Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

                Flamestripe was just bringing fresh-kill to the nursery, where Petalfall was resting and Mousestorm’s kits were playing. Suddenly, a voice shouted, “Warriors of SplashClan, attack!”

                He stepped outside. Mousestorm told her kits to stay inside and then rushed out to join him. Petalfall walked out too but Flamestripe hissed, “Get back inside there! Now!”

                It was just like his nightmares, except this time, it wasn’t a dream. Dark, shadowy warriors rushed into the camp, launching themselves at his Clanmates, and two massive toms charged toward the nursery.

                Flamestripe snarled ferociously and Mousestorm stiffened beside him. The queen’s eyes blazed with fury and she leapt onto one’s back.

                Flamestripe followed her example and sank his claws into the tom’s fur. The tom dropped to the ground, but he clung on. “No one can defeat Hollowtree!” he snarled.

                “Watch me,” Flamestripe growled.

                Hollowtree rolled and Flamestripe barely jumped off in time. Before he could land a blow on the tom’s soft belly, he was back on his feet. The black-furred tom charged and aimed for his neck.

                Flamestripe barely recovered from shock in time to duck. He’s trying to kill me! So I’ll have to kill him first…

                Hollowtree twisted away from Flamestripe when he swung his paw towards the tom’s head. The flame-colored tom managed to grab one of Hollowtree’s forepaws, but the tom pulled free of his grasp. He lunged at Flamestripe, who sidestepped and leapt forward, crashing into his side and knocking him over.

                Flamestripe leaned forward to kill him, but Hollowtree moved his head and heaved himself upward. But the young warrior clung on. “Nice try,” Flamestripe hissed.

                Hollowtree sighed and relaxed. He closed his eyes as if preparing for the death blow, and Flamestripe hesitated. That’s when Hollowtree slithered out from under him and landed a blow to his muzzle.

                Flamestripe quickly jumped backwards before he could land another strike. As Hollowtree charged yet again, Flamestripe stood his ground and at the last instant, leapt at him. Both cats went rolling across the camp in a screeching whirlwind, launching blow after blow at each other and narrowly avoiding collision with other groups of battling cats.

                Flamestripe finally released his grip and both cats went tumbling onto the ground. The flame-colored tom rose exhaustedly to his feet. Hollowtree did the same. Flamestripe managed one last leap and Hollowtree’s attempt to sidestep failed. He planted a paw on the tom’s chest. “You may kill me,” Hollowtree panted. “But your beloved Clanmates will still die.”

                He’s trying to distract me.

                Flamestripe sank his teeth into the tom’s neck. Hollowtree fell limp in his jaws and slowly began to fade, leaving behind nothing but a dark pool of blood.

                Then, a screech came from behind him. Mousestorm collapsed to the ground as her opponent landed the death blow and the tom began to march towards the nursery entrance.


                Tiredness forgotten, Flamestripe raced back in the direction of the nursery. He flung himself onto the tom’s back. His new enemy reared up onto his hindlegs and Flamestripe lost his grip.

                He hit the ground hard, but quickly scrambled back onto his feet. Before the tom could sink back down to all four paws, Flamestripe swept his hindlegs out from under him and pinned him to the ground. Refusing to think about it, the flame-colored tom quickly delivered the death blow.

                He dashed into the nursery. Petalfall sat inside, looking frightened, and Mousestorm’s kits seemed to be even more terrified. “Are you okay?” Flamestripe asked worriedly.

                She nodded and Flamestripe settled down beside her. “Don’t worry. Until the battle is over, I will stay here and protect you. I swear to StarClan, for as long as I am alive, I will not let any cat harm you without the fight of their life,” he promised.

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