Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

                It was a normal day, and Flamepaw was on the dawn patrol along the WindClan border. He’d been an apprentice for over four moons now, and his brother, Blazepaw, had joined him a little less than three moons ago. His brother’s right hindleg hadn’t healed properly, leaving Blazepaw with an awkward limp, but he’d learned to fight despite the injury. Just yesterday, Petalpaw had finally left the company of Mousestorm’s kits, Breezekit, Smallkit, and Dewkit.

                “Strong scent of RiverClan,” Blazepaw reported, limping ahead of Flamepaw.

                Stonestream, who was leading the patrol, halted. “RiverClan? Why in StarClan’s name would RiverClan be on this side of the lake?” Flamepaw’s father asked.

                Blazepaw didn’t answer. Instead, he stared at a bush that was rustling ever so slightly and Flamepaw caught a glimpse of red fur.Fox…no, that’s a cat…

                Stonestream noticed too. “ThunderClan, attack!” he shouted.

                Blazepaw and Flamepaw both worked together to pull the red-furred she-cat out of the bush and were shocked to see it was Salmonstar, the RiverClan leader. Stonestream and Blackwing attacked the other two cats.

                Salmonstar twisted away from them and scrambled to her feet. “Stop it! We came to talk to Crazystar, not to fight!” she shouted.

                “What would you want to do with my leader?” Stonestream demanded.

                “You were there in the RiverClan camp! You know better than most cats why Crazystar and I are friends,” the RiverClan leader meowed. “I came to meet her kits.”

                Stonestream nodded to Blazepaw and Flamepaw. “Those are our kits,” he meowed.

                “I didn’t know they were apprentices yet!” Salmonstar purred. “So I assume you’re Blazepaw and Flamepaw? Which one of you is Blazepaw and which one of you is Flamepaw?”

                “I’m Flamepaw and that’s Blazepaw,” the flame-colored tom answered.

                “Would you mind taking me back to camp?” the red-furred she-cat asked, but Flamepaw suspected she was asking Stonestream as well. “I want to say hi to Crazystar while I’m still on this side of the lake.”

                Stonestream met her amber gaze and sighed. “Only if the rest of your patrol goes back to the RiverClan camp,” he growled.

                Salmonstar hesitated. “Fine,” she responded. “Leopardtooth, Berryfur, you can go back to camp.”

                As soon as the two warriors were gone, Stonestream started the walk back to camp. Salmonstar tried to have a friendly conversation with the two brothers. “So how’s training?” she asked.

                “Fine, battle training is the best,” Flamepaw replied.

                “No, hunting is better!” Blazepaw protested.

                Salmonstar laughed. “Do you think the weather is fine?” she continued the conversation.

                “I don’t know, it is a little bit cold,” Flamepaw meowed.

                “A little bit is an understatement,” his brother grumbled.

                “It isn’t really cold until the river freezes and it starts snowing,” she chuckled. “Just you wait until leaf-bare.”

                “Still as talkative as ever, Salmonstar, aren’t you?” Stonestream called over his shoulder.

                “No!” Salmonstar shouted. “I’m even more talkative.”

                Stonestream couldn’t help but laugh. “Well, we’re at camp now, so you can go annoy Crazystar instead of my kits,” he meowed teasingly.

                Salmonstar gave him a playful shove before climbing the Highledge.

                A cream-colored she-cat walked over to him with a two mice in her jaws. She settled down beside Flamepaw. “Hi! I brought you a mouse. Do you want to…” Petalpaw began.

                He sat down. “Sure,” he replied and she tossed him a mouse.

                He ripped into the juicy meat. The warm, rich flavor filled his mouth and he sighed happily. “So I hear you and Blazepaw had your final assessment yesterday?” Petalpaw meowed.

                “Yeah,” Flamepaw answered, recalling how nervous he’d been.

                “And? Did you pass?” she asked.

                He lowered his head. “I don’t know,” he whispered. “They never said anything so…”

                “I’m sure you did!” Petalpaw meowed encouragingly. “You’re awesome at everything especially that leap and turn move Graywhisker just taught me that I can’t do properly!”

                “I just don’t know and I wish I did,” he murmured.

                Just then, Crazystar came out onto the Highledge. “Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey…”

                “It’s your naming ceremony!” Petalpaw exclaimed excitedly.

                Flamepaw wasn’t so certain until Crazystar called, “Flamepaw, Blazepaw, step forward.”

                He trembled with excitement. It was finally here! All the training would be worthwhile….

                “I, Crazystar, leader of ThunderClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down upon these two apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code and I commend them to you as warriors in their turn. Blazepaw and Flamepaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this Clan, even at the cost of your life?” she asked.

                “I do!” Flamepaw declared, and Blazepaw’s voice echoed his statement.

                “Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior names,” the gray-furred she-cat continued. “Blazepaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Blazestorm. StarClan honors your determination and talent, and we welcome you as a full warrior of ThunderClan.”

                Now it’s my turn!

                “Flamepaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Flamestripe,” his mother announced. “StarClan honors your courage and loyalty and we welcome you as a full warrior of our Clan. My kits, I couldn’t be more proud of you than I am right now.”

                Flamestripe! That’s a cool name!

                The Clan chanted the names and Petalpaw was the first to come congratulate him. “Flamestripe!” she purred. “I guess you’ve had the fortune of escaping from me for another few moons. But don’t worry, you’ll have to put up with me again soon!”

                Flamestripe and Blazestorm exchanged glances and then walked to the center of the camp as the noise died down. Their silent vigil was about to begin…

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