December 21st

238 9 1

Shin drops to the couch in Ian's condo with an exhausted sigh. It's late. It had been an extremely long day. A great day, yes, but exhausting.

She hears Ian chuckle from above her and she manages to glare at him. He doesn't apologize but he does hand her a cup of tea.

"I forget how much energy James has," she murmurs.

"You didn't have to handle story time," he says as he settles beside her.

"I kinda do. I was secretly giving him Kitkat bars after dinner," she answers.

He just chuckles again and her head drops to his shoulder. He wraps his arm around her easily and her eyes close. His fingers slide through her hair as they bask in silence for a moment.

"You're good with him," Ian says after a few minutes.

She hums her acknowledgement. It's not the first time he's said that. It's also not the first time anyone's said that about her. But this time she feels like it's different. Maybe it's the way he says it, or the fact that their relationship is different now. But her stomach flips in all good ways.

"You're good with Hanna too. You're good with both of them."

This time, she tips her head back for a kiss he's more than willing to give. She lets herself sink into the kiss, in part because she was the one who wanted it in the first place but also because he's just a damn good kisser.

She then pulls back, but only long enough to set her tea on the coffee table, to take his mug and do the same before she climbs onto his lap.


She kisses him, silences him, because she doesn't want to hear the arguments that's on the tip of his tongue. Especially not when she's sliding her knee across his thigh so she can straddle him, pushes her more firmly against him. God, the feel of him, the heat of him is exquisite against her. Ian breaks the kiss, panting against her cheek.

"Shin, no," he says.

"No," she agrees, breathlessly. "No skin, just- just this."

And even though neither of them have managed to catch their breath, she dives in again and he responds. His fingers digging hard into her hips before he gives in and runs them up her back.

She glad, thankful even, because she can feel all sorts of confessions bubbling up in her throat. She wants to tell him everything. She wants to tell him she wants to come back, tell him she doesn't want London if her family isn't there, if he isn't there. She wants to tell him about her full heart and the way her stomach flips when he's in the room.

She kisses him instead.

The things, it must be a bit of a tell because the next time they break for air, he slides one hand into her hair and pulls her tight, tucking her head into his neck. She huffs a little but doesn't argue because she's tired and she hopes that maybe, if he doesn't make her look at him, she'll manage to keep it all inside.

"Everything okay?" he mumbles after a minute of silence.

She nods, "tired."

The secret-keeping gods must be on her side today because instead of asking questions, he surprises her by sliding his hands under her thighs and lifting her. She squeaks because she can't help it.

"Bed," he says and actually carries her all the way to his bedroom.

It's incredibly domestic, getting ready for bed together. Shin longs for more moments like these.

It isn't until they're curled in bed together, Shin pressed against his back, that he squeezes the hand she has curled against his stomach.

"When you figure it out, you'll tell me, right?"

Shin blinks.

"Always," she replies, hoping to God her voice doesn't break. She's in luck because he just squeezes her fingers before letting them brush against his lips.


She make sure he's definitely asleep when she presses her mouth very gently to his shoulder blade and whispers, "I love you. I'm coming home."

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