Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

                Whitepaw was extremely frustrated.

                Honeywhisker had “punished” him for his “bad attitude” by forcing him to stay home from the Gathering. But she had no idea that was what Whitepaw had wanted…

                He’d been looking forward to the moves Thornwhisker or Splashheart would teach him tonight. Instead, he’d had a dumb dream about Crazystar’s kits.

                The kits had snuck out of camp. Blazekit stood on a branch of what Whitepaw guessed was the Sky Oak. Flamekit stood on the forest floor below. Blazekit leaned forward, searching for something…and lost his grip.

                The young kit screamed in terror, blue eyes widening. He slipped off of the branch and twisted desperately in mid-air, attempting to land on his feet.  Blazekit landed with a sickening sound and collapsed to the ground. His brother watched helplessly and rushed towards him.

                Flamekit grabbed him by the scruff and began to drag him slowly towards camp, yelling loudly for help…

                Whitepaw woke up. No! I wanted to train in the Dark Forest…

                It was barely moonhigh. The Gathering was probably just starting. The camp was silent but Whitepaw heard a distant cry….

                “Wake up!” the medicine cat apprentice shouted without thinking.

                Annoyed looking warriors, plus Leafstorm and Morningblaze, stumbled out of their dens. “What in StarClan’s name was that for, Whitepaw?” Graywhisker demanded.

                “Listen!” Whitepaw meowed and the camp fell silent.

                The call was growing more desperate with each moment and also becoming quieter. “Please, someone, help!”

                Morningblaze padded out of the warriors den. “Great StarClan, I thought I could sleep in the warriors den for one night without having to worry about those two!” Crazystar’s sister sighed.

                Whitepaw’s father, Goldentooth, who was the only senior warrior present at camp, looked quizzically at Morningblaze. “Who is it?” he asked.

                “It’s Flamekit,” she replied.

                Instantly, every cat was awake. The warriors all went racing out of the camp entrance.

                A little while later, they returned carrying Blazekit towards the medicine cat den, Flamekit following behind dejectedly. Finally, something interesting to do! “Whitepaw, can you help…” Goldentooth began.

                “Yes!” he exclaimed. “I may not be Honeywhisker, but I do have a brain!”

                Whitepaw removed the last pawful of comfrey and a few leaves of thyme for shock from their herb supplies. After forcing them down the unconscious kit’s throat, he started to examine Blazekit for injuries. Then, Honeywhisker, apparently just returning from the boring Gathering, came forcing her way inside through the crowd of anxious warriors. “What in StarClan’s name happened?” the medicine cat demanded.

                “Two kits that belong to a certain leader snuck out of camp,” Whitepaw answered.

                “Did you give him comfrey? Thyme?” Honeywhisker asked.

                “Yes,” Whitepaw sighed with annoyance.

                Honeywhisker searched Blazekit for injuries, particularly broken bones, just as Whitepaw had been doing before. She finally glanced up. “His breathing is steady, slightly faster than usual,” the golden she-cat announced. “Heartbeat is strong but more rapid than normal. Hindlegs broken, bones shifted out of position, need to be pushed back to the proper position. Front legs only fractured, will heal on their own. Now Whitepaw hold him still.”

                Whitepaw placed a paw on Blazekit’s chest to prevent him from moving. Honeywhisker placed her teeth on his right hind leg and then closed them. Blazekit whimpered in his sleep but did not fidget. She repeated the process on the other leg and then stepped back.

                That’s when they heard Crazystar, sounding like she was panicking.  “WHERE ARE MY KITS?”

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