Prologue: Part Two

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Consider these hospital visits kinda sorta like small flashbacks.

Whatever helps you understand.

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Prologue: Part Two

Stiles said nothing to Scott as he approached Katherine's hospital room.

He took a moment to capture how different she looked.

She was pale, her usual warmly tan skin was now a pale and sickening white, gray color, showing how truly sick she was.

And the tube sticking from her throat was definitely something Stiles couldn't get used to.

The boy felt his chest tighten as he looked at his first and only love, feeling completely helpless as he watched the heart monitor beep, it's normally annoying tone seeming to comfort Stiles, because he knew, that as long as the monitor beeped, Katherine was alive.

"How is she?" He asked softly.

Scott sighed, "The doctors said-"

"I wasn't talking to you." Stiles snapped, nodding to Dr. Dunbar as he checked Katherine's vitals, "I was talking to him." He stated, "The Doctor."

Scott felt his heart constrict in his chest, feeling immensely hurt and broken after his best friend's snap. He knew he had messed up with Stiles, but they had always been brought back together..

By the girl in the hospital bed.

Dr. Dunbar sighed, putting his pen into his breast pocket, "Her vitals suggest she's doing fine, but her test results state otherwise." He said, passing the boys to close the door to the girl's room.

"Well, what do her test results say?" Scott asked hesitantly.

Dunbar shook his head, and continued to walk to the front desk, "I'm afraid I can't say."

"Doc!" Stiles called sadly, "Just-please." He whispered brokenly.

Something in the young boys voice seemed to strike a chord in Dr. Dunbar, and he turned around, pulling in a calming breath, "The photos we got back from the MRI tell us that her even being alive is a miracle itself."

Stiles stumbled back, gripping onto the wall behind him to steady himself, "What's wrong with her?" He asked.

Dr. Dunbar paused for a moment, "Her left lung collapsed, various organs have been punctured by the wood we found piercing her lower abdomen, she may even have cerebral hemorrhaging from whatever fall or impact hit her.. She's definitely going to need another couple of surgeries."

Scott's already low head fell, and his shoulders sagged in pure guilt and sadness, "Why isn't she healing?" He whispered to himself quietly, "She-she's supposed to be healing."

🎶🎶 Stiles shook his head, "Scott-"

"No! No, they're going to die! Everyone!! Everyone's going to die!"

Scott and Stiles wasted no time rushing back to their best friend's room, standing in front of the open door, seeing Katherine McCall, wide eyed and frantic as she struggled against the grip of the scared nurses.

"I have to warn them!" She cried, "Please! I have to tell my friends!" She screamed, "Stop touching me!"

"Katherine?" Stiles whispered.

The pale girl's frenzied eyes snapped to Stiles Stilinski, and her once frantic eyes were now blazing with an unforgettable flame.

"You're going to die!" She screamed at him, convulsing in her bed, "You have to run! You're all going to die! You have to get away!"

Katherine looked out of her mind.

"Where the hell is Dunbar?!" A nurse yelled, "We need that Methohexital now!" He struggled to hold Katherine down as her limbs flailed aimlessly.

Stiles reached out towards Katherine as she screamed out in raw fear, struggling to get to her brother and Stiles, "Please! Help me!" She cried, "I've seen it! I've seen what they can do! You can't be saved! La bête is closer to us than you know!"

She reached out a hand, the tips of her icy fingers brushing against Stiles, making him shiver in both fear, and utter love for the girl's touch he so missed.

She was just in his grasp.

Dunbar rushed in, carrying a syringe, shoving Stiles away from Katherine, ignoring the boys grunt of anger, "Hold her down!" He demanded, trying to get a clear spot to inject the sedative.

"Stop!" Stiles cried, struggling against Scott as he held him back, "Stop it, you're hurting her! Stop!" He screamed, slapping at Scott's strong arms when he heard Katherine sob his name.

Katherine let out one last cry as the sharp needle pierced the toned skin of her arm, meeting her brothers eyes, seeing them glazed with tears as she slowly fell unconscious, "Why, Scott?" She slurred weakly, "Why wouldn't you hel-" she didn't get to finish her sentence, falling back into what may have seemed to be a peaceful sleep.

Stiles and Scott froze as they watched the girl they've grown up with sink into the white linen sheets of her hospital bed, a breath of air puffing from her lips as the nurses tucked her back into the messy covers.

Scott McCall, Katherine McCall, and Stiles Stilinski.

The three musketeers.

The triple threat; them against the world.

They've been together since the beginning, and Katherine was the glue that was holding them together.

Stiles sniffled, roughly shoving Scott away from him, swiping under his runny nose and his watery eyes before angrily storming away.

And now, the glue is weakening and falling apart, letting go of the objects it once held so tightly together.

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