Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

"She's awake? She's awake?! Well, let me see her!"

Melissa held Stiles' arms sternly, her brown eyes looking completely lost, "Stiles. Stiles, just wait!" She told him, trying to capture his attention that seemed to be placed solely on her daughter.

His tired eyes widened, "Wait? She's awake and in that hospital room alive. I need to tell her-I have to tell her-Melissa!" Stiles began struggling against Melissa again us she held him back from entering Katherine's hospital room.

Scott and Malia stood behind him, their heads bowed as they thought of the possible anger that Katherine was holding at the two of them; Scott for betraying her and not trusting her, and Malia for ignoring and not protecting her. They couldn't even begin to comprehend what would lay ahead of them.

"Stiles, what are you talking about?" Melissa asked the boy.

"I need to-I need to tell her I love her.." He bit his lip, "Melissa.. Please." He whispered, "I love her."

Scott and Malia's heads were still bowed as both of them tried to find the courage to even consider approaching the girl they failed to protect. Again.

Melissa shook her head, sighing as she moved away from holding Stiles, "Okay."

He'll just have to see it. Melissa thought.

Stiles was quick to open the hospital door, seeing Katherine sitting at the edge of her hospital bed, Dr. Dunbar shining a light into her eyes, checking the dilation of her pupils.

"Do you know where you are?" Dunbar asked, pushing his light back into his coat pocket, clicking the top of his pen.

Katherine paused, staring at the doctor, "I'm in a hospital, obviously." She told him, "The heart monitors and the stench of bleach made that pretty clear."

Dr. Dunbar rose his eyebrow, scribbling something onto the sheet of paper on his clipboard, "Yes, but what hospital exactly?"

That's where the brunette froze, "I-"

Stiles couldn't take it any longer; he rushed over to Katherine, making sure he was careful with her body, not wanting to hurt her, as he hugged her.

"I'm sorry." He said, "For everything. God, I love you." He breathed, pulling back to push his cold, lonely lips to hers, missing them.

But the moment was ruined when Katherine pushed him away, wiping her mouth softly in shock as Stiles stumbled back.

"Katherine, what's wrong?" He asked her, hurt.

Why would she push me away from her? She doesn't hate me, does she? Stiles worried, Does she still love me?

Katherine sighed, "Is anyone going to tell me who the hell Katherine is? Or am I going to have to solve this like some sort of Scooby Doo episode?"

Stiles froze, "W-what? Katherine-"

"Who are you?" She interrupted him, "Because I've never seen you before in my life.. I don't even know your name... I-um, I'm sorry?" She offered, suddenly feeling a rushing sense of guilt at how rude she had sounded.

The air in Stiles' lungs was now nonexistent as he stared at his first love in front of him, the completely lost look on her face confirming everything he wished wasn't true.

"She lost her memory?" Stiles choked out, stumbling back.

"It's temporary!" Melissa was quick to say, "It's completely common with the blood loss and head trauma, and it will be back before we know it. She's not gone, she's just..." Melissa trailed off, not knowing what to say to the people around her.

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