December 18th

162 5 0

The shelter that the group meets at is festive and cheery. Shin's glad for it, and for the loud hustle and bustle of the place. She'd woken off and wholly confused as to why, she hasn't been able to figure out the reason and it's got her pretty down.

The charity work is helping. It's Sarah's thing, apparently, her choice of bonding activity and Shin can definitely see the merits of it. There's something about giving back that certainly does wonders for each of them. Shin can see it and it's beautiful.

It's settled her. So much so the words come out of her mouth before she even realizes it's coming.

"I think I want to come back."

Erik, the only person to hear her, doesn't even blink. In fact, he barely acknowledges that he's heard her, but Shin knows that's not the case.

Eventually, he says, "Of course, you do."

He knows her. Of course, he does. He's her best friend. She wonders now if Erik has ever thought of this.

Erik is not surprised. He's seen this coming. He's always been good at seeing her.

"I'm sure I can still find a job here, right?" she teases, both of them giggling.

"They'd kill just to have you. But, you'll be bored."

Yeah, she would be, and maybe that's part of what's keeping her in the UK to begin with. There's always a new adventure.

"Why would you come back?"

This is why she talks to Erik. She knows, in experience, he always knows the right questions to ask, or things to say without making her feel small or stupid.

"My family's here, Erik. And because you guys are here. You guys are family too."

He nods once, she can see it out the corner of her eye. "All of us?"

Shin rolls her eyes. It's not a subtle question, not that she thinks it's meant to be one. "I wouldn't uproot my life just for a relationship."

Not even for a relationship she's yearned for. Honestly, she's too career-oriented for that, which sounds selfish and everything, but it is what it is.

She blows out a breath, "I love London, I do, but- It's not the same."

"Neither are you."

"No," she agrees. "And maybe that's why it's time to come back."

To come home.

There's a sparkle of approval in Erik's eyes, like he's already figured her head. She's not sure if she hates him for it or she's thankful.

"What would you do?"

"Join the circus again," she says.

They huff a laugh. "You know the circus, Erik. There's always something to do."

They fall into an easy, natural silence for a few minutes, spooning bowls of soup and chatting quietly with the people in line.

"Are you going to tell him?" Erik asks.

Shin shakes her head, her eyes seeking Ian out without thinking. "I don't want to get his hopes up. I don't want to get anyone's hopes up." That's why he made Erik swear to secrecy, to not tell anyone about it just yet.

Ian looks up in that cliché way, and makes his way towards her. There's worry in his eyes and she wondered if there'd been something in hers.

"Everything okay?" he asks, accepting the ladle Erik holds out.

She smiles and meets Erik's eyes just before he wanders off. The latter 

offers a nod. He'll keep her secret. He always does. So Shin leans over and presses a bit of a lingering kiss to Ian's cheek. "Everything's great."

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