December 23rd

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They have a dinner at Yeng's place. But before that, Yeng texts them early afternoon asking them to bring candles to a church on the outskirts of the city. She's got a bunch of them from her favorite store the other day. She's ready when Ian picks her up. She takes time to lean in and press a kiss on Ian's cheek.

"Happy Christmas Eve Eve!" she almost sings as she belts herself in.

She exchanges smiles with Ian. His hold more though, a knowledge that in two days, she has to make a decision. As if she has a decision to make at this point. She knows what her answer is going to be.

The church is beautiful, a nature-themed one, almost looking like a forest. They proceed to the back like Yeng told them to. There's a clearing in the middle of the trees and it virtually sparkles in the dark with the flickering candles. Shin is in awe. Ian is too.

They are the last to arrive. They exchange hellos and Merry Christmases. Yeng has been mum about what they're doing and where they are.

"Yan and I like to call this our prayer garden" she finally says. She has everyone's attention in split second and she knows it. "We privately made our promises of love to each other here. It's peaceful and solemn. We're sharing this only to you guys because you guys are important to us. Light a candle, say your prayers, your wishes, and maybe also light a candle for someone who can't be with us now."

Ian sucks in an almost a silent breath. The only way Shin knows about it is because she's half leaned on his shoulder.

"There's no pressure," Yeng makes sure to say. "You don't have to do it if you don't feel like it. We've all had a year of emotional roller coaster, and sometimes we just want peace and I hope this brings us peace somehow."

They all stand side by side. Shin is standing between Erik and Ian. Sarah is next to Erik, who has Mark standing beside her. Yeng is next to Mark with her husband on her other side.

Shin links her arm through Erik's without thinking. He squeezes it against his side in return. She doesn't even half to say anything. He already knows.

They listen intently to each other's prayers and wishes as they place the candles one by one. Shin is the last one.

She sighs before speaking. "You know, one of the most important people in my life would always say: Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast. It is not proud, it is not rude. It is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered. It keeps no records of wrongs. Love does not-"

"Delight in evil but rejoices with the truth," Ian picks, startling them both. "It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

"1 Corinthians 13" Ian finishes.

Shin steps forward to place her candle and says, "here's to moving forward."

Though she does not elaborate, everyone is stunned and looking at her. This could mean many things. For Ian though – who reaches for Shin's hand and squeezes it- it can only mean one thing, and he hopes it only means one thing.


The dinner is a happier affair and they make it into a party. There's eggnog and gifts and so much laughter.

It isn't until Shin and Ian are on the porch that they get to have a little moment. "You know, I have never felt like so at home until I got back.

"I thought you like London?" he asks. He knows the answer, of course. But he needs to hear it from her.

"I do. It's amazing. But being here, right now, with my family, with you guys, I realized that London does not feel like home. Not compared to this."

It's on the tip of his tongue to demand she moves. It's the logical answer, the only answer that makes sense. Here, is her home, Here with him, here with them, with her family.

But it isn't his decision and he refuses to put that kind of pressure on her.

So he squeezes her hand instead, offering her support as best as he can. She squeezes back with a smile that shakes around the edges.

He tugs her in, presses his mouth to hers. He can't make the decision for her, probably can't help her either, but he can present and extremely compelling argument for her return.

And maybe if he's lucky, or perhaps very, very good, she'll do just that.

She'll come home.

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