But the happiness slowly died to be replaced by guilt. Guilt because his brother should be there too.

                Blazekit hopped over awkwardly, stumbling and wincing in pain. Flamepaw walked over to him. “I’m sorry, Blazekit…” he began.

                Blazekit shook his head. “It was my own dumb idea to climb that tree, it’s not your fault, mouse-brain!” he sighed. “Just you better learn a lot and train pretty quickly because I’ll be there soon and then you’re in trouble.”

                “Yeah, right!” Flamepaw teased.

                As his brother walked away, Flamepaw started to feel a little bit better. He replayed Blazekit’s words in his head. Not your fault…

A/N: Flamepaw is finally an apprentice! :)

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