Chapter 14

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Good Morning; have a good Friday!

Chapter 14

I sighed impatiently as I sat in the hospital bed, waiting for Melissa or Dr. Dunbar to come and finally let me leave.

" 'Don't leave until we come back.' They said. 'It won't take long.' They said." I mumbled, " 'You could've at least left me a book to read'. I thought."

"This is a Code White, full hospital evac.. this.. Code.. every patient... be safe... Again this is a Code Whi.... Critical patients will be... Hill Valley..."

I gave the speaker in the corner of my room a confused look, "What the hell?" I mumbled, standing to my feet, "What the hells a Code White?"

I froze as the lights in my room flickered, a loud crash sounding in the floors under me. I heard people scream, sending a wave of pure fear rushing through my body, making me freeze.

What the hell is going on?

I slowly opened the door to my room, peeking out of the small crack I had made, "Hello?" I called, "Melissa? Dr. Dunbar?"

I stumbled back as a loud growl and another crash sounded down the hall, my eyes widening and my blood running cold at the terrifying sound. My lights flickered, and I quickly crouched into a corner of the room, away from the door as the phone Melissa gave me rang.

I looked to see Stiles' name rotating across the screen, making me gulp as I answered it, "Stiles?"

"Katherine, where are you? Are you at home? Did you get back home?"

Another crash sounded, the growls even louder than before as I shook my head, "No, I'm at the hospital still. I'm waiting for Melissa or Dr. Dunbar."

I heard him curse at the other end of the phone, and he took a deep breath, "Yeah, they're not coming."

"What?" I exclaimed, "Wha-Stiles, what's going on? What the hell is a Code White?"

"Katherine, what floor are you on?" He suddenly asked, ignoring my questions.

I shook my head, "Umm, f-four. I'm on the fourth floor, why?"

He cursed again, and I heard the scuffling of feet, like he and someone else were running. He never answered me, and I flinched as something growled angrily, crashes sounding from outside of my room, like something was fighting.

"Stiles? Stiles, what's going on?!" I panicked.

"Katherine, don't move, okay? I swear to God, don't you dare leave that room. I'm coming." He told me.

I bit my thumbnail nervously, lowering my voice to a whisper, "Stiles, somethings up here. And it's not happy."

"Don't move."

I hung up on him, staying to the corner of my room as the crashes, grunts, and growls continued. I paused as the sounds stopped, making me feel more than relieved. I slowly stood to my feet, keeping close to the walls as I slowly approached the door, pausing every few steps to listen for the things.

I finally approached the door, and I took a deep breath, putting my hand on the handle.

One... Two... Three...

I swing the heavy door open, gasping as a man was thrown backwards, his whole body encased in flames.

I covered my mouth, "Oh my God."


I slowly peeked out of my room, looking down the hall to see both Scott and Stiles slowly making their way down the destroyed hall. My eyes widened at the blood on the ground and the things on fire. And the boys both stared at the floor, confused looks on their faces.

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